Custom Query (1303 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 1303)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1680 henrietta ignores dotfiles defect not urgent at all someday infrastructure
#1682 procedural-macros: failure in tests juergen defect major someday extensions
#1683 srfi-18: unquoted build script variables defect not urgent at all someday core libraries
#1684 programs that specify component-dependencies should build-depend on their import libraries defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1687 installation may produce *.defaults version mismatch defect minor 5.3 unknown
#1688 Restore -l option for chicken-install defect major 5.4 core tools
#1689 Segfault when calling the procedure bound in a named let with wrong number of arguments defect major 5.3 compiler
#1690 Specializations using "and" (and/or other macros) don't work properly defect major 5.3 unknown
#1692 s11n doesn't work with srfi-69 hash-tables defect major someday extensions
#1694 box 3.2.0 breaks srfi-123, which breaks srfi-105 Kon Lovett defect major someday extensions
#1697 R7RS cond-expand library form is broken defect major someday unknown
#1700 coops-utils: installation failure: no rule matches form (pointer-uword-ref ...) Kon Lovett defect major someday extensions
#1703 Arguments being passed to procedure incorrectly sjamaan defect major 5.3 compiler
#1706 messages: failure in tests juergen defect minor someday extensions
#1707 procedural-macros: failure in tests juergen defect major someday extensions
#1708 genann: installation broken with CHICKEN 5.2.0 Diego defect major someday extensions
#1709 salt: failure in tests (unbound variable: unitconv#unit) Ivan Raikov defect minor someday extensions
#1710 Major garbage collector runs all the time defect major someday core libraries
#1711 ##sys#read with -keyword-style prefix transforms bare colon into empty symbol defect minor someday core libraries
#1713 chicken-install cache doesn't respect isolation defect minor 5.3 core tools
#1717 coops — slot-initialized? defect major someday unknown
#1718 srfi-69 egg hash-table-delete!/-merge!/remove! return type doesn't match SRFI-69 defect not urgent at all someday extensions
#1720 r7rs "write" procedure does not escape "invalid" symbols defect major 6.0.0 unknown
#1721 include file install w/ CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX causes duplicated install prefix in final pathname defect major someday core tools
#1722 srfi-193: failure in tests lassik defect minor someday extensions
#1724 messages: installation failure juergen defect major someday extensions
#1725 Chicken 5 accepts 2-argument log function, but the type database does not. defect major 5.3 unknown
#1727 chicken-install srfi-18 fails on Windows defect major 5.3 unknown
#1730 scheme#numerator and scheme#denominator call unbound procedure for non-finite flonums defect major 5.3 core libraries
#1733 set-sharp-read-syntax! has an incorrect type annotation in types.db defect minor 5.3 core libraries
#1734 r7rs bytevector syntax incorrectly reads second passed expression as bytevector body defect major 5.3 extensions
#1736 Incomplete SRFI-46/R7RS tail pattern support defect minor 6.0.0 core libraries
#1737 srfi-41: missing dependency on srfi-1 Kon Lovett defect major someday extensions
#1738 arrays: failure in tests juergen defect minor someday extensions
#1741 skiplists: failure in tests juergen defect minor someday extensions
#1742 simple-cells: failure in tests juergen defect minor someday extensions
#1743 simple-contracts: failure in tests juergen defect minor someday extensions
#1744 chicken-install: Error: (string->number) bad argument type: #!eof defect major someday core tools
#1747 manual-labor produces malformed HTML Jim Ursetto defect not urgent at all someday extensions
#1748 generics: missing build dependency specification juergen defect major someday extensions
#1750 apropos sort drops macros Kon Lovett defect major someday extensions
#1753 macOS case-insesitive fs resolves C++ <version> to chicken-install generated VERSION file defect major someday unknown
#1754 sandbox egg test fails on missing ##sys#eval-decorator procedure defect minor someday extensions
#1755 Make "make clean" remove chicken-config.h defect minor someday build system
#1756 module system segfaulting at O3 defect critical 5.3 unknown
#1757 Reexport behaving inconsistently defect major 5.3 unknown
#1758 Rest-argument optimization related internal compiler error defect major 5.3 compiler
#1761 Port interface in z3 egg defect minor someday extensions
#1768 Wrong macro added to chicken-config.h in Makefile.cross-linux-mingw defect minor 5.3 build system
#1771 Except specificier in imports defect major 5.3 unknown
#1772 importing the same module over and over eats up more and more memory defect major 5.3 unknown
#1774 mac.r is installed in the wrong location defect not urgent at all 5.4 build system
#1777 Drop builtin-features from eval.scm defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1779 reverse-list->string not exported by srfi-13 egg defect minor someday core libraries
#1781 http-client: Always include a path component when sending a proxy request sjamaan defect major someday unknown
#1783 Creation of .types file is not deterministic defect minor someday compiler
#1785 csc man page lists -static-libs but -static is the correct option defect major someday unknown
#1786 tabular errors out when specifying both column-names and return-names Ivan Raikov defect minor someday extensions
#1787 current-user-id setter from (chicken process-context posix) maybe needs some argument validation defect minor 5.3 core libraries
#1788 Static link file contains bogus unit names felix winkelmann defect major 5.3 compiler
#1789 md5 egg doesn't run tests on the correct CHICKEN Kon Lovett defect major someday extensions
#1790 md5 egg refers to nonexisting header file in source-dependencies list causing it to fail on rebuild Kon Lovett defect major someday extensions
#1797 checked inline procedures should not call intern felix winkelmann defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1800 chicken-install fails installing eggs when encountering truncated/empty .egg-info files defect major someday core tools
#1802 chicken-install doesn't update outdated cached eggs defect minor someday core tools
#1811 [r7rs] 'environment' wrongly imports all symbols from r7rs module defect major someday extensions
#1819 Add user-facing weak pairs API defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1825 srfi-88 module is broken somehow defect major 5.4 core libraries
#1826 http-name->symbol broken sjamaan defect major 6.0.0 extensions
#1830 Memoization of directory used by create-temporary-{file,directory} Mario Domenech Goulart defect minor someday core libraries
#1838 http-client does not multipart encode string ports properly defect major someday unknown
#8 wrap up high-load scheduler as egg enhancement major extensions
#11 replace ##sys#strip-syntax with version that handles cyclic structures felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#21 read-string, order of magnitude speedup felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#24 port ncurses egg to chicken4 enhancement minor extensions
#30 merge scrutiny branch into trunk felix winkelmann enhancement major compiler
#33 add option to load inline files directly felix winkelmann enhancement major compiler
#39 inlining of procedures that use non-simple subexpressions felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#41 Implement format-control optimization for [fs]printf enhancement minor compiler
#70 add build option to optimize for speed enhancement minor build system
#71 chicken-install should try all mirrors felix winkelmann enhancement major core tools
#77 Be more verbose in chicken-install when requiring a minimum version felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#80 regex grep enhancement felix winkelmann enhancement minor core-pending
#86 Port SDL egg to chicken 4 enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#88 Port of cairo.egg to chicken4 enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#104 import-library should only be generated if it actually changed enhancement minor core-pending
#106 allows using config file for make(1) variables enhancement minor core-pending
#111 Make the argument for `seconds->{string,local-time,utc-time}' optional enhancement minor core-pending
#112 "Trivial" is not an indicator for "Priority" enhancement not urgent at all infrastructure
#120 Allow extensions to consist of import-library only enhancement minor core-pending
#132 improve devastating floating-point performance felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#137 implement more floating-point-specific operators felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#160 implement minimal global value propagation felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#165 integrate newest irregex version into `regex' unit felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#170 require-extension should understand import-modifiers felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#174 lift stack-check out of looping procedures, if they do not allocate felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#177 qt egg: windows and mac support felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions
#179 add `platform` extension property enhancement minor core tools
#182 enable terminal-port? on windows enhancement minor core libraries
#186 csc could compile manifest into programs that may trigger elevation requests in Windows Vista felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.5.0 core tools
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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