Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (1601 - 1632 of 1632)

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1720 r7rs "write" procedure does not escape "invalid" symbols defect major 6.0.0 unknown
#1725 Chicken 5 accepts 2-argument log function, but the type database does not. defect major 5.3 unknown
#1727 chicken-install srfi-18 fails on Windows defect major 5.3 unknown
#1753 macOS case-insesitive fs resolves C++ <version> to chicken-install generated VERSION file defect major someday unknown
#1756 module system segfaulting at O3 defect critical 5.3 unknown
#1757 Reexport behaving inconsistently defect major 5.3 unknown
#1760 IR-transformer not implicitly renaming? defect major someday unknown
#1765 enable-warnings time-travelling shenanigans defect not urgent at all someday unknown
#1771 Except specificier in imports defect major 5.3 unknown
#1772 importing the same module over and over eats up more and more memory defect major 5.3 unknown
#1781 http-client: Always include a path component when sending a proxy request sjamaan defect major someday unknown
#1785 csc man page lists -static-libs but -static is the correct option defect major someday unknown
#1791 format-date reports bad argument count Kon Lovett defect major someday unknown
#1794 (r7rs) syntax-rules doesn't allow combining ellipsis and dotted tail defect major 6.0.0 unknown
#1809 Allow modules with list names on command-line enhancement major 5.4 unknown
#1817 explore using zig as a c-compiler alternative enhancement not urgent at all 6.0.0 unknown
#1838 http-client does not multipart encode string ports properly defect major someday unknown
#328 Make nonexistent pages show 404 sjamaan defect major wiki
#329 Put robots.txt handling into qwiki sjamaan defect minor wiki
#330 svnwiki-sxml parses https links as internal links Jim Ursetto defect major wiki
#335 the wiki doesn't render properly on Google Chrome on MacOS defect minor wiki
#340 Spiffy hangs occasionally (again!) defect critical wiki
#365 colorize variable messup sjamaan defect major 4.9.0 wiki
#417 the cross development manual page is not reachable in the wiki defect minor 4.9.0 wiki
#539 'cancel' button on wiki edit page enhancement not urgent at all 4.9.0 wiki
#726 produces "500 Internal Server Error". sjamaan defect major wiki
#733 `chicken-doc'-friendly documentation for srfi-4-utils Ivan Raikov enhancement minor 4.9.0 wiki
#796 If there is a page called "foo", then trying to create a page called "foo/bar" emits an unfriendly 500 error page sjamaan defect minor 4.9.0 wiki
#1123 wiki breakage when authentication fails? sjamaan defect major someday wiki
#1288 qwiki sections have no permalink sjamaan enhancement minor someday wiki
#1312 Wiki CSS breaks when the wiki page starts with <enscript ...> arthurmaciel defect minor someday wiki
#1764 qwiki search doesn't filter out outdated pages by default enhancement minor someday wiki
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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