Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 1632)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1027 log5scm installation failure certainty defect major someday extensions
#1031 uri-dispatch: errors and failures in tests certainty defect major someday extensions
#1037 byte-blob-find fails on certain matches on 32-bit Chicken Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1039 Scrutinizer's behaviour differs between (list-of x) and (list x) defect major 4.9.0 scrutinizer
#1046 Fix letrec use in pstk defect major someday extensions
#1048 chicken-install is broken when TMPDIR=./ defect major 4.9.0 core tools
#1049 delete-stale-binaries in chicken-install should not recurse in subdirectories defect major someday core tools
#1050 chicken-install doesn't check that dependencies installed satisfy the version constraint in the (depends ...) clause defect major 5.2 core tools
#1051 Implementation of C_flonum_rat is probably buggy sjamaan defect major someday core libraries
#1053 Support newer Xcode versions on Mac defect major someday build system
#1055 signal-diagram: reference to unbound identifier `E:Val' Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1056 yasos 1.2: Syntax error (import): cannot import from undefined module: simple-tests juergen defect major someday extensions
#1057 CHICKEN's tests should not require installing CHICKEN before running defect major 4.9.0 build system
#1058 Strange bugs in openssl egg (or core?) Thomas Chust defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1059 C_c_*vector are using the wrong lolevel accessors sjamaan defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1062 make check on windows: assertion failed: (equal? 1.0 (numerator 0.0)) defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1064 irregex-match with `eow` doesn't behave like example in docs defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1065 irregex-match with `look-ahead` doesn't behave like the example in the docs defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1067 Variable set! in signal handler is optimised away in other code. defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1068 Possible regression: kanren: Error: unbound variable: move1330613308 defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1071 srfi-63 borking chicken-doc-admin Jim Ursetto defect major someday unknown
#1072 [spiffy] [PATCH] Improve HTML in the simple-directory-handler sjamaan defect major someday unknown
#1073 Spiffy should signal request-header-fields-too-large upon (exn http line-limit-exceeded) sjamaan defect major someday extensions
#1074 intarweb request parsing and Spiffy handling of said requests is inconsistent in case of improper request line URIs sjamaan defect major someday unknown
#1075 [intarweb] Expires attribute of set-cookie-parser should use rfc1123 dates sjamaan defect major someday unknown
#1076 test failures: treaps, skiplists, random-access-lists, lazy-lists and continuations juergen defect major someday extensions
#1077 Symbols containing newlines don't get quoted by write sjamaan defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1078 letrec* can be done as Chicken letrec defect major someday unknown
#1080 condition-case expands into two else clauses defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1081 make check error on salmonella-linux-x86 (Testing correct handling of thread-join! with external signals) defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1082 A paste that makes pastiche hang defect major someday unknown
#1084 r7rs library include path trouble evhan defect major someday extensions
#1087 Error in statistics' tests petercrlane defect major someday extensions
#1088 freetds tests error: cannot open file - No such file or directory: "test-freetds-secret.scm" Peter Danenberg defect major someday extensions
#1089 parametric-curve: Error: assertion failed: (every (lambda (x y) (< (abs (- x y)) 1e-15)) ((sample-curve my-scaled-c) 5) (list 3.0 4.0 25.0)) Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1090 quaternions: error in tests: Error: (quotient) bad argument type - not an integer: 3.14159265 petercrlane defect major someday extensions
#1091 glut: unexpected exit on (use glut) felix winkelmann defect major someday extensions
#1092 amazon-s3 test errors thomashintz defect major someday extensions
#1094 define-inline does not respect inline-limit evhan defect major 4.10.0 compiler
#1097 subvector fails at vector-length chicken-team defect major someday core libraries
#1099 low-level-macros: test failure starting on 2014-02-12 juergen defect major someday extensions
#1102 pty: tests need the test egg Alex Shinn defect major someday extensions
#1103 pty test script doesn't report failures (and one test fails) Alex Shinn defect major someday extensions
#1104 mat5-lib's tests leave temporary files Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1105 byte-blob's tests leave temporary files Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1106 -deploy reinstalls all dependencies when installing an egg defect major 4.11.0 core tools
#1108 sql-de-lite: test failure on Linux x86-64 (GCC, DEBUGBUILD) Jim Ursetto defect major someday extensions
#1111 soil: installation failure (GL/GL.h) dleslie defect major someday extensions
#1113 chicken-install -s should not use sudo if it is not necessary defect major someday unknown
#1114 picnic: installation failure: reference to possibly unbound identifier `pcurve:compose-curve' in compose-curves Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1115 Potentially bogus scrutinizer warning "expected in `let' binding of `x' a single result, but were given 3 results" defect major 4.11.0 unknown
#1116 parametric-curve's tests need numbers Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1117 Make sure the html files for the manual get generated and included in tarballs defect major 4.9.0 build system
#1119 lazy-lists: installation failure: Syntax error (import): cannot import from undefined module: methods juergen defect major someday extensions
#1120 apply-tests failure on OpenBSD 5.4 (x86-64, clang 3.3) defect major 4.11.0 unknown
#1122 Some compiler rewrites marked "safe" are really unsafe defect major 4.11.0 compiler
#1123 wiki breakage when authentication fails? sjamaan defect major someday wiki
#1124 make-input-port exposes memory corruption bug? defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1126 signal-diagram: installation failure: reference to possibly unbound identifier `sf' Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1127 dynamic wind in its own thread defect major someday unknown
#1129 import does not complain when passed nonextant identifiers sjamaan defect major 4.11.0 expander
#1130 signal-diagram: installation failure: unbound identifiers: `prelude/ML', `prelude/scheme' and `prelude/Octave' Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1132 Expansion of internal definitions ignores import status/redefinition of `define` et al. defect major 5.4 expander
#1135 string-copy! bug defect major 4.10.0 core libraries
#1136 move-memory! bug similar to #1135 defect major 4.10.0 core libraries
#1137 sql-de-lite: use of ##sys#expand-home-path Jim Ursetto defect major someday extensions
#1138 sqlite3: use of ##sys#expand-home-path Thomas Chust defect major someday extensions
#1139 sql-de-lite: failure in tests: expected 1234567890125.0 but got 1234567890125 Jim Ursetto defect major someday extensions
#1140 Build failure on OS X 10.6.8 defect major someday build system
#1143 byte-string-* procedures not exported from utf8 egg Alex Shinn defect major someday extensions
#1149 functor generated modules don't compile defect major someday unknown
#1152 Reserved pattern symbols break when a binding of the same name exists Alex Shinn defect major someday extensions
#1154 error using 'bindings' egg from an 'included' script sjamaan defect major someday unknown
#1157 test egg 'approx-equal?' bug? Alex Shinn defect major someday extensions
#1160 typed-lists: tests fail sometimes defect major someday extensions
#1163 nanomsg needs foreigners kristianlm defect major someday extensions
#1164 posix-shm: Error: (car) bad argument type: "" when shm-test return #f Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1166 Globally defining an identifier previously bound to a macro should shadow the macro fully sjamaan defect major 5.4 expander
#1167 nemo: cp: cannot stat `templates/NEST.tmpl': No such file or directory Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1170 kvlists needs setup-helper Peter Danenberg defect major someday extensions
#1171 combinatorics: the trick to conditionally include setup-helper-cock doesn't work Peter Danenberg defect major someday extensions
#1172 The overhead of loading import files is noticable defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1173 Symbols held in GC-roots are sometimes collected in "symbol-gc" mode defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1175 readline started failing on 2014-12-18 Alexej Magura defect major someday extensions
#1178 readline 3.0b2: test failures Alexej Magura defect major someday extensions
#1179 tween 1.1 needs the test egg for tests dleslie defect major someday extensions
#1181 memory corruption when user-interrupts and tcp defect major 4.11.0 unknown
#1182 utf8 egg silently accepts invalid byte sequences Alex Shinn enhancement major someday extensions
#1184 lowdown: Error: (car) bad argument type: () Moritz Heidkamp defect major someday extensions
#1185 wrong sorting example for topological-sort defect major 5.3 core libraries
#1186 module-environment is broken for non-primitive modules defect major 4.11.0 core libraries
#1189 string-substitute \NUM syntax with preceding backslashes defect major 4.11.0 extensions
#1190 byte-blob: byte-blob->blob or byte-blob-object? defect major someday unknown
#1191 In deployed binaries, evaluated code cannot load modules evhan defect major 5.0 core libraries
#1192 mat5-lib, endian-blob and endian-port broken after byte-blob update Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1193 Ambiguity in csc's command line options defect major 5.0 core tools
#1194 autoload 2.1 still installs itself as version 2.0 Alex Shinn defect major someday extensions
#1195 ,q in csi gives an error sjamaan defect major 5.0 unknown
#1196 Static compilation doesn't respect $LIBDIR. defect major someday build system
#1199 lolevel check error on NetBSD defect major 4.11.0 unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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