Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 1632)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1520 binary-search: test failure: (=) bad argument type - not a number: #f defect major 5.4 extensions
#1666 Separate library into safe and unsafe parts enhancement minor 5.4 core libraries
#1684 programs that specify component-dependencies should build-depend on their import libraries defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1688 Restore -l option for chicken-install defect major 5.4 core tools
#1723 exports of (chicken module) are not obvious defect major 5.4 documentation
#1773 Idea: numeric dispatch with switch defect not urgent at all 5.4 core libraries
#1774 mac.r is installed in the wrong location defect not urgent at all 5.4 build system
#1777 Drop builtin-features from eval.scm defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1782 Reduce number of Windows configurations by removing Cygwin support task major 5.4 build system
#1797 checked inline procedures should not call intern felix winkelmann defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1809 Allow modules with list names on command-line enhancement major 5.4 unknown
#1819 Add user-facing weak pairs API defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1825 srfi-88 module is broken somehow defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1827 chicken-install creates empty egg-info files defect minor 5.4 core tools
#1185 wrong sorting example for topological-sort defect major 5.3 core libraries
#1540 Used heap reported by memory-statistics is too big after heap resize megane task minor 5.3 core libraries
#1638 Signal handling and parameters defect major 5.3 unknown
#1644 Add declaration to emit types file evhan enhancement minor 5.3 compiler
#1650 Empty program will sometimes do a major GC, sometimes not - figure out why sjamaan task major 5.3 core libraries
#1675 Maximum heap size is limited on 64-bit machines defect minor 5.3 core libraries
#1686 egg install scripts don't have to rm before install enhancement not urgent at all 5.3 core libraries
#1687 installation may produce *.defaults version mismatch defect minor 5.3 unknown
#1689 Segfault when calling the procedure bound in a named let with wrong number of arguments defect major 5.3 compiler
#1690 Specializations using "and" (and/or other macros) don't work properly defect major 5.3 unknown
#1699 load-verbose doesn't actually load defect major 5.3 core libraries
#1703 Arguments being passed to procedure incorrectly sjamaan defect major 5.3 compiler
#1713 chicken-install cache doesn't respect isolation defect minor 5.3 core tools
#1725 Chicken 5 accepts 2-argument log function, but the type database does not. defect major 5.3 unknown
#1727 chicken-install srfi-18 fails on Windows defect major 5.3 unknown
#1730 scheme#numerator and scheme#denominator call unbound procedure for non-finite flonums defect major 5.3 core libraries
#1733 set-sharp-read-syntax! has an incorrect type annotation in types.db defect minor 5.3 core libraries
#1734 r7rs bytevector syntax incorrectly reads second passed expression as bytevector body defect major 5.3 extensions
#1751 repl#quit should invoke exit-handler in csi defect minor 5.3 core tools
#1756 module system segfaulting at O3 defect critical 5.3 unknown
#1757 Reexport behaving inconsistently defect major 5.3 unknown
#1758 Rest-argument optimization related internal compiler error defect major 5.3 compiler
#1768 Wrong macro added to chicken-config.h in Makefile.cross-linux-mingw defect minor 5.3 build system
#1771 Except specificier in imports defect major 5.3 unknown
#1772 importing the same module over and over eats up more and more memory defect major 5.3 unknown
#1787 current-user-id setter from (chicken process-context posix) maybe needs some argument validation defect minor 5.3 core libraries
#1788 Static link file contains bogus unit names felix winkelmann defect major 5.3 compiler
#1050 chicken-install doesn't check that dependencies installed satisfy the version constraint in the (depends ...) clause defect major 5.2 core tools
#1258 At higher optimization levels, some scrutiny warnings disappear defect minor 5.2 scrutinizer
#1346 define-external variables can't be exported felix winkelmann defect major 5.2 compiler
#1379 Improve "heap-shrinkage" rate enhancement minor 5.2 core libraries
#1422 for-each behaves inconsistently when compiled versus interpreted on lists of unequal length defect major 5.2 core libraries
#1470 Should -analyze-only imply -specialize? task minor 5.2 compiler
#1548 Extra modules leak into environment when using -j defect major 5.2 compiler
#1575 utf8-srfi-13-string-every returns #f with empty string defect major 5.2 unknown
#1586 Context-switch from GC causes infinite GC loop defect major 5.2 compiler
#1620 Some let bindings are not replaced resulting in unnecessary CPS calls defect major 5.2 compiler
#1623 Avoid consing for optional procedure arguments sjamaan enhancement minor 5.2 compiler
#1624 Flonum unboxing too agressive defect critical 5.2 compiler
#1625 Empty keyword is not read as such sjamaan defect minor 5.2 core libraries
#1626 +inf.0 inserted literally into C code in some situations with -O3 and above defect major 5.2 compiler
#1630 Optimizer sometimes incorrectly drops procedure arguments defect major 5.2 compiler
#1631 srfi-13 string-pad segfaults when arguments are not of the right type defect major 5.2 extensions
#1633 define-record-type does not check constructor arguments sjamaan defect major 5.2 unknown
#1637 Build fails on Debian/armel defect critical 5.2 core libraries
#1643 Crash in csi "report" defect major 5.2 core tools
#1645 Invalid letrec usage hangs the compiler felix winkelmann defect minor 5.2 unknown
#1646 ck-macros egg tests fail due to unknown ck-wrapper identifier defect major 5.2 unknown
#1647 chicken-install on windows fails from other drive than C: defect minor 5.2 extensions
#1648 Inliner goes wrong felix winkelmann defect major 5.2 compiler
#1649 foreign-lambda annotates return type without considering retconvert from define-foreign-type defect major 5.2 scrutinizer
#1651 Non-toplevel define error in C5 foof-loop defect major 5.2 expander
#1655 csc: when .c files are supplied and -c is given, the -o option has no effect felix winkelmann defect major 5.2 core tools
#1658 One bug left with rest-argument optimizations defect major 5.2 compiler
#1659 c-objects should be compiled with proper C compiler flags felix winkelmann defect major 5.2 extensions
#1661 irregex-replace/all behaves weirdly at bos/bol defect major 5.2 core libraries
#1662 Error in generated C for invalid call to rest_arg_out_of_bounds_error sjamaan defect critical 5.2 compiler
#1663 "make check" fails on mingw-msys on repository search path test defect major 5.2 core libraries
#1665 Inlining issue defect major 5.2 compiler
#757 provide ##core#inline-routines for cheap SRFI-4 vector primitives felix winkelmann enhancement minor 5.1 compiler
#806 DSSSL extended lambda lists are unhygienic defect minor 5.1 core libraries
#988 Add drop-prefix to import specifiers enhancement major 5.1 unknown
#1077 Symbols containing newlines don't get quoted by write sjamaan defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1159 Handle -debug h without a source file defect minor 5.1 core tools
#1318 Add peak (and average?) memory usage to `time` macro defect not urgent at all 5.1 core libraries
#1343 Unable to create R7RS libraries which don't import quote evhan defect major 5.1 unknown
#1365 bitwise-not returns wrong values on non-negative arguments defect minor 5.1 core libraries
#1403 bytestructures: reference to possibly unbound identifiers `r6rs.bytevectors' and `quote' evhan defect major 5.1 extensions
#1426 test-finalizers may break in interpreted mode when importing posix felix winkelmann defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1428 Embedded test triggers invalid read in Valgrind and asan defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1441 Macro keywords unexpectedly match against imported identifiers sjamaan defect major 5.1 expander
#1442 file-copy in compiled code causes segfaults sjamaan defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1455 XDG basedir support for csi config, egg cache and maybe more change request minor 5.1 core tools
#1467 Bare hashes cause confusing error message in scripts sjamaan enhancement minor 5.1 core libraries
#1494 Indirect exports with (export (foo bar)) style are not working defect major 5.1 compiler
#1506 module importing itself does not result in an error defect major 5.1 core tools
#1532 "lint mode" for csc enhancement minor 5.1 core tools
#1537 Add unboxing pass felix winkelmann enhancement minor 5.1 compiler
#1538 Add egg component type for C code felix winkelmann enhancement major 5.1 extensions
#1539 Allow conditionals in egg specifications felix winkelmann enhancement major 5.1 extensions
#1545 apropos symbol-table pollution Kon Lovett defect major 5.1 extensions
#1563 Renaming issue with "the" defect major 5.1 expander
#1572 read/write invariance of #! is violated defect major 5.1 core libraries
#1576 Keywords get encoded with leading NUL byte, breaking read-write invariance of symbols starting with a NUL byte defect minor 5.1 core libraries
#1578 apropos does not filter internal & keywords properly Kon Lovett defect major 5.1 unknown
#1581 record-instance? from (chicken memory representation) fails in modules defect minor 5.1 core libraries
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