Custom Query (20 matches)


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Status: closed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1782 Reduce number of Windows configurations by removing Cygwin support task major build system 5.2.0
#1388 Enable clustering and lfa2 at lower optimisation levels felix winkelmann enhancement minor compiler 5.0.0
#1666 Separate library into safe and unsafe parts enhancement minor core libraries 5.1.0
#1809 Allow modules with list names on command-line enhancement major unknown 5.3.0
#1132 Expansion of internal definitions ignores import status/redefinition of `define` et al. defect major expander 4.9.x
#1166 Globally defining an identifier previously bound to a macro should shadow the macro fully sjamaan defect major expander
#1295 module-environment use with macros defect major core libraries 4.11.0
#1374 `display' issue with UTF-8 defect major core libraries 4.12.0
#1492 egg format: `components' accepts but ignores `csc-options' defect minor core tools 5.0.0
#1520 binary-search: test failure: (=) bad argument type - not a number: #f defect major extensions 5.0.0
#1684 programs that specify component-dependencies should build-depend on their import libraries defect major core libraries 5.2.0
#1688 Restore -l option for chicken-install defect major core tools 5.2.0
#1723 exports of (chicken module) are not obvious defect major documentation 5.2.0
#1773 Idea: numeric dispatch with switch defect not urgent at all core libraries 5.2.0
#1774 mac.r is installed in the wrong location defect not urgent at all build system 5.2.0
#1777 Drop builtin-features from eval.scm defect major core libraries 5.2.0
#1797 checked inline procedures should not call intern felix winkelmann defect major core libraries 5.3.0
#1819 Add user-facing weak pairs API defect major core libraries 5.3.0
#1825 srfi-88 module is broken somehow defect major core libraries 5.3.0

Status: new (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1827 chicken-install creates empty egg-info files defect minor core tools 5.3.0
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