Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1294 define-record-printer messes with internal defines defect major 4.11.0 wontfix
#969 cond/case: warn if "else" clause is followed by other clauses enhancement minor 4.8.x invalid
#1284 Incorrect Expansion of => Clauses with Literals in Cond defect not urgent at all 4.9.x invalid
#1804 compare doesn't compare if name is already bound defect major 5.2.0 invalid
#931 CR: make extended syntax bindings available by default enhancement minor 4.8.x fixed
#972 check let[rec] bindings for multiple occurrences of the same variable enhancement minor 4.8.x fixed
#1121 Allow functor arguments to be optional enhancement minor 4.9.x fixed

Status: new (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1061 syntax-rules should be able to automatically determine implicit exports enhancement not urgent at all 4.8.x
#1351 syntax-rules has difficulty handling ellipsis in some cases? sjamaan defect not urgent at all 5.0.0
#1491 ##sys#expand-multiple-values-assignment works for some reason defect minor 5.0.0
#1615 hidden/gensymed variables are registered for export sjamaan defect major 5.0.0
#1635 Include multiple times in a row 'interrupts' definitions defect minor 5.1.0
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