Custom Query (160 matches)


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Results (101 - 160 of 160)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#1382 sql-de-lite ignores new versions of sqlite3 on Cygwin new sql-de-lite Jim Ursetto defect minor
#1427 gochan's test failure new gochan kristianlm defect minor
#1436 Don't disable inline file generation with -O5 (disable-interrupts) new inlining change request minor
#1452 [test egg]: test-group eats the call-chain on error new test egg defect minor
#1491 ##sys#expand-multiple-values-assignment works for some reason new defect minor
#1523 srf-113 0.9: test failure: unbound variable: hash-table-exists? new srfi-113, hash-table-exists?, tests Jeremy Steward defect minor
#1526 gochan: test failure: 10ms messages for 105ms means 10 messages: expected 10 but got 11 new gochan, tests kristianlm defect minor
#1541 Use reentrant library functions, if available new defect minor
#1557 openssl load system certs assigned Jim Ursetto enhancement minor
#1582 List of available eggs in RSS format contain incomplete URLs new defect minor
#1605 Display compiler warnings for macros with missing imports new enhancement minor
#1606 Add code to lfa2 for extinguishing SRFI-4 predicates assigned lfa2 felix winkelmann enhancement minor
#1619 Specialization ignores fixnum mode, leading to suboptimal code new defect minor
#1621 apropos support disjoint keyword new apropos, keyword Kon Lovett defect minor
#1628 hopefully: deadlock in tests new hopefully, deadlock joergw defect minor
#1634 copy-file and move-file do not preserve permissions new defect minor
#1635 Include multiple times in a row 'interrupts' definitions new defect minor
#1669 9p: wrong test directory assigned 9p, tests sjamaan defect minor
#1670 address-info: wrong test directory assigned address-info, tests Thomas Chust defect minor
#1671 aes: wrong test directory assigned aes, tests Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor
#1672 crypto-tools: wrong test directory assigned crypto-tools, tests Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor
#1673 srfi-99: wrong test directory assigned srfi-99, tests Thomas Chust defect minor
#1674 tweetnacl: wrong test directory assigned tweetnacl, tests Thomas Chust defect minor
#1701 Egg SRFI-37 - wrong result new defect minor
#1702 Switch to srfi-115 new regexp, irregex, srfi-115 enhancement minor
#1726 chicken.base#implicit-exit-handler reporting segmentation violation with non-default heap size new defect minor
#1735 Strip away prefix when importing new enhancement minor
#1746 Improve chicken-install cyclic dependencies error new chicken-install, egg, dependency, cyclic enhancement minor
#1763 chicken-install should pass features defined on the command line on to the build script new change request minor
#1769 Svn-client egg: changes needed to build under musl assigned Peter Bex defect minor
#1775 fuse tests hang assigned fuse evhan defect minor
#1776 More scrutable bootstrapping process new enhancement minor
#1778 Typo or incorrect export in fmt egg assigned Alex Shinn defect minor
#1795 Types for srfi-69 egg new types eggs defect minor
#1801 parley constructs an internally inconsistent input port new parley port defect minor
#1805 `html->sxml` with escaped quotes breaks text into multiple nodes assigned Alex Shinn defect minor
#1816 srfi-41: stream-match discards multiple values new defect minor
#1820 Clean up C preprocessor macros new task minor
#1823 Ship chicken.version module new defect minor
#1824 Change locatives representation assigned sjamaan enhancement minor
#1827 chicken-install creates empty egg-info files new chicken-install defect minor
#1833 inaccuracy in exponential functions new defect minor
#766 posix: can't collect exit status and close all process ports at the same time new defect not urgent at all
#776 shared lib link arguments in makefile are not transmitted to eggs new enhancement not urgent at all
#777 unix-sockets: implement FD sending and receiving assigned unix-sockets felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all
#809 allow to specify argument-type enforcement in type signatures assigned scrutinizer felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all
#1061 syntax-rules should be able to automatically determine implicit exports new enhancement not urgent at all
#1155 values and the scrutinizer new values defect not urgent at all
#1351 syntax-rules has difficulty handling ellipsis in some cases? new syntax-rules sjamaan defect not urgent at all
#1384 Simplify resolution of include/extend/types/inline/extension files new enhancement not urgent at all
#1445 Support parameterised hash table type declarations new scrutiniser, srfi-69 enhancement not urgent at all
#1446 Implement contravariant type checking for procedure types new contravariant types enhancement not urgent at all
#1471 [types] Enforce parameter types on specialization new enhancement not urgent at all
#1485 edit of wiki entries - specific "Description of your changes" leads to error new defect not urgent at all
#1657 It would be nice if glob "/*/*" worked new glob file enhancement not urgent at all
#1731 Lowdown some minor issues assigned Moritz Heidkamp defect not urgent at all
#1749 Parallelize CHICKEN core tests new tests enhancement not urgent at all
#1762 Maybe/Just Int checker in Silex compilation reopened enhancement not urgent at all
#1767 patch to port the netstring egg to CHICKEN 5 assigned Moritz Heidkamp enhancement not urgent at all
#1770 expand1: Expand macro-form only once new enhancement not urgent at all
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