Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#1373 closed defect (fixed)

.egg-info's installed-files doesn't honor .egg's install-name

Reported by: Mario Domenech Goulart Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: someday
Component: core tools Version: 5.0.0
Keywords: Cc:
Estimated difficulty:


A .egg file that specifies (components (program foo (install-name bar))) will end up having (installed-files "<prefix>/bin/foo") in the deployed .egg-info file.


$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 mario mario 172 May 25 14:40 foo.egg
-rw-r--r-- 1 mario mario  20 May 25 14:39 foo.scm

$ cat foo.egg
((synopsis "foo egg")
 (author "Mario Domenech Goulart")
 (license "BSD")
 (category egg-tools)
 (components (program foo (install-name bar))))

$ cat foo.scm
(display "Hello\n")

$ ~/local/chicken-5/bin/chicken-install
building foo
   /home/mario/local/chicken-5/bin/csc -setup-mode -host -I /home/mario/tmp/foo -C -I/home/mario/tmp/foo -O2 -d1 /home/mario/tmp/foo/foo.scm -o /home/mario/tmp/foo/foo
  installing foo

$ cat ~/local/chicken-5/lib/chicken/9/foo.egg-info
((installed-files "/home/mario/local/chicken-5/bin/foo")
 (synopsis "foo egg")
 (author "Mario Domenech Goulart")
 (license "BSD")
 (category egg-tools)
 (components (program foo (install-name bar))))

$ ls -l /home/mario/local/chicken-5/bin/foo
ls: cannot access /home/mario/local/chicken-5/bin/foo: No such file or directory

$ ls -l /home/mario/local/chicken-5/bin/bar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mario mario 11768 May 25 14:47 /home/mario/local/chicken-5/bin/bar

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by LemonBoy

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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