Opened 7 years ago
#1452 new defect
[test egg]: test-group eats the call-chain on error
Reported by: | megane | Owned by: | |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | someday |
Component: | extensions | Version: | |
Keywords: | test egg | Cc: | |
Estimated difficulty: |
Below is code that calls an ill behaving function foo
three times. Only the third version prints the call-chain.
It should be printed in the two calls inside test-group
s as well.
(use test) (define (f) (+ 1 'a)) (test-group "foo" (f)) (test-group "bar" (test 2 (f))) (test-begin "baz") (f) (test-end "baz") ;; $ csi -qbn test-group-call-chains.scm ;; ;; Warning: error in group outside of tests ;; ;; Error: (+) bad argument type: a ;; 1 test completed in 0.0 seconds. ;; 1 error (100%). ;; 0 out of 1 (0%) tests passed. ;; -- done testing foo ---------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; ;; -- testing bar --------------------------------------------------------------- ;; (f) .................................................................. [ERROR] ;; ;; Error: (+) bad argument type: a ;; 1 test completed in 0.0 seconds. ;; 1 error (100%). ;; 0 out of 1 (0%) tests passed. ;; -- done testing bar ---------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; ;; Error: (+) bad argument type: a ;; ;; Call history: ;; ;; <eval> (with-exception-handler89 (##core#lambda (exvar79) (k86 (##core#lambda () (##core#let ((kvar80 (and8... ;; <eval> (##sys#call-with-values (##core#lambda () (begin67 (test 2 (f)))) (##core#lambda args87 (k86 (##core... ;; <eval> (test-run102 (lambda103 () 2) (lambda103 () (f)) (cons104 (cons104 (quote105 name106) #f) (quote105 ... ;; <eval> (cons104 (cons104 (quote105 name106) #f) (quote105 ((source107 f) (source101 f)))) ;; <eval> (cons104 (quote105 name106) #f) ;; <eval> (f) ;; <eval> [f] (+ 1 (quote a)) ;; <eval> (k86 (##core#lambda () (##sys#apply ##sys#values args87))) ;; <eval> (##sys#apply ##sys#values args87) ;; <eval> (test-end76 name56) ;; <eval> (current-test-group58 old-group57) ;; <syntax> (test-begin "baz") ;; <eval> (test-begin "baz") ;; <syntax> (f) ;; <eval> (f) ;; <eval> [f] (+ 1 (quote a)) <--
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