Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1450 TCP connections can cause process to hang new defect major someday
#1453 Running MinGW-produced Chicken from a MSVC-produced executable causes a stack overflow during initialization new defect major someday
#1454 process-wait does not function corrently with nohang on Windows new defect major someday
#1465 get-keyword fails to operate correctly if keywords in first and second arguments come from different environments new defect major someday
#1486 Reading and writing to a pipe set up by process can cause scheduler assertion errors new defect major 6.0.0
#1496 zlib: checksum mismatch in tests starting on 2018-08-05 new defect major someday
#1523 srf-113 0.9: test failure: unbound variable: hash-table-exists? new Jeremy Steward defect minor someday
#1524 environments 1.6.2 breaks the installation of eggs which depend on it new defect major someday
#1553 sqlite3: The PREPARE procedure does not make it clear when it has and has not parsed a statement from a string. new enhancement major someday
#1571 Sources for blowfish egg no longer available in bitbucket new rivo defect major someday
#1597 dbus 0.96: installation failure new Shawn Rutledge defect major someday
#1557 openssl load system certs assigned Jim Ursetto enhancement minor someday
#1669 9p: wrong test directory assigned sjamaan defect minor someday
#1670 address-info: wrong test directory assigned Thomas Chust defect minor someday
#1671 aes: wrong test directory assigned Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor someday
#1672 crypto-tools: wrong test directory assigned Alaric Snell-Pym defect minor someday
#1673 srfi-99: wrong test directory assigned Thomas Chust defect minor someday
#1674 tweetnacl: wrong test directory assigned Thomas Chust defect minor someday
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