Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 1632)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#161 toplevel-scan can treat side-effect free intrinsic calls as non-escaping felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#164 unboxing can generate incorrect C felix winkelmann defect critical compiler
#165 integrate newest irregex version into `regex' unit felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#168 investigate possibility of portable binary distributions felix winkelmann enhancement minor build system
#169 unboxing in safe mode doesn't quite work felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#170 require-extension should understand import-modifiers felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#172 investigate core-form for procedure application felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all expander
#173 add support for inheritance in defstruct extension felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#174 lift stack-check out of looping procedures, if they do not allocate felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#175 eggify lolevel unit felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#176 eggify srfi-18 unit felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#177 qt egg: windows and mac support felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#178 crunch callbacks don't handle void return-type felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#185 compile manifest into chicken-install and chicken-uninstall programs felix winkelmann defect major 4.5.0 build system
#186 csc could compile manifest into programs that may trigger elevation requests in Windows Vista felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.5.0 core tools
#187 SRFI-4 vector operations should be provided as ##core#inline calls felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#188 drop libuchicken felix winkelmann task minor 4.5.0 core libraries
#191 make distclean fix felix winkelmann defect major 4.5.0 build system
#193 chicken-install breaks when egg version is specified felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#207 port lazy-ffi to windows felix winkelmann task minor unknown
#208 speed up keyword argument processing felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#209 Chicken allows for shadowing syntax in a way disallowed by R5RS/sec.5.3 felix winkelmann task minor expander
#210 library directory used in csc not always correct on 64-bit systems felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#211 add a `file-type' procedure to posix unit felix winkelmann enhancement critical core libraries
#215 Split "Modules and macros" into "Modules" and "Macros" felix winkelmann task minor documentation
#216 consider `begin` variant with toplevel semantics that can be used locally felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#221 defstruct could use compiler-syntax to speed up instance creation felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#224 map allows non-list arguments felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#227 add cross-development chapter to manual felix winkelmann task minor documentation
#228 avoid recompilation of regular expressions, at least for simple cases felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#231 clean up unsafeness declarations in core libraries felix winkelmann task not urgent at all core libraries
#232 egg tools in cross-mode should be able to do host/target processing in one step felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core tools
#234 provide safe C_inline definitions for some fixnum operations felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#235 > < >= <= = 2-arg compiler rewrites are broken felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#238 4.5.0 post-release maintenance felix winkelmann task major core libraries
#240 wrong lambda-info for `vector-set!' felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#242 -verbose not recognized by csc felix winkelmann defect minor core tools
#248 Readline egg will not build without libtermcap felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#249 show notice if assigning to imported variable felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all core libraries
#250 debug flag to list exported bindings to which no-procedure-checks-for-toplevel-bindings was applied felix winkelmann defect critical compiler
#251 bootstrap docs nonexistent felix winkelmann defect minor documentation
#261 yes-or-no? in gui mode is broken felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#265 coops on 4.5.0 felix winkelmann defect critical extensions
#271 declarations that apply to named global variables may not work unless aliased felix winkelmann defect major compiler
#274 emit notice if pure intrinsic is dropped because result is not used felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#277 keywords should not be renamed by syntax expansion felix winkelmann defect critical expander
#278 add runtime-system hook to dump heap state felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#281 promote irregex to full unit felix winkelmann enhancement major 4.9.0 core libraries
#282 Bad version for z3 felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#284 figure out a way to make the 0xab branch of the qt egg available felix winkelmann task minor extensions
#286 utc-time->seconds is abysmally slow on OS X felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#287 timezone fixes felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#290 disable reimport notice when executing import library felix winkelmann defect minor expander
#291 Put all copyrights & licenses in one place felix winkelmann task major documentation
#293 Modules and Macros sections in the manifest file felix winkelmann defect minor documentation
#294 Use <enscript> tag instead of <scheme> for reexport example (Modules section) felix winkelmann defect minor documentation
#296 Import with renaming fails when syntax refers to exported binding felix winkelmann defect critical expander
#301 handle references to inline-routines that occur before their definition felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#304 coops#subclass? can process abort felix winkelmann defect critical extensions
#305 scripts/tools.scm needs srfi-69 felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#308 check that foreign callback returns take place in the correct order felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#310 make-egg-index.scm for felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#317 update high-load-scheduler egg felix winkelmann task major extensions
#321 #b/o/x do not allow a # beyond fixnum range, unlike #d felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#322 SRFI 88 violation of keyword v symbol felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#324 add `copy-port' to the `ports' unit felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#332 chicken-install throws an internal error in HEAD felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#338 chicken-bind should take more command-line options felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#342 Post-migration README fixes felix winkelmann defect major documentation
#343 Post-migration make-egg-rss-feed.scm fixes felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#344 Post-migration wiki2html.scm fix felix winkelmann defect major unknown
#347 3viewer needs GL eggs felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#348 store call-trace in error condition object felix winkelmann defect minor 4.9.0 core libraries
#350 remove shadowing bindings of standard-procedures in non-std procedures felix winkelmann task not urgent at all core libraries
#351 No author for 3viewer felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#352 let/let* environments aren't properly seen in profiling mode felix winkelmann defect major compiler
#353 file-copy does not what I'd think when used on directories felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.9.0 core libraries
#354 replace wiki2html script in core with the one in maintenance felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#355 Some eggs break with 4.6.0rc1 felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#356 #!key and #!rest only work when number of rest arguments is even felix winkelmann defect major core libraries
#359 merge manuals in wiki and core felix winkelmann task major documentation
#360 remove scrutinizer warning about conditional tests that are always true felix winkelmann task minor 4.9.0 compiler
#367 chicken-install -p should not influence paths in "files" entry of .setup-info felix winkelmann defect major 4.9.0 core tools
#369 basic arithmetic broken on 64-bit platforms felix winkelmann defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#371 import libraries are built with HOST_... settings in rules.make felix winkelmann defect minor 4.9.0 build system
#372 make check error on Linux/PPC (Error: assertion failed: (= -1 (pointer-s8-ref some-chunk))) felix winkelmann defect major 4.9.0 compiler
#374 make spotless doesn't remove cygchicken-0.dll and libchicken.dll.a felix winkelmann defect minor 4.9.0 build system
#375 Wrong linker option for csc on Windows/cygwin felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#376 chicken-install panic on Windows/cygwin: nursery is too small felix winkelmann defect major 4.9.0 core tools
#378 implement equivalence predicate that combines equal? and = felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all 4.9.0 core libraries
#379 Complete SRFI-46 support felix winkelmann defect minor 4.9.0 core libraries
#381 Report the top-level binding that an error occurs in felix winkelmann enhancement major 4.9.0 expander
#382 implement pointer-vectors felix winkelmann enhancement minor unknown
#384 tag 4.6.1 dev-snapshot felix winkelmann task major core libraries
#385 Better error reporting for srfi-26 felix winkelmann defect minor 4.9.0 core libraries
#388 eta-reduction is valid in some cases felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#389 contraction must take precedence before inlining felix winkelmann defect critical 4.9.0 compiler
#394 implicit renaming macros felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all 4.9.0 expander
#398 Nested let-syntax failure to strip renamed identifiers felix winkelmann defect major 4.9.0 expander
#399 The retrieve option for chicken-install doesn't work for local transport felix winkelmann defect minor 4.9.0 core tools
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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