Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1532 "lint mode" for csc enhancement minor 5.0.0rc1 fixed
#1455 XDG basedir support for csi config, egg cache and maybe more change request minor 5.0.0 fixed
#1506 module importing itself does not result in an error defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1584 installing srfi-13 on win8 fails (MAX_PATH is too low) defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1588 Big breakage linked to eggs’ custom-build scripts defect major 5.0.0 fixed
#1608 chicken-install checks for installed files even when -n is passed defect minor 5.0.0 fixed
#1617 Add -D/-feature to chicken-install enhancement minor 5.0.0 worksforme
#1159 Handle -debug h without a source file defect minor 4.9.x fixed
#1600 c-object linked to extension isn’t installed but shows up in installed-files in the egg-info file felix winkelmann defect minor fixed
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