Custom Query (358 matches)


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Status: accepted (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1020 matchable: Add conversion pattern(s) Alex Shinn enhancement not urgent at all 4.8.x
#813 Extension tiger-hash fails on big-endian machines Kon Lovett defect major 4.7.x

Status: assigned (29 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1775 fuse tests hang evhan defect minor
#1778 Typo or incorrect export in fmt egg Alex Shinn defect minor
#1141 hyde: execute permissions on hyde executable Moritz Heidkamp defect major 4.9.x
#1145 Issue with matchable and the module system sjamaan defect major 4.9.x
#945 html-parser supports only a few entities Alex Shinn defect major 4.8.x
#1043 byte-blob-stream-find fails to find matches at the end of a stream Ivan Raikov defect major 4.8.x
#777 unix-sockets: implement FD sending and receiving felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all 4.7.x
#1557 openssl load system certs Jim Ursetto enhancement minor 4.13.0
#1669 9p: wrong test directory sjamaan defect minor 4.13.0
#1670 address-info: wrong test directory Thomas Chust defect minor 4.13.0
#1671 aes: wrong test directory Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor 4.13.0
#1672 crypto-tools: wrong test directory Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor 4.13.0
#1673 srfi-99: wrong test directory Thomas Chust defect minor 4.13.0
#1674 tweetnacl: wrong test directory Thomas Chust defect minor 4.13.0
#1353 posix-semaphore egg won't build on OS X: uses deprecated API dleslie defect major 4.12.0
#1372 mailbox timeouts and thread signaling Kon Lovett defect major 4.12.0
#1276 alist-lib alist-update!/default not useful for adding keys Peter Danenberg defect minor 4.10.x
#1291 lowdown: markdown->sxml produces unnormalised SXML Moritz Heidkamp defect major 4.10.x
#1805 `html->sxml` with escaped quotes breaks text into multiple nodes Alex Shinn defect minor 5.3.0
#1729 [fmt egg]: Num fails with numbers near 0 foof defect major 5.2.0
#1732 [zmq egg] barebones curve encryption suport Moritz Heidkamp enhancement minor 5.2.0
#1739 math: failure in tests Diego defect minor 5.2.0
#1740 ephem: failures in tests (on 32bit systems) rca defect minor 5.2.0
#1745 apropos doesn't report macros Kon Lovett defect major 5.2.0
#1767 patch to port the netstring egg to CHICKEN 5 Moritz Heidkamp enhancement not urgent at all 5.2.0
#1769 Svn-client egg: changes needed to build under musl Peter Bex defect minor 5.2.0
#1731 Lowdown some minor issues Moritz Heidkamp defect not urgent at all 5.1.0
#1596 envsubst: test failure: Error: (include) cannot open file: "tests/call-with-environment-variables.scm" Robert C Jensen defect major 5.0.0
#1599 spock: failure in tests: Error: library not found: "syntax.scm" Mario Domenech Goulart defect major 5.0.0

Status: closed (69 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#963 tcp6 egg ignores (tcp-read-timeout #f) Jim Ursetto defect minor fixed
#1017 socket-receive blocks for connectionless sockets Jim Ursetto defect major fixed
#1393 Feature request for message-digest Kon Lovett enhancement major fixed
#1394 Missing hex->string in string-utils Kon Lovett enhancement not urgent at all fixed
#1472 [srfi-42] Shady tests in cond Ivan Raikov defect major fixed
#1474 [F-operator] Shift/reset working differently than in guile Kon Lovett defect major wontfix
#1522 aes: added to egg-location, but no release available Alaric Snell-Pym defect major fixed
#1528 mpi: test failure: ompi_mpi_init: ompi_rte_init failed Ivan Raikov defect major fixed
#1610 test duration should be printed as inexact Alex Shinn defect minor fixed
#1692 s11n doesn't work with srfi-69 hash-tables defect major fixed
#1748 generics: missing build dependency specification juergen defect major fixed
#1126 signal-diagram: installation failure: reference to possibly unbound identifier `sf' Ivan Raikov defect major 4.9.x worksforme
#1130 signal-diagram: installation failure: unbound identifiers: `prelude/ML', `prelude/scheme' and `prelude/Octave' Ivan Raikov defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1137 sql-de-lite: use of ##sys#expand-home-path Jim Ursetto defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1138 sqlite3: use of ##sys#expand-home-path Thomas Chust defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1139 sql-de-lite: failure in tests: expected 1234567890125.0 but got 1234567890125 Jim Ursetto defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1143 byte-string-* procedures not exported from utf8 egg Alex Shinn defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1150 irc: tcp-read-timeout not paramaterized everywhere that it needs to be felix winkelmann defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1151 srfi-99: define-record-type doesn't properly define field accessor when the field name matches a previously defined symbol Thomas Chust defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1152 Reserved pattern symbols break when a binding of the same name exists Alex Shinn defect major 4.9.x wontfix
#1157 test egg 'approx-equal?' bug? Alex Shinn defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1158 aand in the anaphora egg returns an unspecified value when one of the argument is #f juergen defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1160 typed-lists: tests fail sometimes defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1161 irc egg fails at removing message handler defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1163 nanomsg needs foreigners kristianlm defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1164 posix-shm: Error: (car) bad argument type: "" when shm-test return #f Ivan Raikov defect major 4.9.x worksforme
#1167 nemo: cp: cannot stat `templates/NEST.tmpl': No such file or directory Ivan Raikov defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1170 kvlists needs setup-helper Peter Danenberg defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1171 combinatorics: the trick to conditionally include setup-helper-cock doesn't work Peter Danenberg defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1174 srfi-42: append-ec fails when apply limit is reached Ivan Raikov defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1175 readline started failing on 2014-12-18 Alexej Magura defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1178 readline 3.0b2: test failures Alexej Magura defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1179 tween 1.1 needs the test egg for tests dleslie defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1182 utf8 egg silently accepts invalid byte sequences Alex Shinn enhancement major 4.9.x fixed
#1184 lowdown: Error: (car) bad argument type: () Moritz Heidkamp defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1187 svn-client on Debian Jessie: dirent_uri.c:1500: uri_skip_ancestor: Assertion `svn_uri_is_canonical(child_uri, ((void *)0))' failed defect critical 4.9.x fixed
#1192 mat5-lib, endian-blob and endian-port broken after byte-blob update Ivan Raikov defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1194 autoload 2.1 still installs itself as version 2.0 Alex Shinn defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1197 Egg: Schelog Error: unbound variable: %set-of defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1200 file->byte-blob can only read files in text mode on Windows defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1201 random-mtzig update breaks some eggs Ivan Raikov defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1205 readline: versioning scheme has stuck it to 3.0b2 Alexej Magura defect critical 4.9.x fixed
#1206 typed-lists: test failures juergen defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1207 utf8: tests need the test egg Alex Shinn defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1208 yaml: error in tests defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1209 qrencode: installation failure acharlton defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1211 apropos requires regex, but regex is not in the dependencies list Kon Lovett defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1212 dbus: tag a release? Shawn Rutledge defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1223 sigma egg seems to be missing import of utils defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1224 Hahn-utils uninstallable on debian defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1228 sets, typed-lists and arrays install the same file ( juergen defect critical 4.9.x fixed
#1229 bindings needs procedural-macros juergen defect major 4.9.x fixed
#1230 spatial-trees and kd-tree both install the same files ( and Ivan Raikov defect critical 4.9.x invalid
#1234 graphs: installation failure (cannot import from undefined module: sets) Jeremy Steward defect major 4.9.x fixed
#927 crunch: installation fails when attempting to create a directory in a non existing path felix winkelmann defect major 4.8.x fixed
#930 sixtyfive-oh-two cannot find crunch.h Mario Domenech Goulart defect major 4.8.x fixed
#933 crunch doesn't add crunch.h to crunch.setup-info (chicken-uninstall doesn't remove crunch.h) felix winkelmann defect major 4.8.x fixed
#935 test egg's approx-equal? cannot distinguish -1. and 1. foof defect major 4.8.x fixed
#939 simple-directory-handler: error 500 on listing a directory with a link foo -> foo sjamaan defect minor 4.8.x fixed
#943 typed-records: defstruct breaks with default values felix winkelmann defect major 4.8.x fixed
#947 make: phony support felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.8.x fixed
#953 Numbers-egg version of signum should accept complex numbers sjamaan enhancement major 4.8.x fixed
#954 openssl egg is tripping on utf8, someplace Thomas Chust defect minor 4.8.x fixed
#955 message-digest's test failure on 2012-12-05 Kon Lovett defect major 4.8.x fixed
#956 sha1sum: "sha1sum" should do something sensible on Windows defect minor 4.8.x fixed
#957 crunch: multi-arg primitives could be simulated via syntax felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.8.x duplicate
#964 honu 2.1 test failure: Error: call of non-procedure: #t felix winkelmann defect major 4.8.x fixed
#966 srfi-19 does not recognise the first item in abbreviation vectors for any language Kon Lovett defect major 4.8.x fixed
#973 seconds->date TIMEZONE-INFO argument defaults to #t Kon Lovett defect major 4.8.x fixed
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