Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#1162 new enhancement

gethostbyname() is deprecated in favour of getaddrinfo()

Reported by: Mario Domenech Goulart Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: someday
Component: core libraries Version: 4.9.x
Keywords: gethostbyname, getaddrinfo, posix Cc:
Estimated difficulty: easy


The message by Moritz Wilhelmy is copied below:

While building the OpenSuSE package for Chicken, I discovered the following:

[  473s] RPMLINT report:
[  473s] ===============
[  482s] chicken-runtime.i586: I: binary-or-shlib-calls-gethostbyname 
[  482s] The binary calls gethostbyname(). Please port the code to use 
[  482s] 
[  482s] 5 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 0 warnings.
[  482s] 

(Full build log here:

Do you think it would be a good idea to port chicken to use getaddrinfo()
instead, not that it's top priority or anything? getaddrinfo is part of
POSIX.1-2001 so it should be present on most systems, while POSIX.1-2008
removes gethostbyname() from the specification altogether.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by sjamaan

Estimated difficulty: easy

At least, I hope this is easy (but probably quite a bit of work)

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