Custom Query (160 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 160)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#125 cross-chicken should prefer loading uncompiled import libraries assigned defect minor
#731 couchdb-view-server: segfault in tests new couchdb-view-server Moritz Heidkamp defect major
#749 honu: handle octal format escapes in string literals new honu defect minor
#766 posix: can't collect exit status and close all process ports at the same time new defect not urgent at all
#779 hyde: support trailing slashes on directories new defect major
#784 ssax's `ssax:warn' ignores its first argument (port) new ssax, ssax:warn defect minor
#813 Extension tiger-hash fails on big-endian machines accepted Kon Lovett defect major
#934 improve documentation for functors and named interfaces new functor interface defect minor
#945 html-parser supports only a few entities assigned Alex Shinn defect major
#960 Need API to box and unbox FILE* pointers as Scheme ports new C, ports defect major
#980 make input-parse more neighbourly by signalling an exception in assert-curr-char instead of calling error new defect major
#985 read-line blocks intermittantly on Atom based netbook assigned Matt Welland defect minor
#991 spiffy-request-vars' test fails sometimes reopened spiffy-request-vars defect major
#1007 socket egg: socket-close should track closed status new socket egg Jim Ursetto defect minor
#1112 Figure out a way to safely release objects new defect critical
#1131 Kill ##sys#alias-global-hook with fire new defect major
#1141 hyde: execute permissions on hyde executable assigned Moritz Heidkamp defect major
#1147 sendfile 1.7.29 feature test should fail on OpenBSD but passes new sendfile feature test openbsd certainty defect major
#1148 Fix setup-helper usage in eggs new defect minor
#1155 values and the scrutinizer new values defect not urgent at all
#1165 redis relies on GNU make, which is not the default make on BSDs new redis 0xab defect major
#1168 make install: umask problem with modules.db new defect major
#1180 parley seems to insert the same sexpression to the reader again when getting input while sleeping new parley input type ahead bug Christian Kellermann defect major
#1233 hexgrid: test failure new hexgrid estevo defect minor
#1236 equal? can break at random moments new defect minor
#1241 pty: test failure new pty Alex Shinn defect major
#1247 twilio's license is BSD, but it depends on a GPL-3 egg (s) new twilio, GPL, license Peter Danenberg defect major
#1251 eping attempts to emit an import library out of the import source file new eping mikele defect major
#1265 AD: installation failure new AD 0xab defect major
#1276 alist-lib alist-update!/default not useful for adding keys assigned alist-lib Peter Danenberg defect minor
#1291 lowdown: markdown->sxml produces unnormalised SXML assigned lowdown Moritz Heidkamp defect major
#1293 eq?-hash tables calculcate different value for objects after they're mutated and lose locatives after GC new srfi-69, hash tables, locatives defect critical
#1303 File ports should be nonblocking new defect major
#1305 chmod of modules.db on new installation new defect major
#1320 henrietta-cache & openssl crash new openssl, henrietta-cache, crash defect major
#1325 qt-light egg: timers may put chicken into an inconsistent state new defect major
#1335 Building on OS X: egg uses 1 deprecated function and 1 missing function assigned Thomas Chust defect major
#1339 char-ready? returns #f even when input is available new defect minor
#1340 Unable to compile a mathh gama instruction at or above optimize-level 3 new defect minor
#1348 improvement to manual pages new defect minor
#1350 Static linking is broken on Solaris new static solaric ld linker defect major
#1351 syntax-rules has difficulty handling ellipsis in some cases? new syntax-rules sjamaan defect not urgent at all
#1355 define strips hygiene from defined identifiers at top-level new hygiene defect major
#1370 Build-dependencies between import libraries and core units don't seem to be completely right new defect minor
#1371 locative table is only grown, never shrunk new defect minor
#1382 sql-de-lite ignores new versions of sqlite3 on Cygwin new sql-de-lite Jim Ursetto defect minor
#1397 s11n4j depends on `numbers', but doesn't specify it as a dependency new s11n4j andyjpb defect major
#1399 Scrutinizer produces incorrect procedure types after merge reopened evhan defect major
#1411 ssql-record (tests): Error: unbound variable: test-table-rec-update (and other failures/errors) new ssql-record, tests arthurmaciel defect major
#1416 chunk-vector: many unbound identifiers new chuck-vector pluizer defect major
#1427 gochan's test failure new gochan kristianlm defect minor
#1450 TCP connections can cause process to hang new tcp, spiffy, sockets, hang, scheduler defect major
#1452 [test egg]: test-group eats the call-chain on error new test egg defect minor
#1453 Running MinGW-produced Chicken from a MSVC-produced executable causes a stack overflow during initialization new defect major
#1454 process-wait does not function corrently with nohang on Windows new defect major
#1464 ir-macro-expander's compare + define-syntax + modules don't mix new defect major
#1465 get-keyword fails to operate correctly if keywords in first and second arguments come from different environments new defect major
#1475 (scrutinizer) Types for global variables are not refined by predicates new defect major
#1485 edit of wiki entries - specific "Description of your changes" leads to error new defect not urgent at all
#1486 Reading and writing to a pipe set up by process can cause scheduler assertion errors new defect major
#1491 ##sys#expand-multiple-values-assignment works for some reason new defect minor
#1503 Fix dev-snapshot script new dev-snapshot Mario Domenech Goulart defect major
#1513 Type declarations in modules do not namespace structs assigned defect major
#1519 salt: test failure: can't read MLB path map file new salt Ivan Raikov defect major
#1523 srf-113 0.9: test failure: unbound variable: hash-table-exists? new srfi-113, hash-table-exists?, tests Jeremy Steward defect minor
#1526 gochan: test failure: 10ms messages for 105ms means 10 messages: expected 10 but got 11 new gochan, tests kristianlm defect minor
#1527 Procedures grouping in the wiki is confusing new defect major
#1541 Use reentrant library functions, if available new defect minor
#1561 Rewrite .egg file before installation new defect major
#1564 srfi-18: (mutex-unlock) Internal scheduler error new scheduler threads defect major
#1566 ports-tests are not testing file-lock procedures new file lock Christian Kellermann defect major
#1571 Sources for blowfish egg no longer available in bitbucket new blowfish rivo defect major
#1574 Redefining reverse in csi makes lambda behave differently, and even segfault new defect major
#1582 List of available eggs in RSS format contain incomplete URLs new defect minor
#1596 envsubst: test failure: Error: (include) cannot open file: "tests/call-with-environment-variables.scm" assigned envsubst Robert C Jensen defect major
#1597 dbus 0.96: installation failure new dbus Shawn Rutledge defect major
#1599 spock: failure in tests: Error: library not found: "syntax.scm" assigned spock Mario Domenech Goulart defect major
#1607 zlib: failure in tests new zlib Robert C Jensen defect major
#1619 Specialization ignores fixnum mode, leading to suboptimal code new defect minor
#1621 apropos support disjoint keyword new apropos, keyword Kon Lovett defect minor
#1628 hopefully: deadlock in tests new hopefully, deadlock joergw defect minor
#1634 copy-file and move-file do not preserve permissions new defect minor
#1635 Include multiple times in a row 'interrupts' definitions new defect minor
#1669 9p: wrong test directory assigned 9p, tests sjamaan defect minor
#1670 address-info: wrong test directory assigned address-info, tests Thomas Chust defect minor
#1671 aes: wrong test directory assigned aes, tests Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor
#1672 crypto-tools: wrong test directory assigned crypto-tools, tests Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor
#1673 srfi-99: wrong test directory assigned srfi-99, tests Thomas Chust defect minor
#1674 tweetnacl: wrong test directory assigned tweetnacl, tests Thomas Chust defect minor
#1695 Exception handler bug when compiled with -O5? new defect major
#1701 Egg SRFI-37 - wrong result new defect minor
#1714 types.db not found on mingw32 new defect major
#1716 coops + s11n malfunction new coops s11n defect major
#1726 chicken.base#implicit-exit-handler reporting segmentation violation with non-default heap size new defect minor
#1728 chicken-install postgresql fails on Windows new defect major
#1729 [fmt egg]: Num fails with numbers near 0 assigned foof defect major
#1731 Lowdown some minor issues assigned Moritz Heidkamp defect not urgent at all
#1752 spiffy-cgi-handlers: infinite redirect with cgit 'about' page new spiffy, spiffy-cgi-handlers defect major
#1759 Module system weirdness new defect major
#1769 Svn-client egg: changes needed to build under musl assigned Peter Bex defect minor
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