Custom Query (358 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 358)

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Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1234 graphs: installation failure (cannot import from undefined module: sets) Jeremy Steward defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1267 graphs: installation failure Jeremy Steward defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1567 graph-scc: egg-locations points to non-existing .release-info file Ivan Raikov defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1568 graph-bfs: srfi-13 is required for tests Ivan Raikov defect minor 5.0.0 fixed
#1091 glut: unexpected exit on (use glut) felix winkelmann defect major 4.8.x wontfix
#1263 glpk: installation failure Ivan Raikov defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1435 getstr function in ncurses egg felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all 4.13.0 wontfix
#1593 getopt-long: missing dependency on srfi-1 Ivan Raikov defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1012 getopt-long discards doublequotes and option values after whitespace characters Ivan Raikov defect minor 4.8.x fixed
#1289 getopt-long (value #f) inconsistent with documentation defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1409 geo-utils uses type-checks but doesn't specify check-errors as dependency Kon Lovett defect major 4.12.0 fixed
#1415 geo-utils uses "numbers" but doesn't specify it as a dependency Kon Lovett defect major 4.12.0 fixed
#1748 generics: missing build dependency specification juergen defect major fixed
#1708 genann: installation broken with CHICKEN 5.2.0 Diego defect major 5.2.0 fixed
#1250 gdbm attempts to emit an import library out of the import source file Alex Shinn defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1088 freetds tests error: cannot open file - No such file or directory: "test-freetds-secret.scm" Peter Danenberg defect major 4.8.x fixed
#1677 fp-utils: installation failure: cannot import from undefined module fx-utils Kon Lovett defect major 5.1.0 fixed
#1591 fmt: installation failure: fmt-unicode-chicken: No such file or directory Ivan Raikov defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1200 file->byte-blob can only read files in text mode on Windows defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1304 fastcgi egg segfaults with SIGUSR1 defect minor 4.11.0 fixed
#1487 expand-full for C5 needs srfi-1 Kon Lovett defect major 4.13.0 fixed
#1508 ersatz: missing 1.27 tag Ivan Raikov defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1502 ersatz: installation failure: unbound variable: fprintf Ivan Raikov defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1480 dyn-vector: exported identifier has not been defined: tabulate Ivan Raikov defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1024 dropbox egg installation failure andyjpb defect major 4.8.x fixed
#1489 directory-utils: Syntax error (import): cannot import from undefined module: scheme.file Kon Lovett defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1212 dbus: tag a release? Shawn Rutledge defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1349 dbi 0.2: installation failure Matt Welland defect major 4.12.0 fixed
#1243 datatypes: error in tests: malformed expression: (define-concrete-type TYPE type? . variants) inside expression `(define-macro ...)' juergen defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1501 datatype: tests: unbound variable: ->string Ivan Raikov defect minor 5.0.0 fixed
#957 crunch: multi-arg primitives could be simulated via syntax felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.8.x duplicate
#927 crunch: installation fails when attempting to create a directory in a non existing path felix winkelmann defect major 4.8.x fixed
#933 crunch doesn't add crunch.h to crunch.setup-info (chicken-uninstall doesn't remove crunch.h) felix winkelmann defect major 4.8.x fixed
#1040 coops: Hygiene issue with ensure-generic-procedure felix winkelmann defect minor 4.8.x fixed
#1483 coops-utils: mising dependency on srfi-13 Kon Lovett defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1700 coops-utils: installation failure: no rule matches form (pointer-uword-ref ...) Kon Lovett defect major 5.2.0 fixed
#1281 coops does not compile with CHICKEN 4.11.0 rc 1 defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1378 condition-utils uses error-utils, bot doesn't specify it as a dependency Kon Lovett defect major 4.12.0 fixed
#1562 compile-file's version has gone backwards Ivan Raikov defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1529 comparse: missing tag for version 0.3.0 Moritz Heidkamp defect major 4.13.0 fixed
#1171 combinatorics: the trick to conditionally include setup-helper-cock doesn't work Peter Danenberg defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1420 coerce (tests): Error: unbound variable: make-mutex Kon Lovett defect minor 4.12.0 fixed
#1512 chicken-belt 0.0.10 cannot be fetched Moritz Heidkamp defect major 4.13.0 fixed
#1319 check-errors egg installation in GuixSD defect major 4.11.0 invalid
#1327 check-errors and mathh manually install files into chicken-home Kon Lovett defect major 4.11.0 fixed
#1023 cgi egg tests fail Ivan Raikov defect minor 4.8.x fixed
#1143 byte-string-* procedures not exported from utf8 egg Alex Shinn defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1559 byte-blob: test failure (missing import?) Ivan Raikov defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1038 byte-blob-find fails to matches at the end of a byte-blob Ivan Raikov defect minor 4.7.x fixed
#1037 byte-blob-find fails on certain matches on 32-bit Chicken Ivan Raikov defect major 4.7.x fixed
#1105 byte-blob's tests leave temporary files Ivan Raikov defect major 4.8.x fixed
#1694 box 3.2.0 breaks srfi-123, which breaks srfi-105 Kon Lovett defect major 5.2.0 fixed
#1478 blas installation failre (missing imports in build.scm) Ivan Raikov defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1345 bindings: test failure: Error: (car) bad argument type: () juergen defect major 4.11.0 fixed
#1229 bindings needs procedural-macros juergen defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1338 bindings 7.0: test failure (unbound variable: tagged-vector) juergen defect major 4.11.0 fixed
#1035 bind: tests report a missing file (foreign-transformer-test.scm) felix winkelmann defect minor 4.8.x fixed
#1282 bind does not compile with CHICKEN 4.11.0 rc 1 defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1676 biglists: installation failure defect major 5.1.0 fixed
#1036 berkeley-db: tests need numbers Thomas Chust defect minor 4.8.x duplicate
#1244 bencode: failure in tests Caolan McMahon defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1248 bencode 1.1.1 reports its version as 1.0.0 Caolan McMahon defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1598 beaker: installation failure: cannot import from undefined module debugger-protocol evhan defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1194 autoload 2.1 still installs itself as version 2.0 Alex Shinn defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1738 arrays: failure in tests juergen defect minor 5.2.0 fixed
#987 apropos uses foldl but does not state the correct chicken dependency Kon Lovett defect minor 4.8.x fixed
#1750 apropos sort drops macros Kon Lovett defect major 5.2.0 fixed
#1211 apropos requires regex, but regex is not in the dependencies list Kon Lovett defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1544 apropos duplicate symbol-module-macro in output Kon Lovett defect minor 5.0.0 fixed
#1092 amazon-s3 test errors thomashintz defect major 4.8.x fixed
#990 allegro hardcodes include path for allegro to allegro5 dleslie defect major 4.8.x fixed
#1026 aima installation failure Peter Danenberg defect major 4.8.x fixed
#1266 aes: installation failure Alaric Snell-Pym defect major 4.10.x duplicate
#1522 aes: added to egg-location, but no release available Alaric Snell-Pym defect major fixed
#1249 aes attempts to emit an import library out of the import source file Alaric Snell-Pym defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1612 address-info: server responding "502 Bad Gateway" Thomas Chust defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1510 address-info: missing dependency on srfi-1 Thomas Chust defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1158 aand in the anaphora egg returns an unspecified value when one of the argument is #f juergen defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1472 [srfi-42] Shady tests in cond Ivan Raikov defect major fixed
#1811 [r7rs] 'environment' wrongly imports all symbols from r7rs module defect major 5.3.0 fixed
#1799 [colorize egg] slow on big files enhancement minor 5.3.0 fixed
#1474 [F-operator] Shift/reset working differently than in guile Kon Lovett defect major wontfix
#1296 Vandusen should accept commas beside colons Moritz Heidkamp enhancement major 4.11.0 fixed
#1073 Spiffy should signal request-header-fields-too-large upon (exn http line-limit-exceeded) sjamaan defect major 4.8.x wontfix
#1152 Reserved pattern symbols break when a binding of the same name exists Alex Shinn defect major 4.9.x wontfix
#1261 Rename the module exported by the kanren egg Alex Shinn task major 4.10.x fixed
#1761 Port interface in z3 egg defect minor 5.2.0 fixed
#953 Numbers-egg version of signum should accept complex numbers sjamaan enhancement major 4.8.x fixed
#1668 No .egg file for agrep defect major 5.1.0 fixed
#1394 Missing hex->string in string-utils Kon Lovett enhancement not urgent at all fixed
#1271 Imlib2 image-create initializes w/ garbage defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1224 Hahn-utils uninstallable on debian defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1046 Fix letrec use in pstk defect major 4.8.x fixed
#1393 Feature request for message-digest Kon Lovett enhancement major fixed
#1245 F-operator: multiple errors in tests Kon Lovett defect major 4.10.x fixed
#1087 Error in statistics' tests petercrlane defect major 4.8.x wontfix
#1197 Egg: Schelog Error: unbound variable: %set-of defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1019 Different uri-common results for a hairy case sjamaan defect not urgent at all 4.8.x wontfix
#1603 Bogus module resolution error for fx+ when using scsh-process sjamaan defect minor 5.0.0 fixed
#1316 Avoid define-macro warning in sxpath egg enhancement minor 4.11.0 fixed
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