Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#311 closed defect (wontfix)

wiki page rendering issue in "eggs" page

Reported by: felix winkelmann Owned by: sjamaan
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: infrastructure Version: 4.5.x
Keywords: wiki Cc: Jim Ursetto
Estimated difficulty:


When viewing the page, I get:

Loading eggs

To load and import an egg into your program, use:

(require-extension egg-name)      ; load library code, import identifiers

To restrict, rename, or prefix imported identifiers, you can split up the load and import pieces:

([[man/4/Non-standard macros and special forms#require-library|require-library]] gopher)          ; load library code
([[man/4/Modules and macros#import|import]] (prefix gopher gopher:))  ; import identifiers with a prefix

The links appear verbatim.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by sjamaan

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

That kind of hacky syntax is no longer supported, for good reason.

There is zero interpretation done in verbatim preformatted blocks. This is good, as it allows you to paste any code and indent it, and it'll just work.

svnwiki is lax in that it still interprets stuff even though we're inside a code block. There's no way to escape special characters in svnwiki syntax, so it's a bad idea to be bug-for-bug compatible here. I've discussed this on another occasion with Jim, and he agreed.

I've simply changed the block of code to be inside an <enscript> tag so it's at least highlighted properly.

Later we ought to extend the colorize to produce hyperlinked output, like how lisppaste does it. I just didn't want to hardcode the same simple databases lisppaste uses. I need some more time to think up a good way to make colorize extensible in this aspect.

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 15 years ago by Jim Ursetto

Replying to sjamaan:

That kind of hacky syntax (links in verbatim code) is no longer supported, for good reason.

Ironically, I caused this problem in the first place by inserting those links in the pre block ages ago.

Note also that links inside {{...}} blocks will not work, as {{..}} text is also used verbatim. An argument could be made to allow it, but we can't safely do it (at this time) because of the lack of escaping in svnwiki. No, <nowiki> does not count. It seems that many other wiki implementations disallow it as well.

However, you can get the basically the same effect with {{..}} by using markup inside links:

 this is the {{[[/egg/rfc3339|rfc3339 egg]]}}    # will not work
 this is the [[/egg/rfc3339|{{rfc3339 egg}}]]    # will work

Markup in link descriptions requires the latest version of svnwiki-sxml, because I mistakenly omitted it before. This fixes an issue in the Getting Started manpage.

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