Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 1632)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#864 setup-api handles copying of directories not properly on windows felix winkelmann defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#866 gc goes crazy with faulty finalizers felix winkelmann defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#869 xsubstring with negative `from' argument returns empty string defect major core libraries
#870 SRFI-13's string comparison procedures return integers defect major core libraries
#878 expected results for SRFI-13's make-kmp-restart-vector defect major 4.10.0 core libraries
#888 irregex: SRE utility pattern 'real does not match negative numbers defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#889 irregex-match-end gives odd results with chunked searches defect major core libraries
#895 stack-overflow check fails incorrectly on Sparc64 felix winkelmann defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#905 Unreliable behavior of hash-table-copy with symbols as keys (regression wrt 4.7.4) sjamaan defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#909 strange behaviour with define-record and modules defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#910 Failure with many arguments on amd64 felix winkelmann defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#929 chicken-install should rm shared libraries prior to install Jim Ursetto defect minor 5.0 core libraries
#936 install-extension error when chicken-install is called with -prefix and an item of the given filelist is a pair defect major someday core libraries
#941 Add option to process-fork to allow creating a subprocess with only the current thread enhancement minor someday core libraries
#950 add support for 64-bit windows felix winkelmann enhancement major someday core libraries
#951 print-length-limit defect minor someday core libraries
#959 make-pathname strips leading seperator in FILENAME component defect major someday core libraries
#971 move C_path_to_executable out of chicken.h evhan enhancement minor 4.10.0 core libraries
#974 heap size > 4GB impossible on 64-bit Jim Ursetto defect major someday core libraries
#978 Ports don't keep track of "column" anymore - restore this sjamaan defect not urgent at all someday core libraries
#989 High CPU usage when calling signal handler multiple times defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#999 Unit ports uses read-string! from unit extras, causing errors (segfaults) in programs that only (use ports) felix winkelmann defect major someday core libraries
#1008 file unit treats slash and backslash as path separators even on systems where they aren't defect major someday core libraries
#1014 posix: string->time preserves the year accross multiple invocations defect major someday core libraries
#1047 irregex extracts wrong submatches in some situations sjamaan defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#1051 Implementation of C_flonum_rat is probably buggy sjamaan defect major someday core libraries
#1059 C_c_*vector are using the wrong lolevel accessors sjamaan defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1062 make check on windows: assertion failed: (equal? 1.0 (numerator 0.0)) defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1064 irregex-match with `eow` doesn't behave like example in docs defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1065 irregex-match with `look-ahead` doesn't behave like the example in the docs defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1077 Symbols containing newlines don't get quoted by write sjamaan defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1085 srfi-1's list= and lset procedures don't check their first arguments defect not urgent at all 4.10.0 core libraries
#1096 (abs most-negative-fixnum) does return negative value defect minor 5.0 core libraries
#1097 subvector fails at vector-length chicken-team defect major someday core libraries
#1101 reverse-list->string is not provided by srfi-13 (but by library.scm instead) defect minor 4.10.0 core libraries
#1107 Compiling with OpenBSD's gcc-4.2.1 produces 2 warnings when compiling posixunix.c defect minor 4.12.0 core libraries
#1133 segfault violation when using tcp-accept (as last s-exp?) defect critical someday core libraries
#1135 string-copy! bug defect major 4.10.0 core libraries
#1136 move-memory! bug similar to #1135 defect major 4.10.0 core libraries
#1142 CR: remove queues, mmap, evict and binary search from core libraries felix winkelmann change request minor 5.0 core libraries
#1153 Behavior of normalize-pathname on the root directory defect minor 4.10.0 core libraries
#1172 The overhead of loading import files is noticable defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1173 Symbols held in GC-roots are sometimes collected in "symbol-gc" mode defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1185 wrong sorting example for topological-sort defect major 5.3 core libraries
#1186 module-environment is broken for non-primitive modules defect major 4.11.0 core libraries
#1191 In deployed binaries, evaluated code cannot load modules evhan defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1227 parameterize bug defect major 4.11.0 core libraries
#1231 mutex-lock! leaves mutex in wrong state defect major 4.11.0 core libraries
#1232 signal handling smashes memory management defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1255 Parallel signal dispatch may corrupt the stack limit defect major someday core libraries
#1269 Port or reader state corruption defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1270 process procedures should expect their env parameter in the same format get-environment-variables uses change request not urgent at all 5.0 core libraries
#1272 string->number crash defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1273 (use cairo) results in Error: (load) during expansion of (import ...) - unable to load compiled module defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1280 Literal decoding error when compiling for ARM64 defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1283 Runaway stack problem defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1292 Unit posix: documentation incomplete defect not urgent at all someday core libraries
#1295 module-environment use with macros defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1297 variables defined inside closure survive beyond closure! change request not urgent at all someday core libraries
#1308 process-execute segfaults with huge amount of arguments defect minor 4.12.0 core libraries
#1309 CHICKEN allows misplaced internal defines, which live on outside the body defect critical 5.0 core libraries
#1318 Add peak (and average?) memory usage to `time` macro defect not urgent at all 5.1 core libraries
#1322 Locale can influence how CHICKEN reads numbers defect major 4.12.0 core libraries
#1332 keywords have no read/write invariance defect major 4.12.0 core libraries
#1336 Another parameterize issue reported by Joo ChurlSoo defect critical 4.12.0 core libraries
#1337 Runtime crashes on C callbacks defect major 4.12.0 core libraries
#1342 define-record-type doesn't define type name defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1361 Update explicit info strings in calls to `getter-with-setter` enhancement minor 5.0 core libraries
#1365 bitwise-not returns wrong values on non-negative arguments defect minor 5.1 core libraries
#1367 Possible memory leak related to mutexes defect not urgent at all 4.13.0 core libraries
#1374 `display' issue with UTF-8 defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1379 Improve "heap-shrinkage" rate enhancement minor 5.2 core libraries
#1381 The windows feature should not be set on Cygwin felix winkelmann defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1385 bit-set? argument order is reversed enhancement not urgent at all 5.0 core libraries
#1386 file-read-access? returns #f for non-existent files defect minor 5.0 core libraries
#1398 read-all in C5 felix winkelmann defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1422 for-each behaves inconsistently when compiled versus interpreted on lists of unequal length defect major 5.2 core libraries
#1426 test-finalizers may break in interpreted mode when importing posix felix winkelmann defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1428 Embedded test triggers invalid read in Valgrind and asan defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1433 Static egg linkling seems to be broken defect critical 5.0 core libraries
#1442 file-copy in compiled code causes segfaults sjamaan defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1461 file access test fails on windows (wine only? 64bit only?) with PLATFORM=mingw defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1462 srfi-4 unit should support s64 and u64 vectors in Chicken 5 defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1463 (use foo) depends on rigid conventions that can and should be relaxed enhancement minor someday core libraries
#1467 Bare hashes cause confusing error message in scripts sjamaan enhancement minor 5.1 core libraries
#1518 Unimplemented procedures in (chicken file posix) defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1534 string<=? and string>=? return the wrong value for some strings defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1540 Used heap reported by memory-statistics is too big after heap resize megane task minor 5.3 core libraries
#1565 file-lock/blocking failing defect major someday core libraries
#1572 read/write invariance of #! is violated defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1576 Keywords get encoded with leading NUL byte, breaking read-write invariance of symbols starting with a NUL byte defect minor 5.1 core libraries
#1581 record-instance? from (chicken memory representation) fails in modules defect minor 5.1 core libraries
#1587 imag-part should return 0 instead of 0.0 on a flonum defect minor 5.1 core libraries
#1602 POSIX permission definitions are wrong defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1609 chicken.file.posix#file-type should accept a port Robert C Jensen defect not urgent at all 5.1 core libraries
#1625 Empty keyword is not read as such sjamaan defect minor 5.2 core libraries
#1637 Build fails on Debian/armel defect critical 5.2 core libraries
#1650 Empty program will sometimes do a major GC, sometimes not - figure out why sjamaan task major 5.3 core libraries
#1661 irregex-replace/all behaves weirdly at bos/bol defect major 5.2 core libraries
#1663 "make check" fails on mingw-msys on repository search path test defect major 5.2 core libraries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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