Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1200 of 1630)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1636 tabular: failure in tests (No such file or directory: "tests/data/banklist.csv") Ivan Raikov defect major someday extensions
#1709 salt: failure in tests (unbound variable: unitconv#unit) Ivan Raikov defect minor someday extensions
#1175 readline started failing on 2014-12-18 Alexej Magura defect major someday extensions
#1178 readline 3.0b2: test failures Alexej Magura defect major someday extensions
#1205 readline: versioning scheme has stuck it to 3.0b2 Alexej Magura defect critical someday extensions
#532 c3 tests use invalid scoping foof defect major extensions
#548 autoload egg broken with newer chicken foof defect minor extensions
#935 test egg's approx-equal? cannot distinguish -1. and 1. foof defect major someday extensions
#1 document "qs" and "normalize-pathname" felix winkelmann task minor documentation
#2 document "qs" and "normalize-pathname" felix winkelmann task minor documentation
#7 keword argument variables get incorrectly renamed (or not at all) felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#9 setting default nursery size via compiler option doesn't seem to work felix winkelmann defect major compiler
#11 replace ##sys#strip-syntax with version that handles cyclic structures felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#13 chicken-install fails with TCP connect timeout felix winkelmann defect critical 4.9.0 core tools
#15 let-syntax and letrec-syntax don't recognize local vars in compiled code felix winkelmann defect critical compiler
#17 use of `define-foreign-record-type' expands into incorrect result type identifier felix winkelmann defect critical compiler
#18 only, except and rename don't work on core syntactic forms felix winkelmann defect major expander
#19 define-syntax on imported syntax redefines that syntax in the original module felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#21 read-string, order of magnitude speedup felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#22 complete s48-modules felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#25 chicken-install does not order egg version properly felix winkelmann defect critical infrastructure
#27 unsigned-c-string does not work as advertised felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#29 allow "... #!rest values)" type signature (scrutiny branch) felix winkelmann task major compiler
#30 merge scrutiny branch into trunk felix winkelmann enhancement major compiler
#31 update NEWS file felix winkelmann task minor documentation
#33 add option to load inline files directly felix winkelmann enhancement major compiler
#38 "csc -R <ext>" fails felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#39 inlining of procedures that use non-simple subexpressions felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#40 merge trunk changes after r14940 into prerelease branch felix winkelmann task major core libraries
#44 sync wiki and trunk manuals felix winkelmann task major documentation
#45 Prefixed imports from `chicken' module can not refer to buddy syntax felix winkelmann defect major expander
#47 Incorrect capture of `begin' felix winkelmann defect critical expander
#48 port json, packrat and z3 to chicken 4 felix winkelmann task major extensions
#49 replace unqualified core forms with qualified version and macro felix winkelmann task minor expander
#50 document compiler syntax felix winkelmann task minor compiler
#51 add compiler-syntax to modules felix winkelmann task minor expander
#52 ##sys#expand-home-path bug on OS X felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#53 henrietta list operation does not work felix winkelmann defect major infrastructure
#54 pointer-s8-ref should explicitly use signed char felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#55 Tests use egg repository from PREFIX felix winkelmann defect major infrastructure
#56 "spotless" target doesn't remove all generated files. felix winkelmann defect major build system
#57 Extended lambda list arguments are looked up in the wrong environment felix winkelmann defect critical expander
#58 Local definition of fold overwrites srfi-1 definition felix winkelmann defect critical extensions
#59 special case call to global variable in closure-compiler (eval) felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#60 reactivate SONAME felix winkelmann defect major build system
#67 chicken-install handles dependency chains incorrectly felix winkelmann defect critical core tools
#71 chicken-install should try all mirrors felix winkelmann enhancement major core tools
#77 Be more verbose in chicken-install when requiring a minimum version felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#78 figure out branch policy for seperating bugfixes and enhancements felix winkelmann task major infrastructure
#80 regex grep enhancement felix winkelmann enhancement minor core-pending
#83 artificially constructed identifiers are not recognized as exports felix winkelmann defect major expander
#85 reexporting does not fully work for core library exports felix winkelmann defect major core-pending
#97 When cross-compiling, the active features do not represent target system felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all core tools
#99 inlining may change status of contractables felix winkelmann defect major compiler
#118 check tinyclos usage in easyffi felix winkelmann task major extensions
#130 add proxy support to setup-download felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#131 check for defined exports may be confused by renaming felix winkelmann defect major 4.5.0 expander
#132 improve devastating floating-point performance felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#136 qt egg crashes randomly felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#137 implement more floating-point-specific operators felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#138 readline: unbound variable felix winkelmann defect critical compiler
#141 synchronize changes made in wiki manual with manual in core repository felix winkelmann defect major documentation
#142 move-memory! accepts negative offsets felix winkelmann defect major core libraries
#144 scrutiny fixes for posix felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#145 inlining of procedures with rest-arg promoted to vector will fail felix winkelmann defect critical compiler
#147 Error when loading the qt egg felix winkelmann defect critical extensions
#149 chicken-install can fetch and install documentation directly from the wiki felix winkelmann enhancement major documentation
#150 csc -Ob (-O5) bug (unsafe) felix winkelmann defect major compiler
#153 no-install mode in chicken-install makes no sense when installing dependencies felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#154 reexporting syntax fails with compiled import libraries felix winkelmann defect major expander
#155 make chicken-doc work on windows felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#156 unquote-splicing still broken felix winkelmann defect major expander
#157 compiler-syntax defined in a module should be local to that module felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#158 Incorrect mapping of ncurses C string-retrieval functions to Scheme procedures felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#160 implement minimal global value propagation felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#161 toplevel-scan can treat side-effect free intrinsic calls as non-escaping felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#164 unboxing can generate incorrect C felix winkelmann defect critical compiler
#165 integrate newest irregex version into `regex' unit felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#168 investigate possibility of portable binary distributions felix winkelmann enhancement minor build system
#169 unboxing in safe mode doesn't quite work felix winkelmann defect minor compiler
#170 require-extension should understand import-modifiers felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#172 investigate core-form for procedure application felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all expander
#173 add support for inheritance in defstruct extension felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#174 lift stack-check out of looping procedures, if they do not allocate felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#175 eggify lolevel unit felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#176 eggify srfi-18 unit felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#177 qt egg: windows and mac support felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#178 crunch callbacks don't handle void return-type felix winkelmann defect minor extensions
#185 compile manifest into chicken-install and chicken-uninstall programs felix winkelmann defect major 4.5.0 build system
#186 csc could compile manifest into programs that may trigger elevation requests in Windows Vista felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.5.0 core tools
#187 SRFI-4 vector operations should be provided as ##core#inline calls felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#188 drop libuchicken felix winkelmann task minor 4.5.0 core libraries
#191 make distclean fix felix winkelmann defect major 4.5.0 build system
#193 chicken-install breaks when egg version is specified felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#207 port lazy-ffi to windows felix winkelmann task minor unknown
#208 speed up keyword argument processing felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#209 Chicken allows for shadowing syntax in a way disallowed by R5RS/sec.5.3 felix winkelmann task minor expander
#210 library directory used in csc not always correct on 64-bit systems felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#211 add a `file-type' procedure to posix unit felix winkelmann enhancement critical core libraries
#215 Split "Modules and macros" into "Modules" and "Macros" felix winkelmann task minor documentation
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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