Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (1501 - 1600 of 1632)

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#630 Test scripts that don't properly report exit status defect major extensions
#634 Profiler does not work correctly on recursive procedures felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#635 pstk apply limit hit petercrlane defect major unknown
#643 CR: overhaul environment representation in the evaluator felix winkelmann change request minor core libraries
#644 make release-build more reliable task major infrastructure
#649 deprecate and remove -compile-syntax / ##sys#enable-runtime-macros task not urgent at all compiler
#651 loops needs contracts juergen defect major extensions
#652 plot needs datatype and matchable Ivan Raikov defect major extensions
#657 ssql tests need test egg Moritz Heidkamp defect minor extensions
#659 Unbound variable in tests for bindings juergen defect minor extensions
#660 bloom-filter tests: error and segfault Kon Lovett defect major extensions
#662 contracts tests error: unbound variable `filter' juergen defect minor extensions
#663 c3 tests error: unbound variable `A' Alex Shinn defect minor extensions
#671 qwiki doesn't check for race conditions sjamaan defect major extensions
#674 ##sys#string->number gets called without prefixes in the reader felix winkelmann defect major core libraries
#675 pastiche needs a better database scheme Christian Kellermann defect not urgent at all extensions
#676 bug in dict egg certainty defect major extensions
#677 bug in pdf egg Christian Kellermann defect major extensions
#678 bug in specialized-io egg Jeronimo Pellegrini defect major extensions
#679 contracts tests taking too long to finish juergen defect major extensions
#682 sendfile egg has no trunk branch certainty defect minor extensions
#686 irregex-replace/all doesn't grok `bos' sjamaan defect major core libraries
#690 "make check" errors on cygwin Mario Domenech Goulart defect major unknown
#691 number/string-conversion tests fail on Windows (mingw-msys) sjamaan defect major core libraries
#693 "write-line" should invoke write-string port method directly task minor unknown
#696 Stock 4.7.0 chicken cannot compile current trunk defect major compiler
#697 the make facility in setup-api.scm should transparently handle .exe file extensions defect minor core tools
#698 missing export declaration for *default-output-spec* in log5scm certainty defect minor extensions
#699 add make-uri constructor to uri-generic and uri-common Ivan Raikov enhancement minor extensions
#701 require-extension has a hygiene problem defect major expander
#702 macro expansion time category specification filter for log5scm certainty enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#704 remove ##sys#walk-namespace task not urgent at all core libraries
#705 Allowing EVAL to evaluate lists with a procedure in the car enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#713 bb egg may error out with format security issue felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#714 Bus error on sparc64 running OpenBSD defect major unknown
#717 args egg does not call option body for missing args Jim Ursetto defect not urgent at all extensions
#722 setup-helper should obey CHICKEN_REPOSITORY Kon Lovett defect critical extensions
#723 using set-finalizer in this loop triggers a OOM panic / segfault felix winkelmann defect major unknown
#725 Drop regex dependencies from chicken-core scripts felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all core tools
#726 produces "500 Internal Server Error". sjamaan defect major wiki
#737 bvsp-spline: wiki parser doesn't support multiline <procedure> markup Ivan Raikov defect minor documentation
#738 callback tests failure on cygwin Mario Domenech Goulart defect major unknown
#739 Allow more specific foreign types felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#741 add compiler option for selective profiling felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#742 perform immediateness checks inline before calling C_mutate felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#744 spock: implement non-trivial example and test on all platforms felix winkelmann task major extensions
#745 disable specialization for assigned toplevel variables felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#746 invalidating blist entry for assignment not necessary when variable is not captured felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#748 investigate usefulness of providing a compilation mode that disables fixnum overflow detection felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#750 shell: add form to capture output enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#753 system: compile emitted import-libraries automatically enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#754 compiler-typecase: try to obtain line-number in error message if possible felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#756 inline call to known variable if its value refers to an intrinsic felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#758 sql-de-lite procedures to key and rekey a sqlcipher-ed db Jim Ursetto enhancement minor extensions
#759 scrutinizer: extend special case for result-type of "list-ref"/"list-tail" to handle nested "(pair ...)" types evhan defect not urgent at all compiler
#760 allow exporting compiler syntax felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#763 posix unit implicitly depends on tcp unit defect major core libraries
#764 unix-sockets: port-data is set incorrectly felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#767 random seed should be more random enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#768 s11n: reconstruction of hash-tables incorrect on de-serialization defect critical extensions
#769 g2: if gd is not available, gd-png and gd-jpeg will not be defined Mario Domenech Goulart defect major extensions
#771 llvm-gcc hang on OS X 10.7 felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#773 chicken-install uses user umask Kon Lovett defect major unknown
#780 locale egg fails when TZ is "UTC" Kon Lovett defect major extensions
#781 csc -c++ produces executables that hang under Mac OS X Ivan Raikov defect major build system
#783 system egg: implement load-built-system felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#787 add socketpair call to unix-sockets egg felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#790 musl support enhancement major build system
#792 CR: deprecate "make" syntax from "setup-api" module change request minor core libraries
#795 Properly document srfi-63 task not urgent at all documentation
#797 eggs that are misusing the assert macro juergen defect major extensions
#798 simple-logging uses the deprecated and removed getenv procedure defect major unknown
#800 data seems to get lost in tcp unit when using http-client defect major core libraries
#801 srfi-34 segfaults stability and master when using bare (raise 'obj) evhan defect major extensions
#807 apropos reports unbound variable: ##sys#environment-symbols Kon Lovett defect major extensions
#810 "create-temporary-file" insufficient defect minor core libraries
#811 Should "chicken" go into $PREFIX/libexec? task not urgent at all build system
#812 Add ->list and ->boolean to core system felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#814 inline fails to build after changes to the md5 egg defect major extensions
#815 dict fails to build after changes to the md5 egg certainty defect major extensions
#821 bloom-filter's test failure: Error: call of non-procedure: #<unspecified> Kon Lovett defect major extensions
#824 levenshtein's license is BSD, but it depends on GPL eggs Kon Lovett defect major extensions
#826 srfi-63 is intended to be compiled in case-insensitive mode Ivan Raikov defect major extensions
#830 spock: Error in error message (and missing version number) felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#831 utf8: Errors in xstring-copy! and utf8-case-map Alex Shinn defect minor extensions
#832 tokyocabinet: Error in tc-bdb-fwm-keys procedure Alex Shinn defect minor extensions
#833 neuromorpho and 9ML-toolkit's http-fetch tries to close output ports using close-input-port Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions
#834 mpi: Incorrect argument count for allgather-int and allgather-flonum procedures Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions
#835 statistics: doesn't build on some platforms due to hardcoded compiler flags petercrlane defect major extensions
#836 statistics tests fail petercrlane defect major unknown
#837 statistics: some bugs petercrlane defect minor extensions
#838 matrix-utils: cons called with one argument Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions
#839 lzma egg uses deprecated null-pointer? procedure Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor extensions
#840 stalin: Various type errors felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#841 tuples and skiplists: Many warnings (probably due to the contracts egg) juergen defect minor extensions
#842 trace: Procedure called with incorrect number of arguments (but still magically works) felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#844 iup egg can't find iup headers Thomas Chust defect major extensions
#845 zmq: Bug in call to socket-fd Moritz Heidkamp defect major extensions
#846 coops: define-method does not redefine felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#849 bind: scrutinizer problem with passing along void result type felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all unknown
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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