Custom Query (153 matches)


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Results (101 - 153 of 153)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#1780 wishlist: support keywords in coops (make <class> ...) form new major someday extensions
#1784 Modify chickadee to say what module an identifier is in new major someday documentation
#1792 Some eggs install into system /share and /bin (even when CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSITORY is set); this fails when the directory is RO new major someday unknown
#1795 Types for srfi-69 egg new minor someday extensions
#1801 parley constructs an internally inconsistent input port new minor someday extensions
#1803 Avoid getrusage system calls in GC new major 6.0.0 core libraries
#1808 Srfi-42 index keyword hygiene new major someday extensions
#1810 ezd man page not installed new major someday unknown
#1812 Modules leaking define-for-syntax variables and functions new major 6.0.0 core libraries
#1814 OS X / PowerPC failing test: remainder return -0.0 new minor someday unknown
#1815 (chicken irregex): Use condition kinds new major someday core libraries
#1816 srfi-41: stream-match discards multiple values new minor someday extensions
#1818 Exporting a macro inhibits compiled program from locating libraries new major someday compiler
#1823 Ship chicken.version module new minor 6.0.0 unknown
#1829 CHICKEN nixos package is incorrectly configured new major someday build system
#1832 Exported syntaxes are not fully hygienic new major someday compiler
#1833 inaccuracy in exponential functions new minor someday unknown
#1836 Chicken doesn't build out of the box on recent macosx new major someday build system
#1839 incorrect compilation of known local calls new major someday compiler
#1840 Chicken Scheme fails to build for xtensa new major someday unknown
#125 cross-chicken should prefer loading uncompiled import libraries assigned minor 6.0.0 core tools
#945 html-parser supports only a few entities assigned Alex Shinn major someday extensions
#985 read-line blocks intermittantly on Atom based netbook assigned Matt Welland minor someday unknown
#1043 byte-blob-stream-find fails to find matches at the end of a stream assigned Ivan Raikov major someday extensions
#1141 hyde: execute permissions on hyde executable assigned Moritz Heidkamp major someday extensions
#1145 Issue with matchable and the module system assigned sjamaan major someday extensions
#1276 alist-lib alist-update!/default not useful for adding keys assigned Peter Danenberg minor someday extensions
#1291 lowdown: markdown->sxml produces unnormalised SXML assigned Moritz Heidkamp major someday extensions
#1335 Building on OS X: egg uses 1 deprecated function and 1 missing function assigned Thomas Chust major someday unknown
#1353 posix-semaphore egg won't build on OS X: uses deprecated API assigned dleslie major someday extensions
#1372 mailbox timeouts and thread signaling assigned Kon Lovett major someday extensions
#1513 Type declarations in modules do not namespace structs assigned major someday core libraries
#1596 envsubst: test failure: Error: (include) cannot open file: "tests/call-with-environment-variables.scm" assigned Robert C Jensen major someday extensions
#1599 spock: failure in tests: Error: library not found: "syntax.scm" assigned Mario Domenech Goulart major someday extensions
#1669 9p: wrong test directory assigned sjamaan minor someday extensions
#1670 address-info: wrong test directory assigned Thomas Chust minor someday extensions
#1671 aes: wrong test directory assigned Alaric Snell-Pym minor someday extensions
#1672 crypto-tools: wrong test directory assigned Alaric Snell-Pym minor someday extensions
#1673 srfi-99: wrong test directory assigned Thomas Chust minor someday extensions
#1674 tweetnacl: wrong test directory assigned Thomas Chust minor someday extensions
#1685 shell-variable in egg-compile should quote environment variables assigned evhan major someday core libraries
#1729 [fmt egg]: Num fails with numbers near 0 assigned foof major someday extensions
#1731 Lowdown some minor issues assigned Moritz Heidkamp not urgent at all someday extensions
#1739 math: failure in tests assigned Diego minor someday extensions
#1740 ephem: failures in tests (on 32bit systems) assigned rca minor someday extensions
#1745 apropos doesn't report macros assigned Kon Lovett major someday extensions
#1769 Svn-client egg: changes needed to build under musl assigned Peter Bex minor someday extensions
#1775 fuse tests hang assigned evhan minor someday extensions
#1778 Typo or incorrect export in fmt egg assigned Alex Shinn minor someday extensions
#1805 `html->sxml` with escaped quotes breaks text into multiple nodes assigned Alex Shinn minor someday extensions
#1837 create-directory doesn't raise an error when the requested directory already exists assigned Mario Domenech Goulart major 6.0.0 core libraries
#1841 HTTP-retrieval of eggs fails when egg-data contains unicode characters assigned felix winkelmann major 6.0.0 core tools
#813 Extension tiger-hash fails on big-endian machines accepted Kon Lovett major someday extensions
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