Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#1377 closed defect (fixed)

Compiler tests hang on 32-bit mingw-msys

Reported by: evhan Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: someday
Component: compiler Version: 5.0.0
Keywords: mingw, msys, tests, compiler, windows Cc:
Estimated difficulty: medium


32-bit mingw-msys build on Windows 7 (running on MSYS2) hangs when running a.out for the compiler tests:

==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: ======================================== compiler tests ...
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: "C:/msys32/home/vagrant/chicken-core/tests/../chicken "compiler-tests.scm" -output-file "a.c" -consult-type-file ../types.db -ignore-repository -verbose -include-path C:/msys32/home/vagrant/chicken-core/tests/.."
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: Warning: (compiler-tests.scm:205) - assignment to imported value binding `foo'
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: Warning: in toplevel procedure `foo':
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386:   (compiler-tests.scm:10) in procedure call to `bar', expected 0 arguments but was given 1 argument
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: ""gcc" "a.c" -o "a.o" -c  -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -DC_ENABLE_PTABLES -Os -IC:/msys32/home/vagrant/chicken-core/tests/.. -Ic:/tmp/chicken-core/include/chicken"
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: rm a.c
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: ""gcc" "a.o" -o "a.out" -Wl,--enable-auto-import -LC:/msys32/home/vagrant/chicken-core/tests/.. -Lc:/tmp/chicken-core/lib -lchicken -lm -lws2_32"
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: rm a.o
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: 12
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: 12
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: 12
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: 12
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: 12
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: bar
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: 1 2 3
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: 1 2 3 :1:2:3
==> mingw-msys-windows-7-i386: 1 2 3

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by evhan

This may be a 32-bit platform issue, the same occurs on Solaris 11 32-bit.

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by sjamaan

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Almost certainly fixed by 5bc3b2d25768f9bd89bafa3b9dd4b85376b0c10a

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