chicken-install exits 0 when trying to install non existent eggs
Here's an example:
$ chicken-install foo
retrieving ...
connecting to host "", port 80 ...
requesting "/henrietta.cgi?name=foo&mode=default" ...
reading response ...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 23:39:18 GMT
Server: Apache
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/plain
reading chunks .
reading files ...
foo located at /tmp/tempf0d3/foo
Warning: extension `foo' has no .meta file - assuming it has no dependencies
install order:
$ echo $?
I expect it to exit a non-zero value in this case.
Change History (7)
Owner: |
set to felix winkelmann
Status: |
new →
Owner: |
felix winkelmann deleted
Owner: |
set to Christian Kellermann
Status: |
assigned →
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
accepted →
proposed bug683.patch to chicken-hackers