Custom Query (419 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 419)

1 2 3 4 5

Resolution: fixed (51 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1071 srfi-63 borking chicken-doc-admin Jim Ursetto defect major unknown 4.8.x
#1400 srfi-64 uses "numbers" but doesn't declare it as a dependency John Foerch defect major extensions 4.12.0
#1718 srfi-69 egg hash-table-delete!/-merge!/remove! return type doesn't match SRFI-69 defect not urgent at all extensions 5.2.0
#1500 srfi-71, vector-lib: tests: setting repository-path to a string breaks things defect major extensions 5.0.0
#1151 srfi-99: define-record-type doesn't properly define field accessor when the field name matches a previously defined symbol Thomas Chust defect minor extensions 4.9.x
#1044 stalin: salmonella-friendly tests felix winkelmann defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1473 stb-image and stb-image-write test failures on 32-bit systems kristianlm defect minor extensions 4.13.0
#1569 stmp: missing dependency on srfi-13 for tests Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 5.0.0
#1423 string-utils 1.5.4 test: Error: (cadddr) bad argument type: () Kon Lovett defect major extensions 4.12.0
#982 stty output flags manipulate input flags in termios struct Alex Shinn defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1097 subvector fails at vector-length chicken-team defect major core libraries 4.8.x
#1009 sundials (BSD) depends on dyn-vector (GPL) Ivan Raikov defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1034 sundials: assertion failure in tests Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1408 suspension (tests): cannot open file - No such file or directory: "" sjamaan defect minor unknown 4.12.0
#1262 suspension tests: assertion failure: Low-level type assertion C_blockp((C_word)C_VAL1(C__PREV_TMPST.n1))=#t felix winkelmann defect major extensions 4.10.x
#1187 svn-client on Debian Jessie: dirent_uri.c:1500: uri_skip_ancestor: Assertion `svn_uri_is_canonical(child_uri, ((void *)0))' failed defect critical extensions 4.9.x
#1443 sync 2.2.0: missing dependency on format Kon Lovett defect major extensions 4.13.0
#1495 synch: missing dependency on srfi-18 Kon Lovett defect major extensions 5.0.0
#1786 tabular errors out when specifying both column-names and return-names Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 5.2.0
#1636 tabular: failure in tests (No such file or directory: "tests/data/banklist.csv") Ivan Raikov defect major extensions 5.1.0
#963 tcp6 egg ignores (tcp-read-timeout #f) Jim Ursetto defect minor extensions
#1594 tcp6: missing dependency on srfi-1 Jim Ursetto defect major extensions 5.0.0
#1610 test duration should be printed as inexact Alex Shinn defect minor extensions
#1157 test egg 'approx-equal?' bug? Alex Shinn defect major extensions 4.9.x
#935 test egg's approx-equal? cannot distinguish -1. and 1. foof defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1076 test failures: treaps, skiplists, random-access-lists, lazy-lists and continuations juergen defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1679 thread-utils: undeclared dependency on srfi-1 Kon Lovett defect major extensions 5.1.0
#1664 timed-resource requires a nonexistent version of check-errors defect major extensions 5.1.0
#1405 toml (tests): No such file or directory: "./tests/fixtures/example.toml" Caolan McMahon defect major extensions 4.12.0
#1179 tween 1.1 needs the test egg for tests dleslie defect major extensions 4.9.x
#1488 typeclass for C5 needs srfi-1 Ivan Raikov defect major extensions 4.13.0
#1206 typed-lists: test failures juergen defect major extensions 4.9.x
#1160 typed-lists: tests fail sometimes defect major extensions 4.9.x
#943 typed-records: defstruct breaks with default values felix winkelmann defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1497 unitconv: installation error: cannot import from undefined module unitconv Ivan Raikov defect major extensions 5.0.0
#1352 unix-sockets egg uses deprecated(?) ##sys#pathname-resolution api defect major extensions 4.12.0
#1031 uri-dispatch: errors and failures in tests certainty defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1530 uri-generic fails with match error on IPv6 addresses using bracket notation defect minor extensions 5.0.0rc1
#997 uri-path-relative? misunderstands the root path sjamaan defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1182 utf8 egg silently accepts invalid byte sequences Alex Shinn enhancement major extensions 4.9.x
#1252 utf8-srfi-13 string-index-right treats bounds differently to srfi-13 Alex Shinn defect major extensions 4.10.x
#1253 utf8-srfi-13 string-map! does not update in-place Alex Shinn defect major extensions 4.10.x
#1207 utf8: tests need the test egg Alex Shinn defect major extensions 4.9.x
#976 uuid-ossp uses deprecated null-pointer? predicate Kon Lovett defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1025 vandusen installation failure Moritz Heidkamp defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1123 wiki breakage when authentication fails? sjamaan defect major wiki
#1254 with-stty segfaults when current-input-port is not a terminal Alex Shinn defect major unknown 4.10.x
#1590 xsubstring with `to' argument less than string length results in a crash defect major extensions 5.0.0
#1208 yaml: error in tests defect major extensions 4.9.x
#1056 yasos 1.2: Syntax error (import): cannot import from undefined module: simple-tests juergen defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1033 zlib: one test fails defect minor extensions 4.8.x

Resolution: invalid (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1328 (import (only ...)) strange behaviour defect major unknown 4.11.0
#1834 Append-map sideeffects defect critical extensions 5.3.0
#1140 Build failure on OS X 10.6.8 defect major build system 4.9.x
#1444 Chicken will not build from tarball if contents are placed in version control and then retrieved defect major build system 4.13.0
#1760 IR-transformer not implicitly renaming? defect major unknown 5.2.0
#1284 Incorrect Expansion of => Clauses with Literals in Cond defect not urgent at all expander 4.9.x
#1556 Make inline files less expanded for the scrutinizer enhancement not urgent at all compiler 5.0.0
#1306 The body of a syntax definer should be allowed to be a macro call defect major unknown 4.11.0
#1641 another test defect major unknown 5.1.0
#1083 cannot import procedure from one egg during macro expansion in another egg. defect not urgent at all compiler 4.8.x
#1319 check-errors egg installation in GuixSD defect major extensions 4.11.0
#1804 compare doesn't compare if name is already bound defect major expander 5.2.0
#969 cond/case: warn if "else" clause is followed by other clauses enhancement minor expander 4.8.x
#1490 csi: Modules leak identifiers defect minor unknown 5.0.0
#1006 cygwin master make check fails with address space needed by '' (0x2D0000) is already occupied defect major unknown 4.8.x
#1127 dynamic wind in its own thread defect major unknown 4.9.x
#1011 float and double foreign-lambdas return wrong values defect major unknown 4.8.x
#1326 load then import of module inside eval fails to find module defect major unknown 4.11.0
#1380 make check fails on Alpine Linux ppc64le defect major compiler 4.12.0
#1230 spatial-trees and kd-tree both install the same files ( and Ivan Raikov defect critical extensions 4.9.x
#1640 test defect major unknown 5.1.0
#998 uri->string / make-uri path encoding inconsistencies sjamaan defect major unknown 4.8.x

Resolution: wontfix (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1616 Add stop-server procedure to spiffy sjamaan enhancement minor extensions 5.0.0
#1449 Chicken fails to install when built statically defect major build system 4.13.0
#1019 Different uri-common results for a hairy case sjamaan defect not urgent at all extensions 4.8.x
#1087 Error in statistics' tests petercrlane defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1806 Finding missing dependencies enhancement minor compiler 5.3.0
#1220 Problems with chicken-status -f after using chicken-install -p Christian Kellermann defect minor unknown 4.10.x
#1152 Reserved pattern symbols break when a binding of the same name exists Alex Shinn defect major extensions 4.9.x
#967 SRFI 19 TZ offset & name do not need to match Kon Lovett defect minor unknown 4.8.x
#1073 Spiffy should signal request-header-fields-too-large upon (exn http line-limit-exceeded) sjamaan defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1390 The behavior between `values` and `call/cc` is inconsistent. defect minor compiler 4.12.0
#1474 [F-operator] Shift/reset working differently than in guile Kon Lovett defect major extensions
#1070 [spiffy] [PATCH] Add mime type for json sjamaan enhancement minor unknown 4.8.x
#1113 chicken-install -s should not use sudo if it is not necessary defect major unknown 4.8.x
#958 continue compilation for toplevel forms, if possible felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler 4.8.x
#1294 define-record-printer messes with internal defines defect major expander 4.11.0
#1435 getstr function in ncurses egg felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all extensions 4.13.0
#1091 glut: unexpected exit on (use glut) felix winkelmann defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1376 hide/block-global declaration doesn't hide exports defect minor compiler 5.0.0
#1118 parley: Arrow key cursor movement doesn't work in csi with urxvt Christian Kellermann defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1417 ploticus: Error: unable to figure out location of libploticus Ivan Raikov defect major extensions 4.12.0
#1090 quaternions: error in tests: Error: (quotient) bad argument type - not an integer: 3.14159265 petercrlane defect major extensions 4.8.x
#1642 replace "params" slot in nodes of intermediate representation defect not urgent at all compiler 5.1.0
#1018 sending a SIGQUIT to csi makes it segfault defect major unknown 4.8.x
#1324 setup-helper setup does not respect CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH Kon Lovett defect major extensions 4.11.0
#1246 sundials: error in tests (sh: 1: ./testsundials: not found) Ivan Raikov defect major unknown 4.10.x

Resolution: duplicate (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1266 aes: installation failure Alaric Snell-Pym defect major extensions 4.10.x
#1036 berkeley-db: tests need numbers Thomas Chust defect minor extensions 4.8.x
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