Custom Query (595 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 595)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1694 box 3.2.0 breaks srfi-123, which breaks srfi-105 Kon Lovett defect major extensions 5.2.0
#1697 R7RS cond-expand library form is broken defect major unknown 5.2.0
#1700 coops-utils: installation failure: no rule matches form (pointer-uword-ref ...) Kon Lovett defect major extensions 5.2.0
#1707 procedural-macros: failure in tests juergen defect major extensions 5.2.0
#1708 genann: installation broken with CHICKEN 5.2.0 Diego defect major extensions 5.2.0
#1710 Major garbage collector runs all the time defect major core libraries 5.2.0
#1717 coops — slot-initialized? defect major unknown 5.2.0
#1721 include file install w/ CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX causes duplicated install prefix in final pathname defect major core tools 5.2.0
#1724 messages: installation failure juergen defect major extensions 5.2.0
#1737 srfi-41: missing dependency on srfi-1 Kon Lovett defect major extensions 5.2.0
#1744 chicken-install: Error: (string->number) bad argument type: #!eof defect major core tools 5.2.0
#1748 generics: missing build dependency specification juergen defect major extensions
#1750 apropos sort drops macros Kon Lovett defect major extensions 5.2.0
#1753 macOS case-insesitive fs resolves C++ <version> to chicken-install generated VERSION file defect major unknown 5.2.0
#1760 IR-transformer not implicitly renaming? defect major unknown 5.2.0
#1781 http-client: Always include a path component when sending a proxy request sjamaan defect major unknown 5.2.0
#1785 csc man page lists -static-libs but -static is the correct option defect major unknown 5.2.0
#1789 md5 egg doesn't run tests on the correct CHICKEN Kon Lovett defect major extensions 5.2.0
#1790 md5 egg refers to nonexisting header file in source-dependencies list causing it to fail on rebuild Kon Lovett defect major extensions 5.2.0
#1791 format-date reports bad argument count Kon Lovett defect major unknown 5.2.0
#1800 chicken-install fails installing eggs when encountering truncated/empty .egg-info files defect major core tools 5.3.0
#1804 compare doesn't compare if name is already bound defect major expander 5.2.0
#1811 [r7rs] 'environment' wrongly imports all symbols from r7rs module defect major extensions 5.3.0
#931 CR: make extended syntax bindings available by default enhancement minor expander 4.8.x
#932 CR: enable "scrutiny" be default enhancement minor compiler 4.8.x
#937 Types manual page missing in 4.8.0 defect minor documentation 4.8.x
#939 simple-directory-handler: error 500 on listing a directory with a link foo -> foo sjamaan defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#940 Cannot unset read syntax defect minor unknown 4.8.x
#941 Add option to process-fork to allow creating a subprocess with only the current thread enhancement minor core libraries 4.8.x
#947 make: phony support felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions 4.8.x
#948 scrutiny for list-of type seems wrong felix winkelmann defect minor scrutinizer 4.8.x
#951 print-length-limit defect minor core libraries 4.8.x
#952 scrutiny for list-of type wrong when matched with pair types felix winkelmann defect minor scrutinizer 4.8.x
#954 openssl egg is tripping on utf8, someplace Thomas Chust defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#956 sha1sum: "sha1sum" should do something sensible on Windows defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#957 crunch: multi-arg primitives could be simulated via syntax felix winkelmann enhancement minor extensions 4.8.x
#963 tcp6 egg ignores (tcp-read-timeout #f) Jim Ursetto defect minor extensions
#967 SRFI 19 TZ offset & name do not need to match Kon Lovett defect minor unknown 4.8.x
#968 csc: -oi and -ot enhancement minor core tools 4.8.x
#969 cond/case: warn if "else" clause is followed by other clauses enhancement minor expander 4.8.x
#972 check let[rec] bindings for multiple occurrences of the same variable enhancement minor expander 4.8.x
#983 Unit lolevel is missing the documented vector-like? felix winkelmann defect minor unknown 4.8.x
#987 apropos uses foldl but does not state the correct chicken dependency Kon Lovett defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#994 http-session's session-del! fails when the entry is the session-item's first binding Mario Domenech Goulart defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1004 read-line inconsistency defect minor unknown 4.8.x
#1012 getopt-long discards doublequotes and option values after whitespace characters Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1015 berkeley-db tests need srfi-42 and numbers Thomas Chust defect minor unknown 4.8.x
#1023 cgi egg tests fail Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1028 Some glm tests fail kristianlm defect minor unknown 4.8.x
#1029 sixtyfive-oh-two's tests need format felix winkelmann defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1030 sqlite3: error in tests Thomas Chust defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1032 srfi-40: a failure in tests Peter Danenberg defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1033 zlib: one test fails defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1034 sundials: assertion failure in tests Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1035 bind: tests report a missing file (foreign-transformer-test.scm) felix winkelmann defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1036 berkeley-db: tests need numbers Thomas Chust defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1038 byte-blob-find fails to matches at the end of a byte-blob Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 4.7.x
#1040 coops: Hygiene issue with ensure-generic-procedure felix winkelmann defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1042 numbers-syntax doesn't accept self-evaluating vectors defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1044 stalin: salmonella-friendly tests felix winkelmann defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1069 [intarweb] [PATCH] Full list of HTTP status codes sjamaan enhancement minor unknown 4.8.x
#1070 [spiffy] [PATCH] Add mime type for json sjamaan enhancement minor unknown 4.8.x
#1086 Port srfi-40's documentation to wiki format task minor documentation 4.8.x
#1118 parley: Arrow key cursor movement doesn't work in csi with urxvt Christian Kellermann defect minor extensions 4.8.x
#1121 Allow functor arguments to be optional enhancement minor expander 4.9.x
#1150 irc: tcp-read-timeout not paramaterized everywhere that it needs to be felix winkelmann defect minor extensions 4.9.x
#1151 srfi-99: define-record-type doesn't properly define field accessor when the field name matches a previously defined symbol Thomas Chust defect minor extensions 4.9.x
#1158 aand in the anaphora egg returns an unspecified value when one of the argument is #f juergen defect minor extensions 4.9.x
#1161 irc egg fails at removing message handler defect minor extensions 4.9.x
#1174 srfi-42: append-ec fails when apply limit is reached Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 4.9.x
#1177 man pages deficient enhancement minor documentation 4.9.x
#1197 Egg: Schelog Error: unbound variable: %set-of defect minor extensions 4.9.x
#1200 file->byte-blob can only read files in text mode on Windows defect minor extensions 4.9.x
#1203 Users manual hyperlink in index.html throws error in eww/emacs defect minor unknown 4.9.x
#1214 Specialization on certain `or' types doesn't work evhan defect minor scrutinizer 4.10.x
#1220 Problems with chicken-status -f after using chicken-install -p Christian Kellermann defect minor unknown 4.10.x
#1223 sigma egg seems to be missing import of utils defect minor extensions 4.9.x
#1225 Strange static compilation behaviour enhancement minor compiler 4.10.x
#1287 csc -deploy fails with modules defect minor unknown 4.10.x
#1288 qwiki sections have no permalink sjamaan enhancement minor wiki 4.10.x
#1299 Encoding of file "tests/compiler-tests.scm" is latin1 defect minor unknown 4.11.0
#1300 Broken image links in felix winkelmann defect minor unknown
#1301 Wiki site title is "Chicken" instead of "CHICKEN" defect minor unknown
#1302 Syntax error for csc -postlude '(main)' defect minor unknown 4.11.0
#1304 fastcgi egg segfaults with SIGUSR1 defect minor extensions 4.11.0
#1307 invalid number of parameters in install target on Windows defect minor build system 4.11.0
#1312 Wiki CSS breaks when the wiki page starts with <enscript ...> arthurmaciel defect minor wiki
#1316 Avoid define-macro warning in sxpath egg enhancement minor extensions 4.11.0
#1376 hide/block-global declaration doesn't hide exports defect minor compiler 5.0.0
#1390 The behavior between `values` and `call/cc` is inconsistent. defect minor compiler 4.12.0
#1406 srfi-27: tests use "test" but don't declare it as a dependency Kon Lovett defect minor extensions 4.12.0
#1407 salt (tests): cannot open file - No such file or directory: "tests/vdp.sml" Ivan Raikov defect minor extensions 4.12.0
#1408 suspension (tests): cannot open file - No such file or directory: "" sjamaan defect minor unknown 4.12.0
#1413 srfi-27 (tests): cannot import from undefined module: composite-entropy-source Kon Lovett defect minor extensions 4.12.0
#1419 `test` egg doesn't detect the terminal supports colors defect minor unknown 4.12.0
#1420 coerce (tests): Error: unbound variable: make-mutex Kon Lovett defect minor extensions 4.12.0
#1463 (use foo) depends on rigid conventions that can and should be relaxed enhancement minor core libraries 5.0.0
#1473 stb-image and stb-image-write test failures on 32-bit systems kristianlm defect minor extensions 4.13.0
#1481 compiler type warning (but no need for a warning) defect minor compiler 4.13.0
#1490 csi: Modules leak identifiers defect minor unknown 5.0.0
(more results for this group on next page)
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