Opened 6 weeks ago

Last modified 6 weeks ago

#1849 new defect

http-client: with-input-from-request fails when uri-or-request is an intarweb request

Reported by: Pietro Cerutti Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: someday
Component: extensions Version: 5.3.0
Keywords: http-client Cc:
Estimated difficulty: easy


(import (chicken io) (intarweb) (http-client))
(let ((req (make-request uri: "")))
  (with-input-from-request req #f read-string))
Error: (call-with-input-request) The first argument must be either an uri-common object, an intarweb request object, or an URI string
#<procedure (f6040 p10826038 r10836039)>

        Call history:

        <syntax>          (##core#begin (with-input-from-request req #f read-string))
        simple-req.scm:3          (with-input-from-request req #f read-string)
        simple-req.scm:2          (make-request #:uri "")
        simple-req.scm:2          (make-request #:uri "")
        simple-req.scm:3          (with-input-from-request req #f read-string)
        http-client.scm:903: call-with-input-request*     
        http-client.scm:803: uri-common#uri-reference?    
        http-client.scm:805: intarweb#request?    
        http-client.scm:805: intarweb#request-uri         
        http-client.scm:807: uri-common#uri?      
        http-client.scm:810: uri-common#uri-reference?    
        http-client.scm:808: http-client-error    
        http-client.scm:344: chicken.condition#make-property-condition    
        http-client.scm:345: chicken.condition#make-property-condition    
        http-client.scm:343: chicken.condition#make-composite-condition   
        http-client.scm:343: srfi-18#raise              <--

Here, we take the request-uri out of the intarweb request. That results in a string. Two lines below, we expect it to be an uri and we fail.;a=blob;f=http-client/1.2.2/http-client.scm;h=58d045d661cdae7924afe4983f24dfb822d49dc3;hb=HEAD#l805

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 6 weeks ago by sjamaan

This is strictly speaking a user error - the intarweb request object should only have a full uri-common object for the "uri" field.

From the docs on intarweb:

The URI defines the entity to retrieve on the server, which should be a uri-common-type URI object.

I think the problem here is that the constructor doesn't do any type checking, so the error is propagated and shows up as a http-client error. I'll see if I can improve intarweb to check its arguments in the constructor. I'm not sure this can be done so easily as it's basically a simple "defstruct" structure, so it also has setters and functional update which would also have to do the checking...

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