Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#732 Include dates in wiki egg documentation "Version History" enhancement major 4.7.x wontfix
#452 FIXMEs in Manual's "Data representation" chapter defect major 4.6.x fixed
#525 chicken-core's README: s/If CHICKEN is build successfully/If CHICKEN is built successfully/ felix winkelmann defect minor 4.6.x fixed
#558 Update wiki documentation for vector-lib task not urgent at all 4.6.x fixed
#560 Typo on NEWS for 4.6.6 felix winkelmann defect major 4.6.x fixed
#715 Manual still mentions scrutinize declaration; this declspec is invalid in master felix winkelmann defect minor 4.7.x fixed
#857 Update NEWS file to reflect recent changes task critical 4.7.x fixed
#908 Define uninterned symbols in the manual felix winkelmann enhancement minor 4.8.x fixed
#1003 The R5RS standard refers to section numbers but it has no section numbers defect not urgent at all 4.8.x fixed
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