Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (1501 - 1600 of 1632)

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#133 (require 'id) may load executable "id" evhan defect minor 5.0 core libraries
#132 improve devastating floating-point performance felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#131 check for defined exports may be confused by renaming felix winkelmann defect major 4.5.0 expander
#130 add proxy support to setup-download felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#129 `cond-expand' doesn't work when introduced by macro defect major core-pending
#128 remove read-syntax for `syntax' task minor core-pending
#127 use internal form of 'syntax' to avoid capturing defect minor core-pending
#126 don't use internal hook in tinyclos for instance foreign type defect not urgent at all core-pending
#124 `-force' should override check of chicken version in `chicken-install' defect minor core-pending
#123 tinyclos primitive class extension procedures are buggy Tony Sidaway defect major extensions
#122 tinyclos generic mechanism gets confused by a surplus of arguments. Tony Sidaway defect major extensions
#121 srfi-19 dumps core in response to bad arguments defect major extensions
#120 Allow extensions to consist of import-library only enhancement minor core-pending
#119 `define-method` does not handle dotted argument lists Tony Sidaway defect minor extensions
#118 check tinyclos usage in easyffi felix winkelmann task major extensions
#117 printing of circular objects does not terminate when shown by `describe' Christian Kellermann defect minor core tools
#116 tcp read/write timeout should throw specific exception defect major core-pending
#115 Using -host option in setup scripts is incorrect defect major extensions
#114 Improvements to tinyclos Tony Sidaway task not urgent at all extensions
#113 Crunch egg: bug in define-crunch-primitives / define-crunch-callback defect minor extensions
#112 "Trivial" is not an indicator for "Priority" enhancement not urgent at all infrastructure
#111 Make the argument for `seconds->{string,local-time,utc-time}' optional enhancement minor core-pending
#110 CHICKEN_interrupt() may not work in certain situations defect minor core libraries
#109 `process-execute` in posixwin.scm doesn't handle missing arglist argument defect minor core-pending
#108 `installation-prefix` in setup-api is not always valid defect minor core-pending
#107 non-atomic expressions in operator position are suboptimally handled defect minor core-pending
#106 allows using config file for make(1) variables enhancement minor core-pending
#105 remove "benchmark" mode, replace with -O5 task minor core-pending
#104 import-library should only be generated if it actually changed enhancement minor core-pending
#103 Remove obsolete files task minor core-pending
#102 `standard-extension` procedure from module setup-api doesn't install import library defect minor core-pending
#101 remove meaningless benchmarks task minor core-pending
#100 inlining can break assumptions about contraction defect major core-pending
#99 inlining may change status of contractables felix winkelmann defect major compiler
#98 Typo in date-literals egg in version 3 repository defect minor extensions
#97 When cross-compiling, the active features do not represent target system felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all core tools
#96 chicken-install should not use setup-mode when cross-compiling defect minor core-pending
#95 disable e-mail feature in chicken-bug(1) task major core-pending
#94 Bug in `get-condition-property' defect major core-pending
#93 remove things that refer to obsolete apply hook defect minor core-pending
#92 remove ##sys#syntactic-environment? defect minor core-pending
#91 reorganize egg repository to cut down working copy size task major extensions
#90 Compiled SLIB support Tony Sidaway task minor extensions
#89 mw egg documentation Tony Sidaway enhancement minor extensions
#88 Port of cairo.egg to chicken4 enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#87 http-client cookiejar sjamaan defect major extensions
#86 Port SDL egg to chicken 4 enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#85 reexporting does not fully work for core library exports felix winkelmann defect major core-pending
#84 remove lolevel unbound and invalid-procedure hooks task minor core-pending
#83 artificially constructed identifiers are not recognized as exports felix winkelmann defect major expander
#82 z3 egg DEFLATE and gzip confusion Tony Sidaway defect minor extensions
#81 z3 egg error handling bug Tony Sidaway defect major extensions
#80 regex grep enhancement felix winkelmann enhancement minor core-pending
#79 z3.egg eof handling bug Tony Sidaway defect major extensions
#78 figure out branch policy for seperating bugfixes and enhancements felix winkelmann task major infrastructure
#77 Be more verbose in chicken-install when requiring a minimum version felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#76 numbers egg comparison of a bignum & a flonum can be incorrect defect major extensions
#75 "ref" foreign argument type does not work defect minor compiler
#74 Incorrect regexp in call to string-substitute causes random error rather than specific error message Alex Shinn defect major core libraries
#73 building an extension will prefer already installed eggs over currently built ones defect major compiler
#72 load bug? defect minor core libraries
#71 chicken-install should try all mirrors felix winkelmann enhancement major core tools
#70 add build option to optimize for speed enhancement minor build system
#69 chicken-install does not stop on error defect major build system
#68 move installed eggs into into /var defect major build system
#67 chicken-install handles dependency chains incorrectly felix winkelmann defect critical core tools
#66 don't remove setup-api.c and setup-download.c in "make clean" defect minor build system
#65 disable executable stack sections defect major build system
#64 "maze" benchmark produces incorrect result when compiled wirth -block on x86-64 defect critical core libraries
#63 create-directory with parents doesn't accept relative paths under Unix defect major core libraries
#62 abs() argument truncated on 64-bit defect major core libraries
#61 Buffer overflow in file_info_2 defect major core libraries
#60 reactivate SONAME felix winkelmann defect major build system
#59 special case call to global variable in closure-compiler (eval) felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#58 Local definition of fold overwrites srfi-1 definition felix winkelmann defect critical extensions
#57 Extended lambda list arguments are looked up in the wrong environment felix winkelmann defect critical expander
#56 "spotless" target doesn't remove all generated files. felix winkelmann defect major build system
#55 Tests use egg repository from PREFIX felix winkelmann defect major infrastructure
#54 pointer-s8-ref should explicitly use signed char felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#53 henrietta list operation does not work felix winkelmann defect major infrastructure
#52 ##sys#expand-home-path bug on OS X felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#51 add compiler-syntax to modules felix winkelmann task minor expander
#50 document compiler syntax felix winkelmann task minor compiler
#49 replace unqualified core forms with qualified version and macro felix winkelmann task minor expander
#48 port json, packrat and z3 to chicken 4 felix winkelmann task major extensions
#47 Incorrect capture of `begin' felix winkelmann defect critical expander
#46 add support for profiling builds enhancement minor build system
#45 Prefixed imports from `chicken' module can not refer to buddy syntax felix winkelmann defect major expander
#44 sync wiki and trunk manuals felix winkelmann task major documentation
#43 bus error on 64-bit install_name_tool defect minor build system
#42 implement memory-mapped file operations for Windows task minor core libraries
#41 Implement format-control optimization for [fs]printf enhancement minor compiler
#40 merge trunk changes after r14940 into prerelease branch felix winkelmann task major core libraries
#39 inlining of procedures that use non-simple subexpressions felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#38 "csc -R <ext>" fails felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#37 refactor posix*.scm files task minor core libraries
#36 chicken-install w/ local transport fails defect minor core tools
#35 keyword argument support in procedure type signatures for scrutinizer enhancement minor compiler
#34 string-substitute bus error defect major core libraries
#33 add option to load inline files directly felix winkelmann enhancement major compiler
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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