Custom Query (144 matches)


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Results (101 - 144 of 144)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1073 Spiffy should signal request-header-fields-too-large upon (exn http line-limit-exceeded) sjamaan defect major someday extensions
#355 Some eggs break with 4.6.0rc1 felix winkelmann defect major extensions
#811 Should "chicken" go into $PREFIX/libexec? task not urgent at all build system
#1666 Separate library into safe and unsafe parts enhancement minor 5.4 core libraries
#967 SRFI 19 TZ offset & name do not need to match Kon Lovett defect minor someday unknown
#1152 Reserved pattern symbols break when a binding of the same name exists Alex Shinn defect major someday extensions
#442 Reloading .so files defect major unknown
#1782 Reduce number of Windows configurations by removing Cygwin support task major 5.4 build system
#329 Put robots.txt handling into qwiki sjamaan defect minor wiki
#1220 Problems with chicken-status -f after using chicken-install -p Christian Kellermann defect minor someday unknown
#1115 Potentially bogus scrutinizer warning "expected in `let' binding of `x' a single result, but were given 3 results" defect major 4.11.0 unknown
#692 Numbers egg won't build on Cygwin under 4.7.0 defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#416 Make stock errors more usable programmatically enhancement minor 4.9.0 core libraries
#1704 Make -O3 imply -d0 change request not urgent at all 6.0.0 compiler
#1441 Macro keywords unexpectedly match against imported identifiers sjamaan defect major 5.1 expander
#1322 Locale can influence how CHICKEN reads numbers defect major 4.12.0 core libraries
#732 Include dates in wiki egg documentation "Version History" enhancement major 4.9.0 documentation
#1191 In deployed binaries, evaluated code cannot load modules evhan defect major 5.0 core libraries
#114 Improvements to tinyclos Tony Sidaway task not urgent at all extensions
#1773 Idea: numeric dispatch with switch defect not urgent at all 5.4 core libraries
#323 Have a logger-like warning precedence concept enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#243 GC in callbacks will invalidate references to Scheme data used in "crunch" code defect minor extensions
#1806 Finding missing dependencies enhancement minor someday compiler
#200 Factor out the spiffy-related functionality of qwiki sjamaan enhancement major extensions
#1087 Error in statistics' tests petercrlane defect major someday extensions
#1388 Enable clustering and lfa2 at lower optimisation levels felix winkelmann enhancement minor 5.4 compiler
#565 EQV? doesn't distinguish between 0.0 and -0.0 felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all 4.9.0 unknown
#279 DoS protection support for spiffy sjamaan enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#1019 Different uri-common results for a hairy case sjamaan defect not urgent at all someday extensions
#90 Compiled SLIB support Tony Sidaway task minor extensions
#1449 Chicken fails to install when built statically defect major someday build system
#458 Chicken can't profile itself defect minor compiler
#860 C_in_stackp could be optimized felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#587 CR: expt should signal error on domain error task minor core libraries
#672 CR: Division by inexact zero results in infinity (or nan) as per IEEE 754 defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#143 Build fails on 64-bit Mac OS X Ivan Raikov defect critical build system
#739 Allow more specific foreign types felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler
#1383 Add unexport form for modules enhancement minor 6.0.0 compiler
#1616 Add stop-server procedure to spiffy sjamaan enhancement minor someday extensions
#988 Add drop-prefix to import specifiers enhancement major 5.1 unknown
#812 Add ->list and ->boolean to core system felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#539 'cancel' button on wiki edit page enhancement not urgent at all 4.9.0 wiki
#356 #!key and #!rest only work when number of rest arguments is even felix winkelmann defect major core libraries
#612 "chicken-install -deploy" must make sure the installed extensions have the same version as the currently installed ones defect major core tools
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