Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#1027 closed defect (fixed)

log5scm installation failure

Reported by: Mario Domenech Goulart Owned by: certainty
Priority: major Milestone: someday
Component: extensions Version: 4.8.x
Keywords: log5scm Cc:
Estimated difficulty:

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by certainty

Status: newaccepted

I can't reproduce that by running salmonella locally. I removed the exports that produced warnings and tagged a new version. Let's see if the problem lasts.

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Mario Domenech Goulart

Weird, I can reproduce the failure with salmonella on my system:

salmonella -- a tool for testing Chicken eggs (

Started on Sun Jan 19 11:32:42 2014
Command line: salmonella log5scm

  chicken-install: /home/mario/local/chicken-ac54afbc/bin/chicken-install
  repo-dir: /home/mario/t/salmonella-tmp-5d4ec/repo
  chicken-install-args:  -prefix /home/mario/t/salmonella-tmp-5d4ec/repo -test

Chicken banner:

(c) 2008-2013, The Chicken Team
(c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
Version 4.8.3 (rev ac54afb)
linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables ]
compiled 2014-01-01 on inpiron (Linux)

Environment variables:
  CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX: /home/mario/t/salmonella-tmp-5d4ec/repo
  CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH: /home/mario/t/salmonella-tmp-5d4ec/repo/share/chicken
  CHICKEN_C_INCLUDE_PATH: /home/mario/t/salmonella-tmp-5d4ec/repo/include/chicken
  CHICKEN_REPOSITORY: /home/mario/t/salmonella-tmp-5d4ec/repo/lib/chicken/7
  CHICKEN_HOME: (not set)
  CSC_OPTIONS: (not set)
  PATH: /home/mario/t/salmonella-tmp-5d4ec/repo/bin:/home/mario/local/chicken-ac54afbc/bin:/home/mario/bin:/home/mario/local/librep/bin:/home/mario/local/sawfish/bin/:/home/mario/local/sawfish/lib/sawfish/:/home/mario/local/chicken/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games

==== log5scm (1 of 1)====
  Fetching........................................[ ok ] 1s
  Reading .meta...................................[ ok ] 0s
  Checking dependencies...........................[ ok ] 0s
  Checking category...............................[ ok ] 0s
  Checking license................................[ ok ] 0s
  Checking author.................................[ ok ] 0s
  Installing......................................[fail] 4s
  Checking documentation..........................[ ok ] 0s


=== Summary
Total eggs: 1

==== Installation
Ok: 0
Failed: 1

==== Tests
Ok: 0
Failed: 0
No tests: 0

==== Documentation
Documented: 1
Undocumented: 0

==== Total run time

The error message I get is the same as salmonella reports.

Has the tag for the new release actually been set?

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by certainty

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

This has been fixed. I've tagged a new version that should install fine.

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