Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 1632)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#523 contracts: "unterminated list" error defect major 4.9.0 extensions
#526 enable parallel builds enhancement not urgent at all unknown
#527 ezxdisp egg setup file does not work with linker on OS X 10.6 defect not urgent at all 4.9.0 extensions
#536 sassy - broken tests and missing export defect major extensions
#539 'cancel' button on wiki edit page enhancement not urgent at all 4.9.0 wiki
#540 evicting srfi-4 vectors breaks ffi compatibility defect major core libraries
#544 xlib: bindings for xsegment, xpoint, xrectangle, xarc defect minor 4.9.0 extensions
#553 setup file for slime 1.0 declares version as 0.1 defect major extensions
#555 -pthreads needs to be escaped in call to csc defect major 4.9.0 extensions
#558 Update wiki documentation for vector-lib task not urgent at all 4.9.0 documentation
#568 read-line produces inconsistent results on DOS-style line endings when buffer is cut off at an unfortunate point defect critical core libraries
#569 integer->char doesn't work right with negative numbers defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#576 qt egg does not install in 4.6.7 because getenv is now get-environment-variable defect major 4.9.0 extensions
#587 CR: expt should signal error on domain error task minor core libraries
#592 doctype egg is missing sxml conversion rule for generic HTML doctype defect minor unknown
#594 QT egg fails to install to custom locations because some paths are wrongly hardcoded defect major unknown
#612 "chicken-install -deploy" must make sure the installed extensions have the same version as the currently installed ones defect major core tools
#613 get rid of ##sys#alias-global-hook task minor expander
#615 openssl dies after about a day defect major unknown
#621 "numbers" egg dumps core if base argument to string->number is too large defect major 4.9.0 extensions
#630 Test scripts that don't properly report exit status defect major extensions
#644 make release-build more reliable task major infrastructure
#649 deprecate and remove -compile-syntax / ##sys#enable-runtime-macros task not urgent at all compiler
#666 No food jokes enhancement minor 4.9.0 infrastructure
#668 Issue with 49b92ba0bfb7ecfceb49a45f64e9943ea83a6d94 defect critical 4.9.0 unknown
#672 CR: Division by inexact zero results in infinity (or nan) as per IEEE 754 defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#684 'make check' fails (buildid bce4666, 2011-9-3) defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#692 Numbers egg won't build on Cygwin under 4.7.0 defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#693 "write-line" should invoke write-string port method directly task minor unknown
#696 Stock 4.7.0 chicken cannot compile current trunk defect major compiler
#697 the make facility in setup-api.scm should transparently handle .exe file extensions defect minor core tools
#701 require-extension has a hygiene problem defect major expander
#703 Restructure core libraries defect major 5.0 core libraries
#704 remove ##sys#walk-namespace task not urgent at all core libraries
#705 Allowing EVAL to evaluate lists with a procedure in the car enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#706 file-exists? does return #f on large files defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#707 ##sys#file-info needs to signal an error if the fstat syscall goes bad defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#708 condition-predicate's result is too picky defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#709 Development process problem: the self-dependency loop in the compiler is too tight defect major 4.9.0 compiler
#714 Bus error on sparc64 running OpenBSD defect major unknown
#732 Include dates in wiki egg documentation "Version History" enhancement major 4.9.0 documentation
#734 Numbers egg ignores #e and #i defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#740 "-d0" is accepted as number syntax on some systems defect major 4.12.0 unknown
#750 shell: add form to capture output enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#753 system: compile emitted import-libraries automatically enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#763 posix unit implicitly depends on tcp unit defect major core libraries
#765 broken posix/process function under Windows 7 (MingW) defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#767 random seed should be more random enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#768 s11n: reconstruction of hash-tables incorrect on de-serialization defect critical extensions
#770 memv x86-64 compiler bug defect major 4.9.0 compiler
#772 symbol | | is not written properly defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#778 silence clang array bounds warnings defect minor 4.9.0 compiler
#790 musl support enhancement major build system
#792 CR: deprecate "make" syntax from "setup-api" module change request minor core libraries
#795 Properly document srfi-63 task not urgent at all documentation
#798 simple-logging uses the deprecated and removed getenv procedure defect major unknown
#800 data seems to get lost in tcp unit when using http-client defect major core libraries
#803 setters like set-cdr! don't invalidate type information defect major 4.9.0 compiler
#804 #i and #e don't work correctly in the numbers egg defect major 4.9.0 extensions
#806 DSSSL extended lambda lists are unhygienic defect minor 5.1 core libraries
#808 Blobs are compared with ASCIIZ string comparison functions defect critical 4.9.0 unknown
#810 "create-temporary-file" insufficient defect minor core libraries
#811 Should "chicken" go into $PREFIX/libexec? task not urgent at all build system
#814 inline fails to build after changes to the md5 egg defect major extensions
#816 hygiene problem using `map' with prefixed `scheme' import defect minor 4.9.0 compiler
#817 inconsistency between -O5 and -optimize-level 5 in csc defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#819 file-mkstemp on windows is broken defect minor 4.10.0 core libraries
#820 setup-download rerieves files in text-mode defect major 4.9.0 core tools
#823 arithmetic-shift fails in extreme cases defect minor 4.10.0 core libraries
#847 ##sys#foreign-pointer-argument is declared to accept a pointer only, but is possibly invoked with a boolean defect major 4.9.0 scrutinizer
#848 non-cross chickens don't take PROGRAM_PREFIX and PROGRAM_SUFFIX into account when referencing libchicken defect major 4.9.0 build system
#857 Update NEWS file to reflect recent changes task critical 4.9.0 documentation
#859 strip import specifiers defect minor expander
#862 consider adding setters for subXXXvector/substring enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#863 transparent handling of executable file-suffix for "make" extension defect major extensions
#869 xsubstring with negative `from' argument returns empty string defect major core libraries
#870 SRFI-13's string comparison procedures return integers defect major core libraries
#871 INTEGER? gives wrong answer on funky floats defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#872 run finalizers in a dedicated thread task minor unknown
#875 unicode-string in unicode-utils egg reverses character order defect minor extensions
#877 tests/signal-tests.scm hangs sometimes defect major 4.9.0 build system
#878 expected results for SRFI-13's make-kmp-restart-vector defect major 4.10.0 core libraries
#879 Tests: Assert failure in library-test.scm on MinGW defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#880 bug with assume defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#881 `:' and other type related things not working with loaded code defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#882 * export and macros not working defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#884 bug with define-type and modules defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#887 exactness result of max and min is non-R5RS and depends on argument order defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#888 irregex: SRE utility pattern 'real does not match negative numbers defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#889 irregex-match-end gives odd results with chunked searches defect major core libraries
#892 Segfault on insanely long lists defect critical 4.9.0 unknown
#893 problem with type annotations and modules defect critical 4.9.0 unknown
#898 scrutinizer gives spurious warnings when given too many type hints defect minor scrutinizer
#902 coops: tiny patch for generic-procedure? defect not urgent at all extensions
#903 csc's command line switch -output-file is ignored defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#907 signal-tests.scm hangs when port is already in use defect major 4.9.0 build system
#909 strange behaviour with define-record and modules defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#916 lolevel-tests.scm failure on Linux/PPC (assertion failed: (pair? some-foo)) defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#917 tests that rely on diff break with clang defect minor unknown
#920 irc: reconnecting due to server-side EOF broken defect major unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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