Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (1601 - 1630 of 1630)

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#707 ##sys#file-info needs to signal an error if the fstat syscall goes bad defect major 4.9.0 core libraries
#52 ##sys#expand-home-path bug on OS X felix winkelmann defect minor core libraries
#894 ##core#direct_call nodes should get debug-info felix winkelmann defect minor 4.12.0 compiler
#443 #!rest and #!key are not internally consistent defect minor 4.9.0 core libraries
#421 #!optional arguments are not "evaluated in an environment in which all previous parameters have been bound." defect major 4.9.0 expander
#433 #!key args not assigned when |eval| called on compiler output defect minor 4.9.0 unknown
#356 #!key and #!rest only work when number of rest arguments is even felix winkelmann defect major core libraries
#693 "write-line" should invoke write-string port method directly task minor unknown
#56 "spotless" target doesn't remove all generated files. felix winkelmann defect major build system
#75 "ref" foreign argument type does not work defect minor compiler
#621 "numbers" egg dumps core if base argument to string->number is too large defect major 4.9.0 extensions
#64 "maze" benchmark produces incorrect result when compiled wirth -block on x86-64 defect critical core libraries
#140 "make clean" does not clean up generated files setup-api.import.scm and setup-download.import.scm defect major build system
#1429 "make check" requires installing first defect major 5.0 compiler
#667 "make check" failure on 2011-08-09: "cannot run fft1: No such file or directory" felix winkelmann defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#1663 "make check" fails on mingw-msys on repository search path test defect major 5.2 core libraries
#690 "make check" errors on cygwin Mario Domenech Goulart defect major unknown
#1532 "lint mode" for csc enhancement minor 5.1 core tools
#1054 "csc -deploy" does not find libchicken.dll on windows defect minor 4.11.0 compiler
#38 "csc -R <ext>" fails felix winkelmann defect major core tools
#810 "create-temporary-file" insufficient defect minor core libraries
#612 "chicken-install -deploy" must make sure the installed extensions have the same version as the currently installed ones defect major core tools
#112 "Trivial" is not an indicator for "Priority" enhancement not urgent at all infrastructure
#531 "Snowdigest" egg causes stack overflow error in tests with experimental felix winkelmann defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#204 "Shell argument quoting" section is duplicated in "Unit utils" defect minor documentation
#203 "Shell argument quoting" is duplicated in "Unit utils" defect minor documentation
#919 "Nursery too small" errors on cygwin Mario Domenech Goulart defect major 4.9.0 unknown
#189 "Deployment" page from the User's Manual TOC (wiki) points to an empty page defect minor documentation
#740 "-d0" is accepted as number syntax on some systems defect major 4.12.0 unknown
#915 "(read-string #f)" from console does not detect EOF correctly felix winkelmann defect major 4.9.0 unknown
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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