Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 1632)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#218 random not random defect minor core libraries
#220 call-with-values rewrite rule for known producer with single-valued body enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#221 defstruct could use compiler-syntax to speed up instance creation felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#222 Export `ssax:warn' enhancement major extensions
#223 unbound proc error in alist->hash-table defect major unknown
#224 map allows non-list arguments felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#225 Add a predicate for port open/closed status (slot 8) Felix enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#226 register `chicken-MAJOR.MINOR` feature identifier enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#227 add cross-development chapter to manual felix winkelmann task minor documentation
#228 avoid recompilation of regular expressions, at least for simple cases felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#229 implement apply-hack for ARM CPUs enhancement minor core libraries
#230 find-files doesn't see dotfiles defect minor core libraries
#231 clean up unsafeness declarations in core libraries felix winkelmann task not urgent at all core libraries
#232 egg tools in cross-mode should be able to do host/target processing in one step felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core tools
#233 termite compiles but fails to install Christian Kellermann defect major extensions
#234 provide safe C_inline definitions for some fixnum operations felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#235 > < >= <= = 2-arg compiler rewrites are broken felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#236 extend "list" command for henrietta CGI enhancement minor infrastructure
#237 extend chicken-install functionality enhancement not urgent at all core tools
#238 4.5.0 post-release maintenance felix winkelmann task major core libraries
#239 errors in record-printers give "error in error" error defect minor core libraries
#240 wrong lambda-info for `vector-set!' felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#241 `(set! (setter X) ...)' crashes when given non-procedure defect major unknown
#242 -verbose not recognized by csc felix winkelmann defect minor core tools
#243 GC in callbacks will invalidate references to Scheme data used in "crunch" code defect minor extensions
#244 Update "Release policy" wiki page defect minor documentation
#245 Update "Chicken Hackers Guide" wiki page defect minor documentation
#246 Remove or seriously update the "Software" page Mario Domenech Goulart defect minor documentation
#247 Chicken domains revamp Mario Domenech Goulart task major infrastructure
#248 Readline egg will not build without libtermcap felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#249 show notice if assigning to imported variable felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all core libraries
#250 debug flag to list exported bindings to which no-procedure-checks-for-toplevel-bindings was applied felix winkelmann defect critical compiler
#251 bootstrap docs nonexistent felix winkelmann defect minor documentation
#252 qwiki HTML additions sjamaan enhancement minor extensions
#253 README mentions the subversion repo for Chicken defect minor documentation
#254 wiki-parse deficiencies sjamaan defect major extensions
#255 Global menu for qwiki sjamaan enhancement major extensions
#256 qwiki: handle the <enscript> tag sjamaan defect major extensions
#257 illegal HTML nesting caused by bogus wiki-parse output sjamaan defect minor extensions
#259 when commiting to the svn repo, the post-commit hook seems to fail Mario Domenech Goulart defect major infrastructure
#260 qwiki history functionality broken? sjamaan defect major extensions
#261 yes-or-no? in gui mode is broken felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#262 quickref mode for chicken-doc Jim Ursetto enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#263 invalid use of c-string foreign type in sendfile egg sjaaman defect critical extensions
#264 try setting up cross-chicken for a windows target task not urgent at all documentation
#265 coops on 4.5.0 felix winkelmann defect critical extensions
#266 accessing directories with embedded whitespace gives error sjaaman defect major extensions
#267 Salmonella sometimes prints [ok] when an egg could not be installed Mario Domenech Goulart defect major extensions
#268 Chicken 4.5.0 has a strange issue with out-of-module imports sjamaan defect critical extensions
#269 Maybe better message for minimum extension requirements enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#270 Wiki menu task major infrastructure
#271 declarations that apply to named global variables may not work unless aliased felix winkelmann defect major compiler
#272 add tests for extension installation/removal/listing/deployment task minor core libraries
#273 add option to dump intermediate representation enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#274 emit notice if pure intrinsic is dropped because result is not used felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#275 when giving a read-error for a missing closing delimiter, show line of opening one enhancement minor core libraries
#276 add option to `chicken-install' that shows information in `setup.defaults' enhancement not urgent at all core tools
#277 keywords should not be renamed by syntax expansion felix winkelmann defect critical expander
#278 add runtime-system hook to dump heap state felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#279 DoS protection support for spiffy sjamaan enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#280 assert should show source-location info, if possible enhancement minor core libraries
#282 Bad version for z3 felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#283 qt egg installation issue (installation-prefix) Mario Domenech Goulart defect major extensions
#284 figure out a way to make the 0xab branch of the qt egg available felix winkelmann task minor extensions
#285 termite hangs and doesn't return values when it should Christian Kellermann defect major extensions
#286 utc-time->seconds is abysmally slow on OS X felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#287 timezone fixes felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#288 remove "outer" bindings for non-standard procedures in library procedure definitions task not urgent at all core libraries
#289 use fixed-argc C_inline routines for vector/list/##sys#make-structure enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#290 disable reimport notice when executing import library felix winkelmann defect minor expander
#291 Put all copyrights & licenses in one place felix winkelmann task major documentation
#292 clarify use if import libraries when compiling modules defect minor documentation
#293 Modules and Macros sections in the manifest file felix winkelmann defect minor documentation
#294 Use <enscript> tag instead of <scheme> for reexport example (Modules section) felix winkelmann defect minor documentation
#295 Nested test groups report success even when subgroups failed Alex Shinn defect major extensions
#296 Import with renaming fails when syntax refers to exported binding felix winkelmann defect critical expander
#297 qwiki: URLs with pound signs are not rendering properly sjamaan defect major extensions
#298 SRFI-18 time objects store time span as fixnums, which can overflow defect critical core libraries
#299 Should "Getting Started" (manual) mention bind instead of easyffi? enhancement minor documentation
#300 allow reading without "hanging" enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#301 handle references to inline-routines that occur before their definition felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#302 `cpu-time' must handle fixnum overflow defect major unknown
#303 amb does not fail when there's no acceptable values defect minor extensions
#304 coops#subclass? can process abort felix winkelmann defect critical extensions
#305 scripts/tools.scm needs srfi-69 felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#306 Built-in binding still partially active due to -scrutinize defect minor core tools
#307 svn-client remembers the first username sjamaan defect critical infrastructure
#308 check that foreign callback returns take place in the correct order felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#309 chickadee link changes Jim Ursetto enhancement minor extensions
#310 make-egg-index.scm for felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#311 wiki page rendering issue in "eggs" page sjamaan defect major infrastructure
#312 suggestions for more "semantic tags" in the wiki parser sjamaan enhancement not urgent at all infrastructure
#313 http-client: flush request-port after writing to it sjamaan defect minor extensions
#314 spiffy-request-vars: as-boolean enhancements Mario Domenech Goulart enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#315 make parameters settable enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#316 spiffy hangs sometimes defect critical extensions
#317 update high-load-scheduler egg felix winkelmann task major extensions
#318 if `-force' is given, continue installation of extensions even if building one ore more fails enhancement minor core tools
#319 make `thread-specific`settable enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#321 #b/o/x do not allow a # beyond fixnum range, unlike #d felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.