Opened 12 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#986 closed enhancement (fixed)
(define ++ string-append) defeats constant-folding
Reported by: | Jim Ursetto | Owned by: | evhan |
Priority: | not urgent at all | Milestone: | 4.10.0 |
Component: | compiler | Version: | 4.8.x |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Estimated difficulty: |
Using (define ++ string-append) prevents constant-folding into a literal string when using ++. It does work when using -block, but not inside a module, even when ++ is hidden. Or at least, I can't get it to work.
;; app2.scm ;; although string-append is substituted for ++, the result is not ;; constant-folded, unlike plain string-append (module foo (bar baz) (import scheme chicken) (define ++ string-append) (define (bar) (print (string-append "foo" "bar" "baz"))) (define (baz) (print (++ "quux" "poop"))) ) (import foo) (bar) (baz)
;; ---------- $ csc -O3 -debug o app2.scm hiding nonexported module bindings: foo#++ specializations: 1 (string-append string string) safe globals: (foo#baz foo#bar foo#++) removed side-effect free assignment to unused variable: foo#++ folded constant expression: (string-append (quote "foo") (quote "bar") (quote "baz")) substituted constant variable: a213 substituted constant variable: a214 replaced variables: 2 removed binding forms: 3 contracted procedure: k202 removed binding forms: 6 substituted constant variable: a201 inlining procedure: "(app2.scm:15) foo#baz" inlining procedure: "(app2.scm:14) foo#bar" substituted constant variable: a201229 replaced variables: 2 removed binding forms: 1 removed binding forms: 3
Change History (4)
comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by
Milestone: | someday → 4.10.0 |
comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by
Component: | unknown → compiler |
comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by
Owner: | set to evhan |
Status: | new → assigned |
This isn't actually due to the use of define
, but because the scrutinizer rewrites (string-append string string)
to use ##sys#string-append
before the high-level optimization pass and ##sys#string-append
isn't marked as ##compiler#foldable
, the opportunity is missed.
;; Folds "quxquuxquuux" as expected: (define ++ string-append) (print (string-append "foo" "bar" "baz")) (print (++ "qux" "quux" "quuux")) ; Three arguments, so no specialization. ;; Doesn't fold "quxquux" due to specialization: (print (string-append "foo" "bar" "baz")) (print (string-append "qux" "quux")) ; Two arguments, specialized.
I think ##sys#string-append
should be included in foldable-bindings
, but there are lots of other internal (##sys#
) procedures that should be folded as well, so the fix should probably be more general than just adding ##sys#string-append
comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
This particular inconsistency is fixed by 368fca8ccdd22cec65cd0b75fc8f8f08e8267d32. However, it makes both calls non-foldable.
Would be nice if we can fix this, or at least seriously look into it for 4.10.0