Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#905 closed defect (fixed)

Unreliable behavior of hash-table-copy with symbols as keys (regression wrt 4.7.4)

Reported by: Ivan Raikov Owned by: sjamaan
Priority: critical Milestone: 4.9.0
Component: core libraries Version: 4.8.x
Keywords: Cc:
Estimated difficulty:

Description (last modified by Ivan Raikov)

The nemo program relies heavily on performing transformations over hash tables with symbols as keys. It works fine with Chicken 4.7.4, but unfortunately there seems to have been a regression in 4.8.0rc1, which results in hash-table-exists? and hash-table-ref failing to find any of the existing keys in the table after hash-table-copy has been performed.
The following code reproduces the issue:

(import scheme chicken)
(require-extension srfi-69 srfi-1)

(define t (make-hash-table hash: symbol-hash))

(hash-table-set! t 'k1 1)

(define prefix (gensym "test"))
 (lambda (k v)
   ;;    (printf "hash-table-set! ~A ~A~%" k v)
   (hash-table-set! t k v))
 (list-tabulate 10 (lambda (i) (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string prefix) ":" (symbol->string (gensym "k"))))))
 (list-tabulate 10 (lambda (i) i))

(print (hash-table->alist t))
;; hash-table-ref works as expected
(print (hash-table-ref t 'k1))
(print (hash-table-ref t 'test17:k29))

(define t2 (hash-table-copy t))

(print (hash-table->alist t2))

;; hash-table-ref fails
(print (hash-table-ref t2 'k1))
(print (hash-table-ref t2 'test17:k29))

Perhaps the hash tables stop working after some garbage collections have been performed. This issue is not entirely new; nemo previously used the environments egg, which was also exhibiting similar unreliable behavior, so I had resorted to using strings instead of symbols as keys. Any advice on how to debug this would be appreciated.

Attachments (1)

0001-For-copy-hash-table-after-making-a-new-hash-table-re.patch (2.9 KB) - added by sjamaan 13 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (18)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Ivan Raikov

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Ivan Raikov

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by sjamaan

Hi Ivan,

Perhaps I'm missing something, but you're using gensyms here. Those are uninterned, which means that any gensym'ed symbol is not {{eq?}} to a user-inserted symbol with the same printed representation. See this slightly modified version of your code:

(use srfi-1 srfi-69)

(define t (make-hash-table hash: symbol-hash))

(hash-table-set! t 'k1 1)
(hash-table-ref t 'k1)

  (lambda (k v)
    (printf "hash-table-set! ~A ~A~%" k v)
    (hash-table-set! t k v)
    (when (= v 9) ;; modification starts here
      (printf "Referencing ~A => ~A~%" k (hash-table-ref t k))
      (printf "Referencing ~A => ~A~%" 'k15 (hash-table-ref t 'k15))))
  (list-tabulate 10 (lambda (i) (gensym 'k)))
  (list-tabulate 10 (lambda (i) i)))

(print (hash-table->alist t))
(print (hash-table-ref t 'k15))

For me, this prints:

hash-table-set! k24 0
hash-table-set! k23 1
hash-table-set! k22 2
hash-table-set! k21 3
hash-table-set! k20 4
hash-table-set! k19 5
hash-table-set! k18 6
hash-table-set! k17 7
hash-table-set! k16 8
hash-table-set! k15 9
Referencing k15 => 9

Error: (hash-table-ref) hash-table does not contain key
#<hash-table (11)>

This is exactly as expected. Are you using gensyms in your actual program?

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by sjamaan

(I also get the same output with 4.7.0, by the way. If 4.7.4 behaved differently, it must've had some weird bug)

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by felix winkelmann

Owner: set to sjamaan
Status: newassigned

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by felix winkelmann

Ivan's example can't work: the default test function is equal?, but the keys in this case are gensyms and so never match, unless the exactly same gensym is given to hash-table-ref.

comment:7 in reply to:  3 ; Changed 13 years ago by Ivan Raikov

Hi Peter,

I must admit that I am ignorant of what "uninterned symbols" are, and neither the Chicken documentation nor the R5RS document explain this very well. R5RS has an exceptionally vague paragraph about "some implementations" that support or use uninterned symbols, and while the Chicken manual does list gensym under the section "Generating uninterned symbols", it does not specify what an uninterned symbol is. If indeed eq? does not hold for these symbols, I think such an important caveat needs to be featured prominently in the documentation. Would you be willing to add this to the manual?

And yes, unfortunately my example was a bit too simplified and does fail on 4.7.4 as well. However, I have just done a number of clean compilations of nemo with Chicken 4.7.4 and 4.8.0rc2 and can again confirm that 4.8.0rc2 hash tables with symbols as keys fail to find any of their elements after the tables are populated and several lookups are performed.

The symbols in nemo can be created as constants (e.g. '* '+ '/ for the basic arithmetic operators), by the expression parser (which uses string->symbol) or by the scope resolution machinery, which uses constructs of the form (string->symbol (string-append component-name ":" (symbol->string var-id)) where component-name is produced with gensym and var-id is produced with string->symbol. Hash table look ups can fail on any of these symbols, it seems to largely depend on the machine where the program is run. So this is indeed a tricky bug and any advice on how to track it down would be appreciated.

Replying to sjamaan:

Hi Ivan,

Perhaps I'm missing something, but you're using gensyms here. Those are uninterned, which means that any gensym'ed symbol is not {{eq?}} to a user-inserted symbol with the same printed representation. See this slightly modified version of your code:

(use srfi-1 srfi-69)

(define t (make-hash-table hash: symbol-hash))

(hash-table-set! t 'k1 1)
(hash-table-ref t 'k1)

  (lambda (k v)
    (printf "hash-table-set! ~A ~A~%" k v)
    (hash-table-set! t k v)
    (when (= v 9) ;; modification starts here
      (printf "Referencing ~A => ~A~%" k (hash-table-ref t k))
      (printf "Referencing ~A => ~A~%" 'k15 (hash-table-ref t 'k15))))
  (list-tabulate 10 (lambda (i) (gensym 'k)))
  (list-tabulate 10 (lambda (i) i)))

(print (hash-table->alist t))
(print (hash-table-ref t 'k15))

For me, this prints:

hash-table-set! k24 0
hash-table-set! k23 1
hash-table-set! k22 2
hash-table-set! k21 3
hash-table-set! k20 4
hash-table-set! k19 5
hash-table-set! k18 6
hash-table-set! k17 7
hash-table-set! k16 8
hash-table-set! k15 9
Referencing k15 => 9

Error: (hash-table-ref) hash-table does not contain key
#<hash-table (11)>

This is exactly as expected. Are you using gensyms in your actual program?

comment:8 in reply to:  7 ; Changed 13 years ago by felix winkelmann

I must admit that I am ignorant of what "uninterned symbols" are, and neither the Chicken documentation nor the R5RS document explain this very well. R5RS has an exceptionally vague paragraph about "some implementations" that support or use uninterned symbols, and while the Chicken manual does list gensym under the section "Generating uninterned symbols", it does not specify what an uninterned symbol is. If indeed eq? does not hold for these symbols, I think such an important caveat needs to be featured prominently in the documentation. Would you be willing to add this to the manual?

That makes sense. You can create a ticket for that, if you like.

The symbols in nemo can be created as constants (e.g. '* '+ '/ for the basic arithmetic operators), by the expression parser (which uses string->symbol) or by the scope resolution machinery, which uses constructs of the form (string->symbol (string-append component-name ":" (symbol->string var-id)) where component-name is produced with gensym and var-id is produced with string->symbol. Hash table look ups can fail on any of these symbols, it seems to largely depend on the machine where the program is run. So this is indeed a tricky bug and any advice on how to track it down would be appreciated.

Is "component-name" a symbol or a symbol converted to a string in the code above (the one that uses string-append)?

Is it possible that there is a problem with re-hashing (the process of enlarging the internal hash-table bucket-sequence if the capacity is exhausted)? Ivan: can you try creating your hash-tables with min-load/max-load settings that are large enough to avoid any rehashing and check whether this makes a difference?

Is there an example use of nemo that can be used to reproduce the problem?

comment:9 Changed 13 years ago by Ivan Raikov

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: Unreliable behavior of hash tables with symbols as keys (regression wrt 4.7.4)Unreliable behavior of hash-table-copy with symbols as keys (regression wrt 4.7.4)

comment:10 in reply to:  8 Changed 13 years ago by Ivan Raikov

Ok, I have filed an enhancement request for better documentation on uninterned symbols. I have played around with the test code and discovered that hash-table-copy seems to be the culprit. I have updated the ticket with code that uses hash-table-copy and works with Chicken 4.7.4 but fails with 4.8.0rc2. Just in case, the following is a minimal nemo file that reproduces the problem as well:

{{{ (nemo-model Test


(input v)

(component (type decaying-pool) (name ca2)

(d (ca2) = (ca2 + v))

(output ca2)



Replying to felix:

That makes sense. You can create a ticket for that, if you like.

Is there an example use of nemo that can be used to reproduce the problem?

comment:11 Changed 13 years ago by felix winkelmann

A simpler case:

(import scheme chicken)
(require-extension srfi-69 srfi-1)

(define t (make-hash-table hash: symbol-hash))

(hash-table-set! t 'k1 1)

(print (hash-table-ref t 'k1))

(define t2 (hash-table-copy t))

(print (hash-table-ref t2 'k1))

The last change to this copying routine was commit 735a6304 by ckeen, which was signed off by me. Reverting this patch doesn't seem to make the problem go away.

comment:12 Changed 13 years ago by Mario Domenech Goulart

Using Felix's test case, git bisect indicates 6731ef7a00483dae266ec846c6365e99ecd4229a as the cause.

comment:13 Changed 13 years ago by felix winkelmann

hash-table-copy invokes *make-hash-table, which invokes *make-hash-function, which creates a new randomization (via C_rnd_fix). sjamaan: is it possible to store the randomization in the hash-table record, so that a copy can re-use it?

comment:14 Changed 13 years ago by sjamaan

That isn't possible, but I've posted the patch proposed by Mario which still creates a hash table the regular way, but then overwrites the newly randomized hashing function with the old one from the original hash table. This is the best we can do without adding yet another slot with a randomization value (possibly breaking the internal "API" yet again).

I think it's a good enough solution. We might consider rewriting hash-table-copy so it creates the vector directly instead of calling *make-hash-table and then overwriting many values.

Ivan: Could you give this a try? The simplified test Felix posted succeeds for me with this patch.

comment:15 in reply to:  14 Changed 13 years ago by Ivan Raikov

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Yep, seems to work, so I am closing this ticket. Thanks for the great work, guys!

Replying to sjamaan:

Ivan: Could you give this a try? The simplified test Felix posted succeeds for me with this patch.

comment:16 Changed 13 years ago by Mario Domenech Goulart

Fixed by d6c0b818e308d6cf7878035d21aa3da8282d5c83

comment:17 Changed 12 years ago by felix winkelmann


Milestone 4.8.0 deleted

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