Custom Query (1632 matches)


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Results (1601 - 1632 of 1632)

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1045 [panic] out of memory - heap full while resizing - execution terminated (awful-picman) defect critical 4.9.0 unknown
#1047 irregex extracts wrong submatches in some situations sjamaan defect critical 4.9.0 core libraries
#1063 scrutiny-tests-2.scm contains a bad test but it passes anyway! defect critical 4.9.0 scrutinizer
#1133 segfault violation when using tcp-accept (as last s-exp?) defect critical someday core libraries
#1187 svn-client on Debian Jessie: dirent_uri.c:1500: uri_skip_ancestor: Assertion `svn_uri_is_canonical(child_uri, ((void *)0))' failed defect critical someday extensions
#1205 readline: versioning scheme has stuck it to 3.0b2 Alexej Magura defect critical someday extensions
#1216 string-ref specialization elides range check defect critical 4.11.0 scrutinizer
#1221 Large / many constants cause segfaults defect critical 4.11.0 unknown
#1228 sets, typed-lists and arrays install the same file ( juergen defect critical someday extensions
#1230 spatial-trees and kd-tree both install the same files ( and Ivan Raikov defect critical someday extensions
#1232 signal handling smashes memory management defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1269 Port or reader state corruption defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1272 string->number crash defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1273 (use cairo) results in Error: (load) during expansion of (import ...) - unable to load compiled module defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1275 matchable: missing match.scm Alex Shinn defect critical someday extensions
#1277 Crash on Mac OS X defect critical 4.11.0 unknown
#1278 Assertion failure on Debian/macppc with clang defect critical 4.11.0 unknown
#1280 Literal decoding error when compiling for ARM64 defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1283 Runaway stack problem defect critical 4.11.0 core libraries
#1285 parameterize doesn't restore current-{input,output,error}-port correctly defect critical 4.11.0 unknown
#1309 CHICKEN allows misplaced internal defines, which live on outside the body defect critical 5.0 core libraries
#1336 Another parameterize issue reported by Joo ChurlSoo defect critical 4.12.0 core libraries
#1375 Invalid type syntax for pair segfaults the compiler defect critical 4.13.0 scrutinizer
#1421 problems with building json egg in c5 egg repo defect critical 5.0 expander
#1433 Static egg linkling seems to be broken defect critical 5.0 core libraries
#1479 On Windows, custom-build will try to use the UNIX script defect critical 5.0 build system
#1614 define-foreign-type is broken inside modules defect critical 5.1 expander
#1624 Flonum unboxing too agressive defect critical 5.2 compiler
#1637 Build fails on Debian/armel defect critical 5.2 core libraries
#1662 Error in generated C for invalid call to rest_arg_out_of_bounds_error sjamaan defect critical 5.2 compiler
#1756 module system segfaulting at O3 defect critical 5.3 unknown
#1834 Append-map sideeffects defect critical someday extensions
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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