Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 1632)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#434 feature for irregex enhancement major 4.9.0 unknown
#448 Spiffy: allow code to be executed after dropping privileges and before accepting connections enhancement major 4.9.0 extensions
#453 Allow unsigned-integer64 as an FFI return type felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#474 Additional library procedure condition->list felix winkelmann enhancement major 4.9.0 core libraries
#479 bind egg should support ___blob enhancement minor 4.9.0 extensions
#483 license information in dependency graph for salmonella report Mario Domenech Goulart enhancement minor infrastructure
#485 pretty-print should place keyword and keyword value on same line. enhancement minor core libraries
#492 Some more posixunix.scm functions felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#498 implement apply-hack for MIPS CPUs enhancement minor build system
#499 load .types files for all requirements enhancement minor core tools
#502 in spiffy, make tcp-addresses configurable sjamaan enhancement minor 4.9.0 unknown
#505 permit user-defined read-syntax to restart the reader Jim Ursetto enhancement minor core libraries
#526 enable parallel builds enhancement not urgent at all unknown
#539 'cancel' button on wiki edit page enhancement not urgent at all 4.9.0 wiki
#546 Renaming spock's <script>? felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#564 Add X-Forwarded-For support to Intarweb and possibly Spiffy sjamaan enhancement minor extensions
#567 Make authentication modular in http-client sjamaan enhancement major extensions
#593 henrietta must pass the version of the downloaded egg to chicken-install felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.9.0 core tools
#617 Improve usability of the repl procedure felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.9.0 core libraries
#631 Enhance banner to include git hash, ensure build info is current felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all 4.9.0 unknown
#632 Two silly patches felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.9.0 unknown
#666 No food jokes enhancement minor 4.9.0 infrastructure
#669 please add ability to call fchdir to posix module. felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.9.0 core libraries
#687 irregex-replace returns #f when nothing was replaced sjamaan enhancement major 4.9.0 core libraries
#688 intarweb: add default reason phrases for responses sjamaan enhancement major 4.9.0 extensions
#699 add make-uri constructor to uri-generic and uri-common Ivan Raikov enhancement minor extensions
#702 macro expansion time category specification filter for log5scm certainty enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#705 Allowing EVAL to evaluate lists with a procedure in the car enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#719 spiffy-request-vars: allow calling getter returned by request-vars with no arguments to get an alist of all request vars Mario Domenech Goulart enhancement minor 4.9.0 extensions
#732 Include dates in wiki egg documentation "Version History" enhancement major 4.9.0 documentation
#733 `chicken-doc'-friendly documentation for srfi-4-utils Ivan Raikov enhancement minor 4.9.0 wiki
#736 make CHICKEN_REPOSITORY support a search path Jim Ursetto enhancement not urgent at all 5.0 core libraries
#739 Allow more specific foreign types felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#741 add compiler option for selective profiling felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#742 perform immediateness checks inline before calling C_mutate felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#746 invalidating blist entry for assignment not necessary when variable is not captured felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#748 investigate usefulness of providing a compilation mode that disables fixnum overflow detection felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#750 shell: add form to capture output enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#753 system: compile emitted import-libraries automatically enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#756 inline call to known variable if its value refers to an intrinsic felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#757 provide ##core#inline-routines for cheap SRFI-4 vector primitives felix winkelmann enhancement minor 5.1 compiler
#758 sql-de-lite procedures to key and rekey a sqlcipher-ed db Jim Ursetto enhancement minor extensions
#760 allow exporting compiler syntax felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#767 random seed should be more random enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#782 setup a continously running salmonella instance for the "prerelease" chicken-core branch Mario Domenech Goulart enhancement minor 4.9.0 infrastructure
#783 system egg: implement load-built-system felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#787 add socketpair call to unix-sockets egg felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#790 musl support enhancement major build system
#799 I'd like to use port->fileno on a udp-socket Ivan Raikov enhancement not urgent at all 4.9.0 extensions
#812 Add ->list and ->boolean to core system felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#860 C_in_stackp could be optimized felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#862 consider adding setters for subXXXvector/substring enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#873 allow user types to specify argument-type enforcement felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all scrutinizer
#876 csi segfaults immediately when running this code felix winkelmann enhancement minor core tools
#908 Define uninterned symbols in the manual felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.9.0 documentation
#912 latch egg: test, expose and document "snap" felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#913 Isolate and test patches from "lfa2" branch felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#931 CR: make extended syntax bindings available by default enhancement minor someday expander
#932 CR: enable "scrutiny" be default enhancement minor someday compiler
#941 Add option to process-fork to allow creating a subprocess with only the current thread enhancement minor someday core libraries
#947 make: phony support felix winkelmann enhancement minor someday extensions
#950 add support for 64-bit windows felix winkelmann enhancement major someday core libraries
#953 Numbers-egg version of signum should accept complex numbers sjamaan enhancement major someday extensions
#957 crunch: multi-arg primitives could be simulated via syntax felix winkelmann enhancement minor someday extensions
#958 continue compilation for toplevel forms, if possible felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all someday compiler
#968 csc: -oi and -ot enhancement minor someday core tools
#969 cond/case: warn if "else" clause is followed by other clauses enhancement minor someday expander
#971 move C_path_to_executable out of chicken.h evhan enhancement minor 4.10.0 core libraries
#972 check let[rec] bindings for multiple occurrences of the same variable enhancement minor someday expander
#977 make SSAX raise a proper condition when encountering a parse error instead of calling error felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all someday extensions
#986 (define ++ string-append) defeats constant-folding evhan enhancement not urgent at all 4.10.0 compiler
#988 Add drop-prefix to import specifiers enhancement major 5.1 unknown
#1002 define-values is overly restrictive enhancement major someday unknown
#1060 reexport doesn't reexport implicit syntax exports enhancement minor 4.11.0 expander
#1069 [intarweb] [PATCH] Full list of HTTP status codes sjamaan enhancement minor someday unknown
#1070 [spiffy] [PATCH] Add mime type for json sjamaan enhancement minor someday unknown
#1093 chicken-uninstall should not interpret the given egg as a pattern by default enhancement minor 5.0 core tools
#1121 Allow functor arguments to be optional enhancement minor someday expander
#1144 chicken-install's -keep-installed and -prefix/-deploy options don't play nicely together enhancement minor 4.12.0 core tools
#1177 man pages deficient enhancement minor someday documentation
#1182 utf8 egg silently accepts invalid byte sequences Alex Shinn enhancement major someday extensions
#1198 Allow `the` to override inferred types enhancement minor 4.10.0 scrutinizer
#1210 http-client should support SSL mutual authentication enhancement major someday unknown
#1219 read-char could be better optimized enhancement major 5.0 scrutinizer
#1225 Strange static compilation behaviour enhancement minor someday compiler
#1288 qwiki sections have no permalink sjamaan enhancement minor someday wiki
#1296 Vandusen should accept commas beside colons Moritz Heidkamp enhancement major someday extensions
#1315 Move FAQ section from manual into wiki enhancement major 5.0 documentation
#1316 Avoid define-macro warning in sxpath egg enhancement minor someday extensions
#1329 try-compile: optional argument to specify output file enhancement major 4.12.0 unknown
#1361 Update explicit info strings in calls to `getter-with-setter` enhancement minor 5.0 core libraries
#1379 Improve "heap-shrinkage" rate enhancement minor 5.2 core libraries
#1383 Add unexport form for modules enhancement minor 6.0.0 compiler
#1385 bit-set? argument order is reversed enhancement not urgent at all 5.0 core libraries
#1387 Nicer formatting of the foreign-lambda result enhancement not urgent at all 5.0 unknown
#1388 Enable clustering and lfa2 at lower optimisation levels felix winkelmann enhancement minor 5.4 compiler
#1393 Feature request for message-digest Kon Lovett enhancement major someday extensions
#1394 Missing hex->string in string-utils Kon Lovett enhancement not urgent at all someday extensions
#1431 Document deployment enhancement major 5.0 documentation
#1463 (use foo) depends on rigid conventions that can and should be relaxed enhancement minor someday core libraries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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