Custom Query (354 matches)


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Results (301 - 354 of 354)

1 2 3 4

Status: closed (54 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#755 unboxing of specialized fp operations seems buggy felix winkelmann defect critical compiler 4.7.x
#761 type-var unification for complex "pair" types not always right felix winkelmann defect major compiler 4.7.x
#774 Update copyright headers in all source files felix winkelmann task minor unknown 4.7.x
#789 bind egg: unable to parse command-line parameters felix winkelmann defect major extensions 4.7.x
#802 (make-vector -1) gets optimised into (##core#inline_allocate ("C_i_a_vector" 0)) felix winkelmann defect major compiler 4.7.x
#822 numbers-string-conversion-test fails for windows felix winkelmann defect major core libraries 4.7.x
#825 charplot: reference to possibly unbound identifier `a:flor64b' felix winkelmann defect major extensions 4.7.x
#843 star export '(module foo * ...)' doesn't work with reexport felix winkelmann defect minor unknown 4.7.x
#854 Sometimes additional import libraries are exported when using the -j switch felix winkelmann defect minor compiler 4.7.x
#855 `make-pathname' causes a segfault when given a list of non-strings as first argument felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries 4.7.x
#864 setup-api handles copying of directories not properly on windows felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries 4.7.x
#865 modules: * export breaks when trying to export variables from imported modules felix winkelmann defect minor unknown 4.7.x
#866 gc goes crazy with faulty finalizers felix winkelmann defect major core libraries 4.7.x
#867 coops: metods returning multiple values don't work felix winkelmann defect minor extensions 4.7.x
#868 scrutinizer makes too strong assumptions about mutable data felix winkelmann defect critical scrutinizer 4.7.x
#874 Compiling some files may cause infinite optimization loops, eating all available memory felix winkelmann defect major compiler 4.7.x
#883 problem with procedure type declarations felix winkelmann defect minor unknown 4.7.x
#895 stack-overflow check fails incorrectly on Sparc64 felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries 4.7.x
#896 -strict-types fails with forall types (sometimes) felix winkelmann defect minor compiler 4.8.x
#897 compiler-typecase doesn't work with type-abbreviations felix winkelmann defect minor unknown 4.8.x
#900 reexport doesn't work with `((foo bar))' style macro export declarations felix winkelmann defect major compiler 4.8.x
#901 reexporting macros with * doesn't work felix winkelmann defect major compiler 4.8.x
#908 Define uninterned symbols in the manual felix winkelmann enhancement minor documentation 4.8.x
#910 Failure with many arguments on amd64 felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries 4.8.x
#915 "(read-string #f)" from console does not detect EOF correctly felix winkelmann defect major unknown 4.8.x
#918 lolevel test fails with -scrutinize felix winkelmann defect major scrutinizer 4.8.x
#921 coops does not register primitive objects correctly felix winkelmann defect major extensions 4.8.x
#922 since 4.7.x x>1 keywords cannot start with numbers anymore felix winkelmann defect major unknown 4.8.x
#949 Building from tarball broken on Windows felix winkelmann defect critical build system 4.8.x
#491 runtime argument :a is not checked and will cause crashes Christian Kellermann defect major unknown 4.6.x
#524 chicken-install -deploy does not copy internal eggs/units Christian Kellermann defect major unknown 4.6.x
#670 parley does delete output if it is not followed by a newline Christian Kellermann defect major extensions 4.7.x
#683 chicken-install exits 0 when trying to install non existent eggs Christian Kellermann defect major core tools 4.7.x
#694 find-files does follow symlinks contradicts documentation Christian Kellermann defect major unknown 4.7.x
#712 when setting CHICKEN_PREFIX the default include path is not correctly prefixed Christian Kellermann defect major compiler 4.7.x
#721 parley seems to drop newlines when piping input from stdin Christian Kellermann defect major extensions 4.7.x
#762 Cairo or SDL cause a crash in this example Christian Kellermann defect major extensions 4.7.x
#791 integer? returns true for special flonum types on 64-bits machines Christian Kellermann defect major core libraries 4.7.x
#794 on 32bit systems srfi-4 make- procedures fail where make-vector succeeds Christian Kellermann defect major core libraries 4.7.x
#805 case-lambda is unhygienic Christian Kellermann defect minor core libraries 4.7.x
#1058 Strange bugs in openssl egg (or core?) Thomas Chust defect major unknown 4.8.x
#380 sendfile build failure on Windows/cygwin certainty defect major extensions 4.6.x
#501 sendfile 1.7.4 broken on OS X certainty defect major unknown 4.6.x
#637 chickumber needs missbehave certainty defect major extensions 4.7.x
#638 sendfile 1.7.5 declares version as 1.7.4 certainty defect major extensions 4.7.x
#639 syslog 1.0 declares version as 0.1 certainty defect major extensions 4.7.x
#640 dict 2.5 declares version as 2.4 certainty defect major extensions 4.7.x
#641 versions 1.11 declares version as 1.1 certainty defect major extensions 4.7.x
#642 nomads 1.0 declares version as 0.1 certainty defect major extensions 4.7.x
#727 sendfile broken for files > 1MB certainty defect critical extensions 4.7.x
#728 sendfile.setup will probably not work on windows certainty defect major extensions 4.7.x
#729 sendfile test errors certainty defect critical extensions 4.7.x
#710 tokyocabinet egg needs to add /usr/local/{lib,include} to build flags on OpenBSD Alex Shinn defect major extensions 4.7.x
#611 lzma tests segfaults on its tests alaricsp defect major unknown 4.7.x
1 2 3 4
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