Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 1632)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#859 strip import specifiers defect minor expander
#862 consider adding setters for subXXXvector/substring enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#863 transparent handling of executable file-suffix for "make" extension defect major extensions
#869 xsubstring with negative `from' argument returns empty string defect major core libraries
#870 SRFI-13's string comparison procedures return integers defect major core libraries
#871 INTEGER? gives wrong answer on funky floats defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#872 run finalizers in a dedicated thread task minor unknown
#875 unicode-string in unicode-utils egg reverses character order defect minor extensions
#877 tests/signal-tests.scm hangs sometimes defect major 4.9.0 build system
#878 expected results for SRFI-13's make-kmp-restart-vector defect major 4.10.0 core libraries
#879 Tests: Assert failure in library-test.scm on MinGW defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#880 bug with assume defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#881 `:' and other type related things not working with loaded code defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#882 * export and macros not working defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#884 bug with define-type and modules defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#887 exactness result of max and min is non-R5RS and depends on argument order defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#888 irregex: SRE utility pattern 'real does not match negative numbers defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#889 irregex-match-end gives odd results with chunked searches defect major core libraries
#892 Segfault on insanely long lists defect critical 4.9.0 unknown
#893 problem with type annotations and modules defect critical 4.9.0 unknown
#898 scrutinizer gives spurious warnings when given too many type hints defect minor scrutinizer
#902 coops: tiny patch for generic-procedure? defect not urgent at all extensions
#903 csc's command line switch -output-file is ignored defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#907 signal-tests.scm hangs when port is already in use defect major 4.9.0 build system
#909 strange behaviour with define-record and modules defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#916 lolevel-tests.scm failure on Linux/PPC (assertion failed: (pair? some-foo)) defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#917 tests that rely on diff break with clang defect minor unknown
#920 irc: reconnecting due to server-side EOF broken defect major unknown
#923 Make check fails on OpenBSD 5.1 with 4.8.0rc3 defect minor 4.9.0 build system
#924 Callback test fails on cygwin defect major unknown
#925 Tests for smtp and internet-message eggs start breaking on 2012-09-19 defect major someday unknown
#926 dummy-user's test starts failing on 2012-09-24 defect major someday unknown
#928 executable misnamed when reading from - (stdin) defect minor 4.9.0 compiler
#931 CR: make extended syntax bindings available by default enhancement minor someday expander
#932 CR: enable "scrutiny" be default enhancement minor someday compiler
#936 install-extension error when chicken-install is called with -prefix and an item of the given filelist is a pair defect major someday core libraries
#937 Types manual page missing in 4.8.0 defect minor someday documentation
#940 Cannot unset read syntax defect minor someday unknown
#941 Add option to process-fork to allow creating a subprocess with only the current thread enhancement minor someday core libraries
#942 make install uses user's umask defect major 4.9.0 build system
#951 print-length-limit defect minor someday core libraries
#956 sha1sum: "sha1sum" should do something sensible on Windows defect minor someday extensions
#959 make-pathname strips leading seperator in FILENAME component defect major someday core libraries
#961 option quoting in csc is a complete mess defect major someday core tools
#962 Cygwin can't load Chicken units properly on my system defect major 5.0 unknown
#968 csc: -oi and -ot enhancement minor someday core tools
#969 cond/case: warn if "else" clause is followed by other clauses enhancement minor someday expander
#972 check let[rec] bindings for multiple occurrences of the same variable enhancement minor someday expander
#975 Segmentation fault when accessing/setting moderately large SRFI-4 vectors defect critical 4.9.0 compiler
#979 chicken.h wrongly assumes that __x86_64__ implies 64 bits defect major 4.9.0 build system
#984 irregex documentation example for irregex-search does not match implementation defect minor 4.9.0 extensions
#988 Add drop-prefix to import specifiers enhancement major 5.1 unknown
#989 High CPU usage when calling signal handler multiple times defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#995 SDL on OSX, How does it work ? defect major someday unknown
#1000 srfi-19 egg has problem in time->srfi-18-time defect major someday extensions
#1001 Do not implicitly expand ~ in pathnames change request major 4.9.0 unknown
#1002 define-values is overly restrictive enhancement major someday unknown
#1003 The R5RS standard refers to section numbers but it has no section numbers defect not urgent at all 4.9.0 documentation
#1004 read-line inconsistency defect minor someday unknown
#1006 cygwin master make check fails with address space needed by '' (0x2D0000) is already occupied defect major someday unknown
#1008 file unit treats slash and backslash as path separators even on systems where they aren't defect major someday core libraries
#1011 float and double foreign-lambdas return wrong values defect major someday unknown
#1013 Trouble installing SRFI-19 with defect major someday unknown
#1014 posix: string->time preserves the year accross multiple invocations defect major someday core libraries
#1016 Numerator and denominator don't work on inexact numbers defect major someday unknown
#1018 sending a SIGQUIT to csi makes it segfault defect major someday unknown
#1022 master (4.8.x) is broken on OS X defect major someday build system
#1039 Scrutinizer's behaviour differs between (list-of x) and (list x) defect major 4.9.0 scrutinizer
#1041 -d0 causes different application behavior defect critical 4.11.0 unknown
#1042 numbers-syntax doesn't accept self-evaluating vectors defect minor someday extensions
#1045 [panic] out of memory - heap full while resizing - execution terminated (awful-picman) defect critical 4.9.0 unknown
#1046 Fix letrec use in pstk defect major someday extensions
#1048 chicken-install is broken when TMPDIR=./ defect major 4.9.0 core tools
#1049 delete-stale-binaries in chicken-install should not recurse in subdirectories defect major someday core tools
#1050 chicken-install doesn't check that dependencies installed satisfy the version constraint in the (depends ...) clause defect major 5.2 core tools
#1052 csc assumes install_name_tool is in the path defect minor 4.9.0 build system
#1053 Support newer Xcode versions on Mac defect major someday build system
#1054 "csc -deploy" does not find libchicken.dll on windows defect minor 4.11.0 compiler
#1057 CHICKEN's tests should not require installing CHICKEN before running defect major 4.9.0 build system
#1060 reexport doesn't reexport implicit syntax exports enhancement minor 4.11.0 expander
#1062 make check on windows: assertion failed: (equal? 1.0 (numerator 0.0)) defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1063 scrutiny-tests-2.scm contains a bad test but it passes anyway! defect critical 4.9.0 scrutinizer
#1064 irregex-match with `eow` doesn't behave like example in docs defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1065 irregex-match with `look-ahead` doesn't behave like the example in the docs defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#1066 irregex chunked matching breaks when using positive lookbehind with submatches defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#1067 Variable set! in signal handler is optimised away in other code. defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1068 Possible regression: kanren: Error: unbound variable: move1330613308 defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1078 letrec* can be done as Chicken letrec defect major someday unknown
#1079 Implement pathname-expand defect minor 4.10.0 extensions
#1080 condition-case expands into two else clauses defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1081 make check error on salmonella-linux-x86 (Testing correct handling of thread-join! with external signals) defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1082 A paste that makes pastiche hang defect major someday unknown
#1083 cannot import procedure from one egg during macro expansion in another egg. defect not urgent at all someday compiler
#1085 srfi-1's list= and lset procedures don't check their first arguments defect not urgent at all 4.10.0 core libraries
#1086 Port srfi-40's documentation to wiki format task minor someday documentation
#1093 chicken-uninstall should not interpret the given egg as a pattern by default enhancement minor 5.0 core tools
#1096 (abs most-negative-fixnum) does return negative value defect minor 5.0 core libraries
#1098 Remove the apply limit wrt the number of arguments defect minor 5.0 unknown
#1100 chicken-install uninstalls eggs on updating defect minor 5.0 core tools
#1101 reverse-list->string is not provided by srfi-13 (but by library.scm instead) defect minor 4.10.0 core libraries
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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