Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1300 of 1632)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#76 numbers egg comparison of a bignum & a flonum can be incorrect defect major extensions
#77 Be more verbose in chicken-install when requiring a minimum version felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#79 z3.egg eof handling bug Tony Sidaway defect major extensions
#81 z3 egg error handling bug Tony Sidaway defect major extensions
#82 z3 egg DEFLATE and gzip confusion Tony Sidaway defect minor extensions
#86 Port SDL egg to chicken 4 enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#87 http-client cookiejar sjamaan defect major extensions
#88 Port of cairo.egg to chicken4 enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#89 mw egg documentation Tony Sidaway enhancement minor extensions
#90 Compiled SLIB support Tony Sidaway task minor extensions
#91 reorganize egg repository to cut down working copy size task major extensions
#97 When cross-compiling, the active features do not represent target system felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all core tools
#98 Typo in date-literals egg in version 3 repository defect minor extensions
#110 CHICKEN_interrupt() may not work in certain situations defect minor core libraries
#111 Make the argument for `seconds->{string,local-time,utc-time}' optional enhancement minor core-pending
#112 "Trivial" is not an indicator for "Priority" enhancement not urgent at all infrastructure
#113 Crunch egg: bug in define-crunch-primitives / define-crunch-callback defect minor extensions
#114 Improvements to tinyclos Tony Sidaway task not urgent at all extensions
#115 Using -host option in setup scripts is incorrect defect major extensions
#117 printing of circular objects does not terminate when shown by `describe' Christian Kellermann defect minor core tools
#118 check tinyclos usage in easyffi felix winkelmann task major extensions
#119 `define-method` does not handle dotted argument lists Tony Sidaway defect minor extensions
#121 srfi-19 dumps core in response to bad arguments defect major extensions
#122 tinyclos generic mechanism gets confused by a surplus of arguments. Tony Sidaway defect major extensions
#123 tinyclos primitive class extension procedures are buggy Tony Sidaway defect major extensions
#132 improve devastating floating-point performance felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#134 find-files traverses symlinks defect not urgent at all core libraries
#135 load & CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH for chicken 4 defect major compiler
#136 qt egg crashes randomly felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#137 implement more floating-point-specific operators felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#139 wrong nesting in irc egg defect minor extensions
#148 build release snapshots from tag Ivan Raikov defect major infrastructure
#151 henrietta does not obey (files...) from meta defect minor extensions
#162 add documentation for srfi-4, srfi-13, srfi-14 and srfi-18 to manual Jim Ursetto task minor documentation
#165 integrate newest irregex version into `regex' unit felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#168 investigate possibility of portable binary distributions felix winkelmann enhancement minor build system
#169 unboxing in safe mode doesn't quite work felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#171 allow access to toplevel macro-transformer enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#172 investigate core-form for procedure application felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all expander
#174 lift stack-check out of looping procedures, if they do not allocate felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#175 eggify lolevel unit felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#176 eggify srfi-18 unit felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#177 qt egg: windows and mac support felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#178 crunch callbacks don't handle void return-type felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#179 add `platform` extension property enhancement minor core tools
#180 pandora egg depends on sqlite3 egg Thomas Chust defect minor extensions
#187 SRFI-4 vector operations should be provided as ##core#inline calls felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#189 "Deployment" page from the User's Manual TOC (wiki) points to an empty page defect minor documentation
#190 sandbox egg seems to endlessly loop when loaded on chicken 4.4.0 defect major extensions
#193 chicken-install breaks when egg version is specified felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#196 Parameter to specify CSS for wiki pages sjamaan enhancement major extensions
#197 qwiki sets "multidoc" as title for wiki pages Ivan Raikov defect major extensions
#198 Weird HTML code generated for [[URL|Text]] sjamaan defect major extensions
#199 Wrong link generated for wiki filename with spaces sjamaan defect major extensions
#200 Factor out the spiffy-related functionality of qwiki sjamaan enhancement major extensions
#202 Documentation for pandora requires extra eggs and a non-existent file Thomas Chust defect major extensions
#203 "Shell argument quoting" is duplicated in "Unit utils" defect minor documentation
#204 "Shell argument quoting" section is duplicated in "Unit utils" defect minor documentation
#206 number->string in numbers egg does not fail correctly sjamaan defect minor extensions
#207 port lazy-ffi to windows felix winkelmann task minor unknown
#208 speed up keyword argument processing felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#209 Chicken allows for shadowing syntax in a way disallowed by R5RS/sec.5.3 felix winkelmann task minor expander
#210 library directory used in csc not always correct on 64-bit systems felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#211 add a `file-type' procedure to posix unit felix winkelmann enhancement critical core libraries
#212 expand* and ppexpand* break on the "and" macro defect minor extensions
#214 NEWS for 4.4.5 and 4.4.6 are the same defect minor infrastructure
#215 Split "Modules and macros" into "Modules" and "Macros" felix winkelmann task minor documentation
#216 consider `begin` variant with toplevel semantics that can be used locally felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#217 peek-char works incorrectly for tcp ports defect major core libraries
#218 random not random defect minor core libraries
#220 call-with-values rewrite rule for known producer with single-valued body enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#221 defstruct could use compiler-syntax to speed up instance creation felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#222 Export `ssax:warn' enhancement major extensions
#223 unbound proc error in alist->hash-table defect major unknown
#224 map allows non-list arguments felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#225 Add a predicate for port open/closed status (slot 8) Felix enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#226 register `chicken-MAJOR.MINOR` feature identifier enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#227 add cross-development chapter to manual felix winkelmann task minor documentation
#228 avoid recompilation of regular expressions, at least for simple cases felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#229 implement apply-hack for ARM CPUs enhancement minor core libraries
#230 find-files doesn't see dotfiles defect minor core libraries
#231 clean up unsafeness declarations in core libraries felix winkelmann task not urgent at all core libraries
#232 egg tools in cross-mode should be able to do host/target processing in one step felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core tools
#233 termite compiles but fails to install Christian Kellermann defect major extensions
#234 provide safe C_inline definitions for some fixnum operations felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#235 > < >= <= = 2-arg compiler rewrites are broken felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#236 extend "list" command for henrietta CGI enhancement minor infrastructure
#237 extend chicken-install functionality enhancement not urgent at all core tools
#238 4.5.0 post-release maintenance felix winkelmann task major core libraries
#239 errors in record-printers give "error in error" error defect minor core libraries
#240 wrong lambda-info for `vector-set!' felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#241 `(set! (setter X) ...)' crashes when given non-procedure defect major unknown
#242 -verbose not recognized by csc felix winkelmann defect minor core tools
#243 GC in callbacks will invalidate references to Scheme data used in "crunch" code defect minor extensions
#244 Update "Release policy" wiki page defect minor documentation
#245 Update "Chicken Hackers Guide" wiki page defect minor documentation
#246 Remove or seriously update the "Software" page Mario Domenech Goulart defect minor documentation
#247 Chicken domains revamp Mario Domenech Goulart task major infrastructure
#248 Readline egg will not build without libtermcap felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#249 show notice if assigning to imported variable felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all core libraries
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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