Custom Query (27 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1575 utf8-srfi-13-string-every returns #f with empty string defect closed major 5.2
#1566 ports-tests are not testing file-lock procedures Christian Kellermann defect new major someday
#1564 srfi-18: (mutex-unlock) Internal scheduler error defect new major 6.0.0
#1548 Extra modules leak into environment when using -j defect closed major 5.2
#1540 Used heap reported by memory-statistics is too big after heap resize megane task closed minor 5.3
#1476 (scrutinizer) Should global types be smashed in local contexts? task new minor someday
#1475 (scrutinizer) Types for global variables are not refined by predicates defect new major someday
#1470 Should -analyze-only imply -specialize? task closed minor 5.2
#1466 Try to get rid of evaluated imports in generated import libraries sjamaan enhancement new major 6.0.0
#1450 TCP connections can cause process to hang defect new major someday
#1446 Implement contravariant type checking for procedure types enhancement new not urgent at all someday
#1422 for-each behaves inconsistently when compiled versus interpreted on lists of unequal length defect closed major 5.2
#1399 Scrutinizer produces incorrect procedure types after merge evhan defect reopened major someday
#1371 locative table is only grown, never shrunk defect new minor someday
#1370 Build-dependencies between import libraries and core units don't seem to be completely right defect new minor 6.0.0
#1354 Clean up the expander a bit sjamaan task new minor 6.0.0
#1346 define-external variables can't be exported felix winkelmann defect closed major 5.2
#1340 Unable to compile a mathh gama instruction at or above optimize-level 3 defect new minor someday
#1339 char-ready? returns #f even when input is available defect new minor someday
#1294 define-record-printer messes with internal defines defect closed major someday
#1286 define-constant and define-inline should shadow imported identifiers enhancement new minor 6.0.0
#1258 At higher optimization levels, some scrutiny warnings disappear defect closed minor 5.2
#1222 Rework error handling to make it work better with non-POSIX functions enhancement new major someday
#1166 Globally defining an identifier previously bound to a macro should shadow the macro fully sjamaan defect closed major 5.4
#1131 Kill ##sys#alias-global-hook with fire defect new major someday
#1050 chicken-install doesn't check that dependencies installed satisfy the version constraint in the (depends ...) clause defect closed major 5.2
#757 provide ##core#inline-routines for cheap SRFI-4 vector primitives felix winkelmann enhancement closed minor 5.1
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