Opened 7 weeks ago

Closed 5 days ago

#1847 closed defect (invalid)

integer overflow when running 6.0.0pre1 tests (2)

Reported by: Erica Z Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: someday
Component: unknown Version: 6.0.0
Keywords: Cc:
Estimated difficulty: medium


similarly to the previous ticket, i'm building chicken with the clang integer ub sanitizers, which also trap here:

Can hold maximum value 9223372036854775807...
Can hold minimum value -9223372036854775808...

Error: illegal instruction

	Call history:

	compiler-tests.scm:352: g1093	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: chicken.base#print	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: scheme#call-with-current-continuation	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: chicken.condition#with-exception-handler	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: ##sys#call-with-values	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: k1108	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: g1111	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: chicken.base#print	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: scheme#call-with-current-continuation	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: chicken.condition#with-exception-handler	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: ##sys#call-with-values	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: k1126	  
	compiler-tests.scm:352: g1129	  
	compiler-tests.scm:353: chicken.base#print	  
	compiler-tests.scm:353: chicken.base#print	  
	compiler-tests.scm:353: chicken.base#print	  	<--
make: *** [rules.make:1017: check] Error 70

this is right before the test code attempts to confirm the c variables can't take a value outside their bounds. i'm not sure where exactly the code that checks whether an integer is representable in a 64 bit c variable lives, but it seems to trigger the overflow before checking whether the operation is actually valid. if so, that would be ub and therefore unsound

Change History (13)

comment:1 Changed 7 weeks ago by Erica Z

linking the full ubsan runtime yields more information:

Can hold maximum value 9223372036854775807...
Can hold minimum value -9223372036854775808...
chicken.h:2759:39: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior chicken.h:2759:39 

so the ub seems to occur in this function

inline static C_long C_num_to_long(C_word x)
  if(x & C_FIXNUM_BIT) {
    return (C_long)C_unfix(x);
  } else {
    if (C_bignum_negativep(x)) return -(C_long)C_bignum_digits(x)[0];
    else return (C_long)C_bignum_digits(x)[0];

where -(C_long)x is unsound when x is INT64_MIN

Last edited 7 weeks ago by Erica Z (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 7 weeks ago by Erica Z

hm, no, i mightve been wrong here. this was logged before:

chicken.h:2622:17: runtime error: implicit conversion from type 'unsigned long' of value 9223372036854775808 (64-bit, unsigned) to type 'int64_t' (aka 'long') changed the value to -9223372036854775808 (64-bit, signed)
SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior chicken.h:2622:17 

which points to C_s64 num = C_bignum_digits(x)[0]; in

inline static C_s64 C_num_to_int64(C_word x)
  if(x & C_FIXNUM_BIT) {
    return (C_s64)C_unfix(x);
  } else {
    C_s64 num = C_bignum_digits(x)[0];
#ifndef C_SIXTY_FOUR
    if (C_bignum_size(x) > 1) num |= (C_s64)(((C_u64)C_bignum_digits(x)[1]) << 32);
    if (C_bignum_negativep(x)) return -num;
    else return num;

comment:3 Changed 6 weeks ago by sjamaan

Could you remind me how one runs the tests with the sanitizer? I'd like to see if any fix would actually work.

comment:4 Changed 4 weeks ago by Erica Z

i have -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow,integer-divide-by-zero -fsanitize-trap=signed-integer-overflow,integer-divide-by-zero -fno-sanitize-recover in my env CFLAGS, which compiles in a SIGILL trigger on those kinds of ub

comment:5 Changed 3 weeks ago by sjamaan

What C compiler are you using? My gcc doesn't accept these options, and when I use it with clang (16.0.6), the tests pass...

comment:6 Changed 2 weeks ago by Erica Z

i'm using clang 19.1.7

comment:7 Changed 13 days ago by sjamaan

OK, that helps, after installing clang 19 I'm getting an illegal instruction straight away on the first test, with those options you mention.

How can I get the full runtime (like you mentioned above) in order to get better diagnostics? I tried adding -fsanitize=undefined, but that just results in boatloads of linker errors like the following random snapshot from the output:

c-backend.c:(.text+0xa78ec): undefined reference to `__ubsan_handle_function_type_mismatch_abort'
/nix/store/vk4mlknqk9yjbqa68a7rvpfxfdw3rad7-binutils-2.43.1/bin/ld: user-pass.o: in function `C_user_2dpass_toplevel':
user-pass.c:(.text+0xf5): undefined reference to `__ubsan_handle_builtin_unreachable'

This happens both on NixOS and Debian (after struggling for a while figuring out I needed libclang-rt-19-dev to get libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone.a). Is there some magic option I need to pass to make it work?

comment:8 Changed 12 days ago by Erica Z

in my testing i usually rely on passing the standalone runtime manually at link time (so basically adding /usr/lib/clang/19/lib/x86_64-chimera-linux-musl/libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone.a to ldflags), if there's any shrinkwrapped flag i'm not aware of it...

comment:9 Changed 8 days ago by sjamaan

Could you share the exact configure/make commands you're using? I can't make it work even when I put in the literal location of the standalone library.

comment:10 Changed 6 days ago by Erica Z

working on an extracted chicken-6.0.0pre1.tar.gz, having only applied my patch in

$ CC=clang CFLAGS="-fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow,integer-divide-by-zero" ./configure
$ LINKER_OPTIONS="-fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow,integer-divide-by-zero" make check -j16

apparently it works if the same flag is passed to both the compiler and the linker! and for the record, here's the output of the compiler tests:

'/tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1/chicken' 'compiler-tests.scm' '-output-file' 'a.c' '-verbose' '-include-path' '/tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1' '-consult-types-file' '../types.db' '-ignore-repository'

Warning: (compiler-tests.scm:218) - assignment to imported value binding `foo'

Warning: Wrong number of arguments
  In file `compiler-tests.scm:10',
  In procedure `foo',
  In procedure call:

    (bar 2)

  Procedure `bar' is called with 1 argument but 0 arguments are expected.

  Procedure `bar' has this type:

    (-> fixnum)

Note: Test is always true
  At the toplevel,
  In conditional expression:

    (if g2242 (##sys#make-c-string (##sys#foreign-string-argument g2242)) #f)

  Test condition has always true value of type:


Note: Test is always false
  At the toplevel,
  In conditional expression:

    (if #f (##core#callunit repl) (##core#undefined))

  Test condition is always false.

Note: Test is always true
  At the toplevel,
  In conditional expression:

    (if #t (##core#callunit repl) (##core#undefined))

  Test condition has always true value of type:

'clang' 'a.c' '-o' 'a.o' '-c' '-fno-strict-aliasing' '-fwrapv' '-DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H' '-DC_ENABLE_PTABLES' '-fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow,integer-divide-by-zero' '-I/tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1' '-I/usr/local/include/chicken'
rm a.c
'clang' 'a.o' '-o' 'a.out' '-fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow,integer-divide-by-zero' '-L/tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1' '-Wl,-rpath=/tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1' '-L/tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1' '-Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib' '-l' 'chicken' '-lm' '-ldl'
rm a.o
1 2 3 
1 2 3 :1:2:3
1 2 3 /tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1/tests/../chicken.h:2626:39: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'int64_t' (aka 'long'); cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1/tests/../chicken.h:2626:39 
/tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1/tests/../chicken.h:2675:24: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'int64_t' (aka 'long'); cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1/tests/../chicken.h:2675:24 

Good, unrepresentable C strings cause errors
Testing unsigned FFI type "unsigned-integer32" (32 bits):
Can hold maximum value 4294967295...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value, 4294967296...
Cannot hold -1 (any fixnum negative value)
Cannot hold -2^64 (any bignum negative value < smallest int64)
Testing signed FFI type "integer32" (32 bits):
Can hold maximum value 2147483647...
Can hold minimum value -2147483648...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value 2147483648...
Cannot hold one less than minimum value -2147483648...
Testing unsigned FFI type "unsigned-integer64" (64 bits):
Can hold maximum value 18446744073709551615...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value, 18446744073709551616...
Cannot hold -1 (any fixnum negative value)
Cannot hold -2^64 (any bignum negative value < smallest int64)
Testing signed FFI type "integer64" (64 bits):
Can hold maximum value 9223372036854775807...
Can hold minimum value -9223372036854775808...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value 9223372036854775808...
Cannot hold one less than minimum value -9223372036854775808...
Testing unsigned FFI type "unsigned-integer" (32 bits):
Can hold maximum value 4294967295...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value, 4294967296...
Cannot hold -1 (any fixnum negative value)
Cannot hold -2^64 (any bignum negative value < smallest int64)
Testing signed FFI type "integer" (32 bits):
Can hold maximum value 2147483647...
Can hold minimum value -2147483648...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value 2147483648...
Cannot hold one less than minimum value -2147483648...
Testing signed FFI type "(enum intlimits)" (32 bits):
Can hold maximum value 2147483647...
Can hold minimum value -2147483648...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value 2147483648...
Cannot hold one less than minimum value -2147483648...
Testing unsigned FFI type "unsigned-long" (64 bits):
Can hold maximum value 18446744073709551615...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value, 18446744073709551616...
Cannot hold -1 (any fixnum negative value)
Cannot hold -2^64 (any bignum negative value < smallest int64)
Testing signed FFI type "/tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1/tests/../chicken.h:2759:39: runtime error: negation of -9223372036854775808 cannot be represented in type 'long'; cast to an unsigned type to negate this value to itself
SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /tmp/chicken-6.0.0pre1/tests/../chicken.h:2759:39 
long" (64 bits):
Can hold maximum value 9223372036854775807...
Can hold minimum value -9223372036854775808...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value 9223372036854775808...
Cannot hold one less than minimum value -9223372036854775808...
Testing signed FFI type "ssize_t" (64 bits):
Can hold maximum value 9223372036854775807...
Can hold minimum value -9223372036854775808...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value 9223372036854775808...
Cannot hold one less than minimum value -9223372036854775808...
Testing unsigned FFI type "size_t" (64 bits):
Can hold maximum value 18446744073709551615...
Cannot hold one more than maximum value, 18446744073709551616...
Cannot hold -1 (any fixnum negative value)
Cannot hold -2^64 (any bignum negative value < smallest int64)

comment:11 Changed 5 days ago by sjamaan

Thanks! With these options I can reproduce the error.

Note that you still need to use UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1 to actually get the tests to fail (otherwise it just prints a notice and continues).

Having said all this, I'm now very much unsure whether this is even a valid bug. We rely heavily on -fwrapv to nail down signed overflow handling, and I believe that doubly applies in these cases.

After some searching, I found this gcc discussion, which points to this clang ubsanitizer PR. Even there, the folks involved are confused.

In any case, even from these discussions it's not entirely clear to me how -fwrapv and -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow are supposed to interact. From my reading, they are somewhat mutually exclusive. But there's also some nuance in how the sanitizer behaves when -fwrapv is present. The patch that eventually landed even explicitly mentions that users of -fwrapv may want to explicitly use -fno-sanitize=signed-integer-overflow to disable noisy warnings....

comment:12 Changed 5 days ago by Erica Z

We rely heavily on -fwrapv to nail down signed overflow handling, and I believe that doubly applies in these cases.

ah, that's perfectly reasonable then! i guess i was expecting the sanitizers to take -fwrapv into account in a way they actually don't... either way, i'll take this as confirmation that these specifics sanitizers can be skipped :)

comment:13 in reply to:  12 Changed 5 days ago by sjamaan

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Replying to Erica Z:

ah, that's perfectly reasonable then! i guess i was expecting the sanitizers to take -fwrapv into account in a way they actually don't... either way, i'll take this as confirmation that these specifics sanitizers can be skipped :)

Thanks for confirming. And also thanks for your patience guiding me to get this sanitizer working in the first place! I'll close this and #1846 as invalid then.

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