Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#86 fixed Port SDL egg to chicken 4 Christian Kellermann

As posted to chicken-users, here is a patch that brings the sdl port to chicken4

#87 fixed http-client cookiejar sjamaan Tony Sidaway

There is currently no way to obtain a list of cookies collected during a http-client session, and no way to restore the list of cookies from a previous session.

A simple pair of procedures is all that is needed to enable callers to have something to save and restore.

(get-cookiejar) (set-cookiejar! X)

#88 fixed Port of cairo.egg to chicken4 Christian Kellermann

The attached patch ports the cairo bindings to chicken4. The test code needs the sdl port to be installed, but I did not include the sdl as needed by default as the code can use also other objects and means to draw on.

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