Opened 8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#1381 closed defect (wontfix)

The windows feature should not be set on Cygwin

Reported by: johnwcowan Owned by: felix winkelmann
Priority: major Milestone: 5.0
Component: core libraries Version: 4.12.0
Keywords: Cc:
Estimated difficulty: easy


In general, the assumption that Cygwin is Windows is a bad idea. Cygwin doesn't like Windows paths, though it can tolerate them in some circumstances, and process execution is done via bash, not via cmd. On a Cygwin build, the windows: entry in (features) should not be present.

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by sjamaan

Estimated difficulty: easy
Milestone: someday5.0

I think changing this for CHICKEN 4 is a bit too radical, but for CHICKEN 5 it's a good idea to change this.

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by felix winkelmann

Owner: set to felix winkelmann
Status: newaccepted

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by felix winkelmann

(software-type) returns #:windows on Cygwin systems (because that is what it is.) I'd rather change those places that exhibit wrong behaviour by assuming a windows feature implies a non-cygwin system.

Is there specific beahviour that is wrong, or is this just a philosophical issue?

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by johnwcowan

Well, specifically build-platform's outputs don't make sense. 'cygwin', 'gnu', and 'clang' are all possible results, but you can build on Cygwin with either gcc or clang. By promoting Cygwin to an OS, we can get sensible results from build-platform.

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by sjamaan

Resolution: wontfix
Status: acceptedclosed

We've already changed build-platform to return gnu on Cygwin/gcc. software-type is the operating system, which is still Windows.

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