Custom Query (1630 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 1630)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#61 fixed Buffer overflow in file_info_2 Jim Ursetto
#;> (file-exists? (list->string (map (lambda (x) #\a) (iota 4135))))
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Patch attached. Also fixes a couple other overflows in Win32 code and adds a safety check for fmode size (which should never overflow, but...)

#62 fixed abs() argument truncated on 64-bit Jim Ursetto

Reported by Alejandro:

In Chicken 3.4.0 linux-unix-gnu-x86-64 the expression (abs 2147483648) evaluates to -2147483648 in both csi and a compiled program (negative? and positive?, however, seem to work correctly). It evaluated correctly in a 32-bits build of the same version.

Using labs() instead of abs() should fix the issue

#63 fixed create-directory with parents doesn't accept relative paths under Unix sjamaan

(create-directory "./foo" #t) => Error: (create-directory) cannot create directory - Permission denied: "/./foo"

The posixwin.scm implementation looks like it should work. The Unix implementation should be changed to match it. See the attached patch.

It'd be good to write a regression test for this, but I'm not sure how to do that cleanly (without leaving too much crap around in the FS).

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