Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#591 closed defect (fixed)

make-egg-index hides invalid eggs

Reported by: sjamaan Owned by: felix winkelmann
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: infrastructure Version: 4.7.x
Keywords: make-egg-index Cc: Mario Domenech Goulart
Estimated difficulty:


There are quite a few eggs (eleven!) which don't show up in the egg index because they either have a category which doesn't occur in the list (ten) or there's an invalid entry in the meta-file (one).

Hiding the problem allows it to go undetected and unfixed, so here's a patch for make-egg-index which makes the ones with an invalid category show up under "Uncategorized or invalid category" (previously just "Uncategorized") and invalid meta-properties are now marked as "Invalid meta-file property 'foo' — please contact this egg's author!".

Because the program didn't work in Chicken 4.7.0 I've updated the code to use the new Irregex API.

Also, IMO it's better to move this script to the chicken-infrastructure repo instead of keeping it bundled with Chicken itself (I don't see any reason to have this script bundled with Chicken; who would want to run it on a private tree?).

Attachments (1)

make-egg-index.patch (5.6 KB) - added by sjamaan 14 years ago.
Don't hide invalid eggs but flag them as invalid in the HTML output

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

Changed 14 years ago by sjamaan

Attachment: make-egg-index.patch added

Don't hide invalid eggs but flag them as invalid in the HTML output

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by felix winkelmann

Cc: Mario Domenech Goulart added
Keywords: make-egg-index added
Milestone: 4.8.0

Thanks for the patch. I ave applied it, removed dependencies on "tools.scm" and moved the script to the chicken-infrastructure repo (into make-egg-index/).

Mario, is this correct? I have not changed, yet.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Mario Domenech Goulart

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks, Felix and Peter. I've updated and the repo copy at the chicken home. I've also installed 4.7.0 for make-egg-index. It seems to be working fine (I've just run it manually).

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