Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#1152 closed defect (wontfix)

Reserved pattern symbols break when a binding of the same name exists

Reported by: Moritz Heidkamp Owned by: Alex Shinn
Priority: major Milestone: someday
Component: extensions Version: 4.9.x
Keywords: matchable egg Cc:
Estimated difficulty:


When reserved pattern symbols like ? or _ are bound in the lexical environment of a match expression, they don't work anymore:

(import matchable)

(let ((? 1))
  (match '(x y)
    ((? odd?) (print ?))))

(match '(x y)
  ((_ _) (print 'ok)))

(let ((_ 1))
  (match '(x y)
    ((_ _) (print 'ok))))


$ csc matchbug.scm && ./matchbug

Error: (match) no matching pattern

	Call history:

	matchbug.scm:5: print	  
	matchbug.scm:8: print	  
	matchbug.scm:10: failure391	  
	matchbug.scm:10: error	  	<--

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Moritz Heidkamp

Just for the record: The same happens with Chibi 0.7.

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Alex Shinn

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This is basically just hygiene working as expected, and gives
that result for the same reason that

(let ((else #f))

(cond (else #t) (#t #f)))

returns #f.

Admittedly this is one of those cases where it's not useful to
match the operator position id against the current lexical scope
and one might be tempted to deliberately match unhygienically.
However, this may change in future versions. Moreover,
other macros which expand into match may depend on the
fact that inserted identifiers match hygienically.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Moritz Heidkamp

Indeed, we just discussed this issue on IRC and came to the same conclusion. I guess it's just a fact of lifeWScheme we have to live with, then. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to add a caveat section about this to the manual?

Anyhow, thanks for the quick response!

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