Custom Query (21 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#779 hyde: support trailing slashes on directories new defect major someday
#1095 AD egg compilation fails due to unsupported gcc flag on OpenBSD-current new defect major someday
#1238 mw (tests): openssl egg is needed for HTTPS new Tony Sidaway defect major someday
#1397 s11n4j depends on `numbers', but doesn't specify it as a dependency new andyjpb defect major someday
#1454 process-wait does not function corrently with nohang on Windows new defect major someday
#1465 get-keyword fails to operate correctly if keywords in first and second arguments come from different environments new defect major someday
#1566 ports-tests are not testing file-lock procedures new Christian Kellermann defect major someday
#1596 envsubst: test failure: Error: (include) cannot open file: "tests/call-with-environment-variables.scm" assigned Robert C Jensen defect major someday
#1597 dbus 0.96: installation failure new Shawn Rutledge defect major someday
#1836 Chicken doesn't build out of the box on recent macosx new defect major someday
#1148 Fix setup-helper usage in eggs new defect minor someday
#1382 sql-de-lite ignores new versions of sqlite3 on Cygwin new Jim Ursetto defect minor someday
#1523 srf-113 0.9: test failure: unbound variable: hash-table-exists? new Jeremy Steward defect minor someday
#1669 9p: wrong test directory assigned sjamaan defect minor someday
#1670 address-info: wrong test directory assigned Thomas Chust defect minor someday
#1671 aes: wrong test directory assigned Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor someday
#1672 crypto-tools: wrong test directory assigned Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor someday
#1673 srfi-99: wrong test directory assigned Thomas Chust defect minor someday
#1674 tweetnacl: wrong test directory assigned Thomas Chust defect minor someday
#1801 parley constructs an internally inconsistent input port new defect minor someday
#1767 patch to port the netstring egg to CHICKEN 5 assigned Moritz Heidkamp enhancement not urgent at all someday
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