Custom Query (1303 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 1303)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#3 Test ticket defect major build system
#4 Test 2 defect major build system
#5 Test 3 defect major build system
#6 Test 5 defect major build system
#8 wrap up high-load scheduler as egg enhancement major extensions
#10 Add parameters to chicken.import.scm defect major core libraries
#12 fix e-mail transmission in chicken-bug defect major core tools
#14 tab completion for scheme identifiers throws error in readline egg defect major extensions
#16 set-file-position! missing defect major core libraries
#24 port ncurses egg to chicken4 enhancement minor extensions
#26 hashing procedures exported by srfi-69 and srfi-13 conflict defect major core libraries
#28 remove dependency on srfi-1 in ftl extension task minor extensions
#34 string-substitute bus error defect major core libraries
#41 Implement format-control optimization for [fs]printf enhancement minor compiler
#43 bus error on 64-bit install_name_tool defect minor build system
#61 Buffer overflow in file_info_2 defect major core libraries
#62 abs() argument truncated on 64-bit defect major core libraries
#63 create-directory with parents doesn't accept relative paths under Unix defect major core libraries
#64 "maze" benchmark produces incorrect result when compiled wirth -block on x86-64 defect critical core libraries
#65 disable executable stack sections defect major build system
#66 don't remove setup-api.c and setup-download.c in "make clean" defect minor build system
#68 move installed eggs into into /var defect major build system
#69 chicken-install does not stop on error defect major build system
#70 add build option to optimize for speed enhancement minor build system
#72 load bug? defect minor core libraries
#73 building an extension will prefer already installed eggs over currently built ones defect major compiler
#76 numbers egg comparison of a bignum & a flonum can be incorrect defect major extensions
#84 remove lolevel unbound and invalid-procedure hooks task minor core-pending
#86 Port SDL egg to chicken 4 enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#88 Port of cairo.egg to chicken4 enhancement not urgent at all extensions
#92 remove ##sys#syntactic-environment? defect minor core-pending
#93 remove things that refer to obsolete apply hook defect minor core-pending
#94 Bug in `get-condition-property' defect major core-pending
#95 disable e-mail feature in chicken-bug(1) task major core-pending
#96 chicken-install should not use setup-mode when cross-compiling defect minor core-pending
#100 inlining can break assumptions about contraction defect major core-pending
#101 remove meaningless benchmarks task minor core-pending
#102 `standard-extension` procedure from module setup-api doesn't install import library defect minor core-pending
#103 Remove obsolete files task minor core-pending
#104 import-library should only be generated if it actually changed enhancement minor core-pending
#105 remove "benchmark" mode, replace with -O5 task minor core-pending
#106 allows using config file for make(1) variables enhancement minor core-pending
#107 non-atomic expressions in operator position are suboptimally handled defect minor core-pending
#108 `installation-prefix` in setup-api is not always valid defect minor core-pending
#109 `process-execute` in posixwin.scm doesn't handle missing arglist argument defect minor core-pending
#112 "Trivial" is not an indicator for "Priority" enhancement not urgent at all infrastructure
#113 Crunch egg: bug in define-crunch-primitives / define-crunch-callback defect minor extensions
#115 Using -host option in setup scripts is incorrect defect major extensions
#120 Allow extensions to consist of import-library only enhancement minor core-pending
#121 srfi-19 dumps core in response to bad arguments defect major extensions
#124 `-force' should override check of chicken version in `chicken-install' defect minor core-pending
#126 don't use internal hook in tinyclos for instance foreign type defect not urgent at all core-pending
#127 use internal form of 'syntax' to avoid capturing defect minor core-pending
#128 remove read-syntax for `syntax' task minor core-pending
#129 `cond-expand' doesn't work when introduced by macro defect major core-pending
#139 wrong nesting in irc egg defect minor extensions
#140 "make clean" does not clean up generated files setup-api.import.scm and setup-download.import.scm defect major build system
#159 chicken-install fails to check required versions properly defect critical core tools
#166 on windows, extensions and import-libraries are not linked with the correct library defect major build system
#179 add `platform` extension property enhancement minor core tools
#182 enable terminal-port? on windows enhancement minor core libraries
#183 symbols starting with # do not have read-write invariance defect minor core libraries
#184 NetBSD is omitted from list of ELF platforms in csc defect major 4.5.0 unknown
#189 "Deployment" page from the User's Manual TOC (wiki) points to an empty page defect minor documentation
#190 sandbox egg seems to endlessly loop when loaded on chicken 4.4.0 defect major extensions
#192 Only the last clause in COND may be an ELSE clause defect minor 4.5.0 compiler
#194 chicken-install -test should not apply to dependencies defect minor 4.5.0 core tools
#201 lazy-ffi: ##sys#cons-flonum doesn't exist anymore defect major 4.5.0 extensions
#204 "Shell argument quoting" section is duplicated in "Unit utils" defect minor documentation
#205 number->string does not accept abritrary radixes enhancement not urgent at all 4.5.0 unknown
#212 expand* and ppexpand* break on the "and" macro defect minor extensions
#213 csc compilation fails on cygwin defect major 4.5.0 core tools
#214 NEWS for 4.4.5 and 4.4.6 are the same defect minor infrastructure
#217 peek-char works incorrectly for tcp ports defect major core libraries
#222 Export `ssax:warn' enhancement major extensions
#223 unbound proc error in alist->hash-table defect major unknown
#226 register `chicken-MAJOR.MINOR` feature identifier enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#230 find-files doesn't see dotfiles defect minor core libraries
#236 extend "list" command for henrietta CGI enhancement minor infrastructure
#239 errors in record-printers give "error in error" error defect minor core libraries
#244 Update "Release policy" wiki page defect minor documentation
#253 README mentions the subversion repo for Chicken defect minor documentation
#269 Maybe better message for minimum extension requirements enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#270 Wiki menu task major infrastructure
#275 when giving a read-error for a missing closing delimiter, show line of opening one enhancement minor core libraries
#280 assert should show source-location info, if possible enhancement minor core libraries
#288 remove "outer" bindings for non-standard procedures in library procedure definitions task not urgent at all core libraries
#289 use fixed-argc C_inline routines for vector/list/##sys#make-structure enhancement not urgent at all compiler
#292 clarify use if import libraries when compiling modules defect minor documentation
#298 SRFI-18 time objects store time span as fixnums, which can overflow defect critical core libraries
#299 Should "Getting Started" (manual) mention bind instead of easyffi? enhancement minor documentation
#300 allow reading without "hanging" enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#302 `cpu-time' must handle fixnum overflow defect major unknown
#303 amb does not fail when there's no acceptable values defect minor extensions
#315 make parameters settable enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#316 spiffy hangs sometimes defect critical extensions
#318 if `-force' is given, continue installation of extensions even if building one ore more fails enhancement minor core tools
#319 make `thread-specific`settable enhancement not urgent at all core libraries
#320 The require-library ID & import IMPORT module name forms are disjoint enhancement not urgent at all 4.9.0 unknown
#326 error in `compile' in setup-api shouldn't call `reset' defect minor core tools
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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