Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 1632)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1494 Indirect exports with (export (foo bar)) style are not working defect major 5.1 compiler
#1517 fxmod works differently with -unsafe defect major 5.0 compiler
#1537 Add unboxing pass felix winkelmann enhancement minor 5.1 compiler
#1548 Extra modules leak into environment when using -j defect major 5.2 compiler
#1556 Make inline files less expanded for the scrutinizer enhancement not urgent at all someday compiler
#1586 Context-switch from GC causes infinite GC loop defect major 5.2 compiler
#1604 fixnum arithmetic is ignored defect major 5.1 compiler
#1613 CR: Make keywords and symbols distinct types sjamaan change request major 5.1 compiler
#1620 Some let bindings are not replaced resulting in unnecessary CPS calls defect major 5.2 compiler
#1623 Avoid consing for optional procedure arguments sjamaan enhancement minor 5.2 compiler
#1624 Flonum unboxing too agressive defect critical 5.2 compiler
#1626 +inf.0 inserted literally into C code in some situations with -O3 and above defect major 5.2 compiler
#1630 Optimizer sometimes incorrectly drops procedure arguments defect major 5.2 compiler
#1642 replace "params" slot in nodes of intermediate representation defect not urgent at all someday compiler
#1644 Add declaration to emit types file evhan enhancement minor 5.3 compiler
#1648 Inliner goes wrong felix winkelmann defect major 5.2 compiler
#1658 One bug left with rest-argument optimizations defect major 5.2 compiler
#1662 Error in generated C for invalid call to rest_arg_out_of_bounds_error sjamaan defect critical 5.2 compiler
#1665 Inlining issue defect major 5.2 compiler
#1681 TinyCC (tcc) support enhancement not urgent at all someday compiler
#1689 Segfault when calling the procedure bound in a named let with wrong number of arguments defect major 5.3 compiler
#1703 Arguments being passed to procedure incorrectly sjamaan defect major 5.3 compiler
#1704 Make -O3 imply -d0 change request not urgent at all 6.0.0 compiler
#1715 make -emit-inline-file always write a file change request not urgent at all someday compiler
#1758 Rest-argument optimization related internal compiler error defect major 5.3 compiler
#1783 Creation of .types file is not deterministic defect minor someday compiler
#1788 Static link file contains bogus unit names felix winkelmann defect major 5.3 compiler
#1806 Finding missing dependencies enhancement minor someday compiler
#7 keword argument variables get incorrectly renamed (or not at all) felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#10 Add parameters to chicken.import.scm defect major core libraries
#11 replace ##sys#strip-syntax with version that handles cyclic structures felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#16 set-file-position! missing defect major core libraries
#20 compiled executables ignore CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH defect major core libraries
#21 read-string, order of magnitude speedup felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#26 hashing procedures exported by srfi-69 and srfi-13 conflict defect major core libraries
#34 string-substitute bus error defect major core libraries
#37 refactor posix*.scm files task minor core libraries
#40 merge trunk changes after r14940 into prerelease branch felix winkelmann task major core libraries
#42 implement memory-mapped file operations for Windows task minor core libraries
#52 ##sys#expand-home-path bug on OS X felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#54 pointer-s8-ref should explicitly use signed char felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#59 special case call to global variable in closure-compiler (eval) felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#61 Buffer overflow in file_info_2 defect major core libraries
#62 abs() argument truncated on 64-bit defect major core libraries
#63 create-directory with parents doesn't accept relative paths under Unix defect major core libraries
#64 "maze" benchmark produces incorrect result when compiled wirth -block on x86-64 defect critical core libraries
#72 load bug? defect minor core libraries
#74 Incorrect regexp in call to string-substitute causes random error rather than specific error message Alex Shinn defect major core libraries
#110 CHICKEN_interrupt() may not work in certain situations defect minor core libraries
#132 improve devastating floating-point performance felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#133 (require 'id) may load executable "id" evhan defect minor 5.0 core libraries
#134 find-files traverses symlinks defect not urgent at all core libraries
#137 implement more floating-point-specific operators felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#142 move-memory! accepts negative offsets felix winkelmann defect major core libraries
#146 several char-sets seem to be broken defect major core libraries
#165 integrate newest irregex version into `regex' unit felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#170 require-extension should understand import-modifiers felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#171 allow access to toplevel macro-transformer enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#175 eggify lolevel unit felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#176 eggify srfi-18 unit felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#182 enable terminal-port? on windows enhancement minor core libraries
#183 symbols starting with # do not have read-write invariance defect minor core libraries
#187 SRFI-4 vector operations should be provided as ##core#inline calls felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#188 drop libuchicken felix winkelmann task minor 4.5.0 core libraries
#208 speed up keyword argument processing felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#211 add a `file-type' procedure to posix unit felix winkelmann enhancement critical core libraries
#216 consider `begin` variant with toplevel semantics that can be used locally felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#217 peek-char works incorrectly for tcp ports defect major core libraries
#218 random not random defect minor core libraries
#221 defstruct could use compiler-syntax to speed up instance creation felix winkelmann enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#224 map allows non-list arguments felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#225 Add a predicate for port open/closed status (slot 8) Felix enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#226 register `chicken-MAJOR.MINOR` feature identifier enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#229 implement apply-hack for ARM CPUs enhancement minor core libraries
#230 find-files doesn't see dotfiles defect minor core libraries
#231 clean up unsafeness declarations in core libraries felix winkelmann task not urgent at all core libraries
#234 provide safe C_inline definitions for some fixnum operations felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#235 > < >= <= = 2-arg compiler rewrites are broken felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#238 4.5.0 post-release maintenance felix winkelmann task major core libraries
#239 errors in record-printers give "error in error" error defect minor core libraries
#240 wrong lambda-info for `vector-set!' felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#249 show notice if assigning to imported variable felix winkelmann defect not urgent at all core libraries
#261 yes-or-no? in gui mode is broken felix winkelmann defect critical core libraries
#269 Maybe better message for minimum extension requirements enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#272 add tests for extension installation/removal/listing/deployment task minor core libraries
#275 when giving a read-error for a missing closing delimiter, show line of opening one enhancement minor core libraries
#278 add runtime-system hook to dump heap state felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#280 assert should show source-location info, if possible enhancement minor core libraries
#281 promote irregex to full unit felix winkelmann enhancement major 4.9.0 core libraries
#286 utc-time->seconds is abysmally slow on OS X felix winkelmann enhancement major core libraries
#287 timezone fixes felix winkelmann enhancement minor core libraries
#288 remove "outer" bindings for non-standard procedures in library procedure definitions task not urgent at all core libraries
#298 SRFI-18 time objects store time span as fixnums, which can overflow defect critical core libraries
#300 allow reading without "hanging" enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#308 check that foreign callback returns take place in the correct order felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#315 make parameters settable enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#319 make `thread-specific`settable enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#321 #b/o/x do not allow a # beyond fixnum range, unlike #d felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#322 SRFI 88 violation of keyword v symbol felix winkelmann task minor core libraries
#323 Have a logger-like warning precedence concept enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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